PHP Class Horde_ActiveSync_Imap_Strategy_Modseq, horde

Author: Michael J Rubinsky ([email protected])
Inheritance: extends Horde_ActiveSync_Imap_Strategy_Base
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Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$_modseq_valid boolean Flag to indicate if the HIGHESTMODSEQ value returned in the STATUS call is to be trusted.

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( Horde_ActiveSync_Interface_ImapFactory $imap, array $status, Horde_ActiveSync_Folder_Base $folder, Horde_Log_Logger $logger ) Const'r
getChanges ( array $options ) : Horde_ActiveSync_Folder_Base Return a folder object containing all IMAP server change information.

Protected Methods

Method Description
_buildModSeqChanges ( &$changes, &$flags, &$categories, Horde_Imap_Client_Fetch_Results $fetch_ret, array $options, integer $modseq ) Populates the changes, flags, and categories arrays with data from any messages added/changed on the IMAP server since the last poll.
_searchQuery ( array $options, boolean $is_delete ) : Horde_Imap_Client_Search_Results Return message UIDs that are now within the cureent FILTERTYPE value.

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( Horde_ActiveSync_Interface_ImapFactory $imap, array $status, Horde_ActiveSync_Folder_Base $folder, Horde_Log_Logger $logger )
$imap Horde_ActiveSync_Interface_ImapFactory The IMAP factory.
$status array The IMAP status array.
$folder Horde_ActiveSync_Folder_Base The folder object.
$logger Horde_Log_Logger The logger.

_buildModSeqChanges() protected method

Populates the changes, flags, and categories arrays with data from any messages added/changed on the IMAP server since the last poll.
protected _buildModSeqChanges ( &$changes, &$flags, &$categories, Horde_Imap_Client_Fetch_Results $fetch_ret, array $options, integer $modseq )
$fetch_ret Horde_Imap_Client_Fetch_Results Fetch results.
$options array Options array.
$modseq integer Current MODSEQ.

_searchQuery() protected method

Return message UIDs that are now within the cureent FILTERTYPE value.
protected _searchQuery ( array $options, boolean $is_delete ) : Horde_Imap_Client_Search_Results
$options array Options array.
$is_delete boolean If true, return messages to SOFTDELETE.
return Horde_Imap_Client_Search_Results

getChanges() public method

Return a folder object containing all IMAP server change information.
public getChanges ( array $options ) : Horde_ActiveSync_Folder_Base
$options array An array of options. @see Horde_ActiveSync_Imap_Adapter::getMessageChanges
return Horde_ActiveSync_Folder_Base The populated folder object.

Property Details

$_modseq_valid protected_oe property

Flag to indicate if the HIGHESTMODSEQ value returned in the STATUS call is to be trusted.
protected bool $_modseq_valid
return boolean