PHP Class Kirki_Settings, kirki

ファイルを表示 Open project: aristath/kirki

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$setting_types array The setting-stypes we're using.
$wp_customize WP_Customize_Manager TYhe global $wp_customize object.

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( array $args = [] ) Creates a new Kirki_Settings object.

Private Methods

Method Description
add_setting ( string $classname, string $setting, string | array $default, string $type, string $capability, string $transport, string | array $sanitize_callback ) This is where we're finally adding the setting to the Customizer.
add_settings ( array $args = [] ) Adds the settings for this field.
set_setting_types ( ) Sets the $this->setting_types property.

Method Details

__construct() public method

Class constructor.
public __construct ( array $args = [] )
$args array The field definition as sanitized in Kirki_Field.

Property Details

$setting_types protected_oe property

The setting-stypes we're using.
protected array $setting_types
return array

$wp_customize protected_oe property

TYhe global $wp_customize object.
protected WP_Customize_Manager $wp_customize
return WP_Customize_Manager