PHP Class Horde_Kolab_Storage_List_Query_List, horde

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Public Methods

Method Description
dataByType ( string $type ) : array List basic folder data for the folders of a specific type.
folderData ( string $folder ) : array List basic folder data for the specified folder.
getDefault ( string $type ) : string | boolean Get the default folder for a certain type.
getForeignDefault ( string $owner, string $type ) : string | boolean Get the default folder for a certain type from a different owner.
getStamp ( ) : string Return the last sync stamp.
listByType ( string $type ) : array List all folders of a specific type.
listDefaults ( ) : array Return the list of default folders.
listOwners ( ) : array Get the folder owners.
listTypes ( ) : array Returns the folder types as associative array.

Method Details

dataByType() abstract public method

List basic folder data for the folders of a specific type.
abstract public dataByType ( string $type ) : array
$type string The folder type the listing should be limited to.
return array The list of folders.

folderData() abstract public method

List basic folder data for the specified folder.
abstract public folderData ( string $folder ) : array
$folder string The folder path.
return array The folder data.

getDefault() abstract public method

Get the default folder for a certain type.
abstract public getDefault ( string $type ) : string | boolean
$type string The type of the share/folder.
return string | boolean The name of the default folder, false if there is no default.

getForeignDefault() abstract public method

Get the default folder for a certain type from a different owner.
abstract public getForeignDefault ( string $owner, string $type ) : string | boolean
$owner string The folder owner.
$type string The type of the share/folder.
return string | boolean The name of the default folder, false if there is no default.

getStamp() abstract public method

Return the last sync stamp.
abstract public getStamp ( ) : string
return string The stamp.

listByType() abstract public method

List all folders of a specific type.
abstract public listByType ( string $type ) : array
$type string The folder type the listing should be limited to.
return array The list of folders.

listDefaults() abstract public method

Return the list of default folders.
abstract public listDefaults ( ) : array
return array An array with owners as keys and another array as value. The second array associates type (key) with the corresponding default folder (value).

listOwners() abstract public method

Get the folder owners.
abstract public listOwners ( ) : array
return array The folder owners with the folder names as key and the owner as values.

listTypes() abstract public method

Returns the folder types as associative array.
abstract public listTypes ( ) : array
return array The list folder types with the folder names as key and the type as values.