PHP Class Horde_Pear_Remote, horde

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ファイルを表示 Open project: horde/horde Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( string $server = '', Horde_Pear_Rest $rest = null ) Constructor
getChannel ( ) : string Return the channel.xml from the server.
getDependencies ( string $package, string $version ) : array Retrieve the dependencies for the specified package release.
getLatestDetails ( string $package, string $stability = 'stable' ) : Horde_Pear_Rest_Release | boolean Retrieve the release details for the most stable package version.
getLatestDownloadUri ( string $package, string $stability = 'stable' ) : string Retrieve the download location for the latest package release.
getLatestRelease ( string $package, string $stability = 'stable' ) : string | boolean Return the latest release for a specific package and stability.
getPackageXml ( string $package, string $version ) : Horde_Pear_Package_Xml Return the package.xml for the specified release from the server.
getReleases ( string $package ) : Horde_Pear_Rest_Releases Returns all release for a specific package.
listPackages ( ) : array Return the list of package names.
releaseExists ( string $package, string $version ) : boolean Test if the specified release exists.

Private Methods

Method Description
_getRelease ( string $package, string $version ) : Horde_Pear_Rest_Release Return the release information wrapper for a specific package version from the server.

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( string $server = '', Horde_Pear_Rest $rest = null )
$server string The server name.
$rest Horde_Pear_Rest The accessor to the PEAR server rest interface.

getChannel() public method

Return the channel.xml from the server.
public getChannel ( ) : string
return string The content of the channel.xml file.

getDependencies() public method

Retrieve the dependencies for the specified package release.
public getDependencies ( string $package, string $version ) : array
$package string The package name.
$version string The package version.
return array The package dependencies.

getLatestDetails() public method

Retrieve the release details for the most stable package version.
public getLatestDetails ( string $package, string $stability = 'stable' ) : Horde_Pear_Rest_Release | boolean
$package string The package name.
$stability string The stability of the release. Must be one of "stable", "beta", "alpha", or "devel". The default is "stable" If you explicitely set the $stability parameter to NULL the method will return the details for the highest release version independent of the stability.
return Horde_Pear_Rest_Release | boolean The details of the most stable release. Or false if no release was found.

getLatestDownloadUri() public method

Retrieve the download location for the latest package release.
public getLatestDownloadUri ( string $package, string $stability = 'stable' ) : string
$package string The package name.
$stability string The stability the release should have. Must be one of "stable", "beta", "alpha", or "devel". The default is "stable" If you explicitely set the $stability parameter to NULL the method will return the download URI for the highest release version independent of the stability.
return string The URI for downloading the release.

getLatestRelease() public method

Return the latest release for a specific package and stability.
public getLatestRelease ( string $package, string $stability = 'stable' ) : string | boolean
$package string The name of the package.
$stability string The stability of the release. Must be one of "stable", "beta", "alpha", or "devel". The default is "stable" If you explicitely set the $stability parameter to NULL the method will return the highest release version independent of the stability.
return string | boolean The latest version for this stability or false if no version with this stability level exists.

getPackageXml() public method

Return the package.xml for the specified release from the server.
public getPackageXml ( string $package, string $version ) : Horde_Pear_Package_Xml
$package string The name of the package.
$version string The version of the release.
return Horde_Pear_Package_Xml The package.xml handler.

getReleases() public method

Returns all release for a specific package.
public getReleases ( string $package ) : Horde_Pear_Rest_Releases
$package string The name of the package.
return Horde_Pear_Rest_Releases A list of releases.

listPackages() public method

Return the list of package names.
public listPackages ( ) : array
return array The package names.

releaseExists() public method

Test if the specified release exists.
public releaseExists ( string $package, string $version ) : boolean
$package string The name of the package.
$version string The version of the release.
return boolean True if the release exists.