PHP Class Ingo_Api, horde

This file defines Ingo's external API interface. Other applications can interact with Ingo through this API.
Inheritance: extends Horde_Registry_Api
ファイルを表示 Open project: horde/horde

Public Methods

Method Description
applyFilters ( array $params = [] ) Perform the filtering specified in the rules.
blacklistFrom ( string $addresses ) Add addresses to the blacklist.
canApplyFilters ( ) : boolean Can this driver perform on-demand filtering?
disableVacation ( ) Disable vacation
disabled ( )
getVacation ( ) : array Return the vacation message properties.
links ( )
listTimeObjectCategories ( ) : array Retrieves a list of available time objects categories.
listTimeObjects ( array $time_categories, mixed $start, mixed $end ) : array Lists vacation rules as timeobject.
setVacation ( array $info, boolean $enable = true ) Set vacation
whitelistFrom ( string $addresses ) Add addresses to the whitelist.

Method Details

applyFilters() public method

Perform the filtering specified in the rules.
public applyFilters ( array $params = [] )
$params array The parameter array: - filter_seen - mailbox (UTF-8) - show_filter_msg

blacklistFrom() public method

Add addresses to the blacklist.
public blacklistFrom ( string $addresses )
$addresses string The addresses to add to the blacklist.

canApplyFilters() public method

Can this driver perform on-demand filtering?
public canApplyFilters ( ) : boolean
return boolean True if perform() is available, false if not.

disableVacation() public method

Disable vacation
public disableVacation ( )

disabled() public method

public disabled ( )

getVacation() public method

Return the vacation message properties.
public getVacation ( ) : array
return array The property hash

listTimeObjectCategories() public method

Retrieves a list of available time objects categories.
public listTimeObjectCategories ( ) : array
return array An array of all configured time object categories.

listTimeObjects() public method

Lists vacation rules as timeobject.
public listTimeObjects ( array $time_categories, mixed $start, mixed $end ) : array
$time_categories array The time categories (from listTimeObjectCategories) to list.
$start mixed The start date of the period.
$end mixed The end date of the period.
return array An array of timeObject results.

setVacation() public method

Set vacation
public setVacation ( array $info, boolean $enable = true )
$info array Vacation details. - addresses: (mixed) Address list to enable vacation for. - days: (integer) Number of days between vacation replies. - excludes: (mixed) Address list to exclude from vacation replies. - ignorelist: (boolean) If set, ignore mailing lists. - reason: (string) Vacation message. - subject: (string) Vacation email subject. - start: (integer) Timestamp of vacation starttime. - end: (integer) Timestamp of vacation endtime.
$enable boolean Enable the filter?

whitelistFrom() public method

Add addresses to the whitelist.
public whitelistFrom ( string $addresses )
$addresses string The addresses to add to the whitelist.