PHP Class PHPUnit_Extensions_Database_DB_MetaData, qcodo

Author: Mike Lively ([email protected])
Inheritance: implements PHPUnit_Extensions_Database_DB_IMetaData
ファイルを表示 Open project: qcodo/qcodo Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$pdo PDO The PDO connection used to retreive database meta data
$schema string The default schema name for the meta data object.
$schemaObjectQuoteChar The character used to quote schema objects.
$truncateCommand The command used to perform a TRUNCATE operation.

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( PDO $pdo, string $schema = '' ) Creates a new database meta data object using the given pdo connection and schema name.
allowsCascading ( ) : boolean Returns true if the rdbms allows cascading
createMetaData ( PDO $pdo, string $schema = '' ) : PHPUnit_Extensions_Database_DB_MetaData Creates a meta data object based on the driver of given $pdo object and $schema name.
getSchema ( ) : string Returns the schema for the connection.
getTruncateCommand ( ) : string Returns the command for the database to truncate a table.
quoteSchemaObject ( string $object ) : string Returns a quoted schema object. (table name, column name, etc)
registerClassWithDriver ( string $className, string $pdoDriver ) : ReflectionClass Validates and registers the given $className with the given $pdoDriver.
splitTableName ( string $fullTableName ) : array Seperates the schema and the table from a fully qualified table name.

Method Details

__construct() final public method

Creates a new database meta data object using the given pdo connection and schema name.
final public __construct ( PDO $pdo, string $schema = '' )
$pdo PDO
$schema string

allowsCascading() public method

Returns true if the rdbms allows cascading
public allowsCascading ( ) : boolean
return boolean

createMetaData() public static method

Creates a meta data object based on the driver of given $pdo object and $schema name.
public static createMetaData ( PDO $pdo, string $schema = '' ) : PHPUnit_Extensions_Database_DB_MetaData
$pdo PDO
$schema string
return PHPUnit_Extensions_Database_DB_MetaData

getSchema() public method

Returns the schema for the connection.
public getSchema ( ) : string
return string

getTruncateCommand() public method

Returns the command for the database to truncate a table.
public getTruncateCommand ( ) : string
return string

quoteSchemaObject() public method

Returns a quoted schema object. (table name, column name, etc)
public quoteSchemaObject ( string $object ) : string
$object string
return string

registerClassWithDriver() public static method

It should be noted that this function will not attempt to include / require the file. The $pdoDriver can be determined by the value of the PDO::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME attribute for a pdo object. A reflection of the $className is returned.
public static registerClassWithDriver ( string $className, string $pdoDriver ) : ReflectionClass
$className string
$pdoDriver string
return ReflectionClass

splitTableName() public method

Returns an associative array containing the 'schema' and the 'table'.
public splitTableName ( string $fullTableName ) : array
$fullTableName string
return array

Property Details

$metaDataClassMap protected_oe static_oe property

protected static $metaDataClassMap

$pdo protected_oe property

The PDO connection used to retreive database meta data
protected PDO $pdo
return PDO

$schema protected_oe property

The default schema name for the meta data object.
protected string $schema
return string

$schemaObjectQuoteChar protected_oe property

The character used to quote schema objects.
protected $schemaObjectQuoteChar

$truncateCommand protected_oe property

The command used to perform a TRUNCATE operation.
protected $truncateCommand