PHP Class Kronolith_Application, horde

Inheritance: extends Horde_Registry_Application
ファイルを表示 Open project: horde/horde

Public Properties

Property Type Description

Public Methods

Method Description
cleanupData ( )
davDeleteObject ( $collection, $object )
davGetCollections ( $user )
davGetObject ( $collection, $object )
davGetObjects ( $collection )
davPutObject ( string $collection, string $object, string $data ) Add or update an event from DAV
download ( Horde_Variables $vars )
hasPermission ( $permission, $allowed, $opts = [] )
listAlarms ( $time, $user = null )
menu ( $menu )
perms ( )
removeUserData ( $user )
sidebar ( Horde_View_Sidebar $sidebar ) Adds additional items to the sidebar.
topbarCreate ( Horde_Tree_Renderer_Base $tree, $parent = null, array $params = [] )

Protected Methods

Method Description
_init ( ) Global variables defined: - $kronolith_shares: TODO

Method Details

_init() protected method

Global variables defined: - $kronolith_shares: TODO
protected _init ( )

cleanupData() public method

public cleanupData ( )

davDeleteObject() public method

public davDeleteObject ( $collection, $object )

davGetCollections() public method

public davGetCollections ( $user )

davGetObject() public method

public davGetObject ( $collection, $object )

davGetObjects() public method

public davGetObjects ( $collection )

davPutObject() public method

Add or update an event from DAV
public davPutObject ( string $collection, string $object, string $data )
$collection string An external collection ID.
$object string An external object ID.
$data string Icalendar data

download() public method

public download ( Horde_Variables $vars )
$vars Horde_Variables

hasPermission() public method

public hasPermission ( $permission, $allowed, $opts = [] )

listAlarms() public method

public listAlarms ( $time, $user = null )

menu() public method

public menu ( $menu )

perms() public method

public perms ( )

removeUserData() public method

public removeUserData ( $user )

sidebar() public method

This is for the traditional view. For the dynamic view, see Kronolith_View_Sidebar.
public sidebar ( Horde_View_Sidebar $sidebar )
$sidebar Horde_View_Sidebar The sidebar object.

topbarCreate() public method

public topbarCreate ( Horde_Tree_Renderer_Base $tree, $parent = null, array $params = [] )
$tree Horde_Tree_Renderer_Base
$params array

Property Details

$features public_oe property

public $features

$version public_oe property

public $version