PHP Class Practice

ファイルを表示 Open project: openeyes/openeyes Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description

Public Methods

Method Description
attributeLabels ( ) : array
behaviors ( )
delete ( ) : boolean Extend parent behaviour to enforce a transaction so that we don't lose commissioning body assignments if the delete fails part way through.
getCommissioningBodyOfType ( CommissioningBodyType $type ) : CommissioningBody get the CommissioningBody of the CommissioningBodyType $type currently assumes there would only ever be one commissioning body of a given type.
getCorrespondenceName ( )
getSalutationName ( )
model ( $className = __CLASS__ ) : Practice Returns the static model of the specified AR class.
noPas ( ) : Practice Suppress PAS integration.
relations ( ) : array
rules ( ) : array
search ( ) : CActiveDataProvider Retrieves a list of models based on the current search/filter conditions.
tableName ( ) : string

Protected Methods

Method Description
afterFind ( ) Raise event to allow external data sources to update practice.
beforeDelete ( ) : boolean Delete commissioning body assignments for referential integrity Note if patients are assigned to the practice, there will still be a referential integrity error and the delete will fail.
instantiate ( $attributes ) Pass through use_pas flag to allow pas supression.

Method Details

afterFind() protected method

Raise event to allow external data sources to update practice.
See also: CActiveRecord::afterFind()
protected afterFind ( )

attributeLabels() public method

public attributeLabels ( ) : array
return array customized attribute labels (name=>label)

beforeDelete() protected method

Delete commissioning body assignments for referential integrity Note if patients are assigned to the practice, there will still be a referential integrity error and the delete will fail.
protected beforeDelete ( ) : boolean
return boolean

behaviors() public method

public behaviors ( )

delete() public method

Extend parent behaviour to enforce a transaction so that we don't lose commissioning body assignments if the delete fails part way through.
public delete ( ) : boolean
return boolean

getCommissioningBodyOfType() public method

get the CommissioningBody of the CommissioningBodyType $type currently assumes there would only ever be one commissioning body of a given type.
public getCommissioningBodyOfType ( CommissioningBodyType $type ) : CommissioningBody
$type CommissioningBodyType
return CommissioningBody

getCorrespondenceName() public method

getSalutationName() public method

public getSalutationName ( )

instantiate() protected method

Pass through use_pas flag to allow pas supression.
See also: CActiveRecord::instantiate()
protected instantiate ( $attributes )

model() public static method

Returns the static model of the specified AR class.
public static model ( $className = __CLASS__ ) : Practice
return Practice the static model class

noPas() public method

Suppress PAS integration.
public noPas ( ) : Practice
return Practice

relations() public method

public relations ( ) : array
return array relational rules.

rules() public method

public rules ( ) : array
return array validation rules for model attributes.

tableName() public method

public tableName ( ) : string
return string the associated database table name

Property Details

$use_pas public_oe property

public $use_pas