PHP Class QFormBase, qcodo

Inheritance: extends QBaseClass
ファイルを表示 Open project: qcodo/qcodo Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description

Protected Properties

Property Type Description

Public Methods

Method Description
AddControl ( QControl $objControl )
AddGrouping ( QControlGrouping $objGrouping )
CallDataBinder ( $strMethodName, QPaginatedControl $objPaginatedControl, $objParentControl = null )
ClearPollingProcessor ( ) : void Stops polling of polling processor
ClearUrlHashProcessor ( ) : void Stops polling of URL hash processor
EvaluateTemplate ( $strTemplate )
GenerateControlId ( )
GetAllControls ( )
GetAllGroupings ( )
GetChildControls ( $objParentObject )
GetControl ( $strControlId )
GetCustomAttribute ( string $strName ) : string Looks up the custom attribute by name, returning NULL if not set
GetErrorControls ( boolean $blnErrorsOnly = false ) : QControl[] Will return an array of QControls from the form which have either an error or warning message.
GetErrorMessages ( boolean $blnErrorsOnly = false ) : string[] Will return an array of Strings which will show all the error and warning messages in all the controls in the form.
GetGrouping ( $strGroupingId )
IsCheckableControlRendered ( $strControlId )
IsPollingActive ( ) : boolean Returns whether or not Polling is currently active
IsPostBack ( ) : boolean Returns whether or not this Form is being run due to a PostBack event (e.g. a ServerAction or AjaxAction)
PersistControl ( $objControl )
PrepForVarExport ( )
RemoveControl ( $strControlId )
RemoveGrouping ( $strGroupingId )
Run ( $strFormId, $strAlternateHtmlFile = null )
Serialize ( QForm $objForm ) : string
SetCustomAttribute ( string $strName, string $strValue ) : void Allows you to set or clear custom attributes on the
tag, itself, e.g. things like autocomplete=false, etc.
SetPollingProcessor ( string $strMethodName, object $objParentControl = null, integer $intPollingInterval = 2500 ) : void Adds polling to the QForm
SetUrlHashProcessor ( string $strMethodName, Object $objParentControl = null, integer $intUrlHashPollingInterval = 250 ) : void If the QForm should process the URL hash value after initial rendering, set the PHP method name (and parent object) to be called to process the hash on initial load. Method specified should be an Event Handler, where the $strParameter passed in will be the value of the hash value (if any). If no parent object is specified, this QForm will be assumed.
TriggerMethod ( $strId, $strMethodName )
Unserialize ( $strPostDataState ) : Form
__get ( $strName )
__set ( $strName, $mixValue )

Protected Methods

Method Description
Form_Create ( )
Form_Exit ( )
Form_Load ( )
Form_PreRender ( )
Form_Run ( )
Form_Validate ( )
Polling_Process ( $strFormId, $strControlId, $strParameter )
ProcessJavaScriptList ( string $strJavaScriptFileList ) : string[] Primarily used by RenderBegin and by RenderAjax Given a comma-delimited list of javascript files, this will return an array of file that NEED to still be included because (1) it hasn't yet been included and (2) it hasn't been specified to be "ignored".
ProcessStyleSheetList ( string $strStyleSheetFileList ) : string[] Primarily used by RenderBegin and by RenderAjax Given a comma-delimited list of stylesheet files, this will return an array of file that NEED to still be included because (1) it hasn't yet been included and (2) it hasn't been specified to be "ignored".
Render ( )
RenderAjax ( )
RenderAjaxHelper ( $objControl )
RenderBegin ( $blnDisplayOutput = true )
RenderChildren ( $blnDisplayOutput = true )
RenderEnd ( $blnDisplayOutput = true )
TriggerActions ( $strControlIdOverride = null )
UrlHashProxy_Process ( $strFormId, $strControlId, $strParameter )
ValidateControlAndChildren ( QControl $objControl )
__construct ( ) This exists to prevent inadverant "New"

Method Details

AddControl() public method

public AddControl ( QControl $objControl )
$objControl QControl

AddGrouping() public method

public AddGrouping ( QControlGrouping $objGrouping )
$objGrouping QControlGrouping

CallDataBinder() public method

public CallDataBinder ( $strMethodName, QPaginatedControl $objPaginatedControl, $objParentControl = null )
$objPaginatedControl QPaginatedControl

ClearPollingProcessor() public method

Stops polling of polling processor
public ClearPollingProcessor ( ) : void
return void

ClearUrlHashProcessor() public method

Stops polling of URL hash processor
public ClearUrlHashProcessor ( ) : void
return void

EvaluateTemplate() public method

public EvaluateTemplate ( $strTemplate )

Form_Create() protected method

protected Form_Create ( )

Form_Exit() protected method

protected Form_Exit ( )

Form_Load() protected method

protected Form_Load ( )

Form_PreRender() protected method

protected Form_PreRender ( )

Form_Run() protected method

protected Form_Run ( )

Form_Validate() protected method

protected Form_Validate ( )

GenerateControlId() public method

public GenerateControlId ( )

GetAllControls() public method

public GetAllControls ( )

GetAllGroupings() public method

public GetAllGroupings ( )

GetChildControls() public method

public GetChildControls ( $objParentObject )

GetControl() public method

public GetControl ( $strControlId )

GetCustomAttribute() public method

Looks up the custom attribute by name, returning NULL if not set
public GetCustomAttribute ( string $strName ) : string
$strName string
return string

GetErrorControls() public method

Will return an array of QControls from the form which have either an error or warning message.
public GetErrorControls ( boolean $blnErrorsOnly = false ) : QControl[]
$blnErrorsOnly boolean Return controls that have just errors (otherwise, show both warnings and errors)
return QControl[] an array of controls representing the (multiple) errors and warnings

GetErrorMessages() public method

Will return an array of Strings which will show all the error and warning messages in all the controls in the form.
public GetErrorMessages ( boolean $blnErrorsOnly = false ) : string[]
$blnErrorsOnly boolean Show only the errors (otherwise, show both warnings and errors)
return string[] an array of strings representing the (multiple) errors and warnings

GetGrouping() public method

public GetGrouping ( $strGroupingId )

IsCheckableControlRendered() public method

public IsCheckableControlRendered ( $strControlId )

IsPollingActive() public method

Returns whether or not Polling is currently active
public IsPollingActive ( ) : boolean
return boolean

IsPostBack() public method

Returns whether or not this Form is being run due to a PostBack event (e.g. a ServerAction or AjaxAction)
public IsPostBack ( ) : boolean
return boolean

PersistControl() public method

public PersistControl ( $objControl )

Polling_Process() protected method

protected Polling_Process ( $strFormId, $strControlId, $strParameter )

PrepForVarExport() public method

public PrepForVarExport ( )

ProcessJavaScriptList() protected method

This WILL update the internal $strIncludedJavaScriptFileArray array.
protected ProcessJavaScriptList ( string $strJavaScriptFileList ) : string[]
$strJavaScriptFileList string
return string[] array of script files to include or NULL if none

ProcessStyleSheetList() protected method

This WILL update the internal $strIncludedStyleSheetFileArray array.
protected ProcessStyleSheetList ( string $strStyleSheetFileList ) : string[]
$strStyleSheetFileList string
return string[] array of stylesheet files to include or NULL if none

RemoveControl() public method

public RemoveControl ( $strControlId )

RemoveGrouping() public method

public RemoveGrouping ( $strGroupingId )

Render() protected method

protected Render ( )

RenderAjax() protected method

protected RenderAjax ( )

RenderAjaxHelper() protected method

protected RenderAjaxHelper ( $objControl )

RenderBegin() protected method

protected RenderBegin ( $blnDisplayOutput = true )

RenderChildren() protected method

protected RenderChildren ( $blnDisplayOutput = true )

RenderEnd() protected method

protected RenderEnd ( $blnDisplayOutput = true )

Run() public static method

public static Run ( $strFormId, $strAlternateHtmlFile = null )

Serialize() public static method

public static Serialize ( QForm $objForm ) : string
$objForm QForm
return string the Serialized Form

SetCustomAttribute() public method

Allows you to set or clear custom attributes on the tag, itself, e.g. things like autocomplete=false, etc.
public SetCustomAttribute ( string $strName, string $strValue ) : void
$strName string the name of the attribute
$strValue string the value of the attribute, or NULL if you no longer want the attribute
return void

SetPollingProcessor() public method

Adds polling to the QForm
public SetPollingProcessor ( string $strMethodName, object $objParentControl = null, integer $intPollingInterval = 2500 ) : void
$strMethodName string name of the event handling method to be called
$objParentControl object optional object that contains the method (uses the QForm if none is specified)
$intPollingInterval integer the interval (in ms) the polling will occur (optional, default is 2500ms)
return void

SetUrlHashProcessor() public method

If the QForm should process the URL hash value after initial rendering, set the PHP method name (and parent object) to be called to process the hash on initial load. Method specified should be an Event Handler, where the $strParameter passed in will be the value of the hash value (if any). If no parent object is specified, this QForm will be assumed.
public SetUrlHashProcessor ( string $strMethodName, Object $objParentControl = null, integer $intUrlHashPollingInterval = 250 ) : void
$strMethodName string name of the event handling method to be called
$objParentControl Object optional object that contains the method
$intUrlHashPollingInterval integer the interval (in ms) on how often the URL is reprocessed (optional, default is 250ms)
return void

TriggerActions() protected method

protected TriggerActions ( $strControlIdOverride = null )

TriggerMethod() public method

public TriggerMethod ( $strId, $strMethodName )

Unserialize() public static method

public static Unserialize ( $strPostDataState ) : Form
return Form the Form object

UrlHashProxy_Process() protected method

protected UrlHashProxy_Process ( $strFormId, $strControlId, $strParameter )

ValidateControlAndChildren() protected method

protected ValidateControlAndChildren ( QControl $objControl )
$objControl QControl

__construct() protected method

This exists to prevent inadverant "New"
protected __construct ( )

__get() public method

public __get ( $strName )

__set() public method

public __set ( $strName, $mixValue )

Property Details

$EncryptionKey public_oe static_oe property

public static $EncryptionKey

$FormStateHandler public_oe static_oe property

public static $FormStateHandler

$blnRenderedBodyTag protected_oe property

protected $blnRenderedBodyTag

$blnRenderedCheckableControlArray protected_oe property

protected $blnRenderedCheckableControlArray

$intFormStatus protected_oe property

protected $intFormStatus

$intNextControlId protected_oe property

protected $intNextControlId

$objControlArray protected_oe property

protected $objControlArray

$objDefaultWaitIcon protected_oe property

protected $objDefaultWaitIcon

$objGroupingArray protected_oe property

protected $objGroupingArray

$objPersistentControlArray protected_oe property

protected $objPersistentControlArray

$strCallType protected_oe property

protected $strCallType

$strCssClass protected_oe property

protected $strCssClass

$strFormAttributeArray protected_oe property

protected $strFormAttributeArray

$strFormId protected_oe property

protected $strFormId

$strHtmlIncludeFilePath protected_oe property

protected $strHtmlIncludeFilePath

$strIgnoreJavaScriptFileArray protected_oe property

protected $strIgnoreJavaScriptFileArray

$strIgnoreStyleSheetFileArray protected_oe property

protected $strIgnoreStyleSheetFileArray

$strIncludedJavaScriptFileArray protected_oe property

protected $strIncludedJavaScriptFileArray

$strIncludedStyleSheetFileArray protected_oe property

protected $strIncludedStyleSheetFileArray

$strPreviousRequestMode protected_oe property

protected $strPreviousRequestMode

$strUrlHash protected_oe property

protected $strUrlHash