PHP Class RecessToolsAppsController, recess

Inheritance: extends Controller
ファイルを表示 Open project: KrisJordan/recess

Public Methods

Method Description
analyzeModelName ( $modelName ) !Route GET, model/gen/analyzeModelName/$modelName
app ( $appClass ) !Route GET, $appClass
createController ( $app ) !Route GET, $app/controller/gen
createModel ( $app ) !Route GET, app/$app/model/gen
generateModel ( $app ) !Route POST, app/$app/model/gen
generateScaffolding ( $app, $model ) !Route GET, $app/model/$model/scaffolding
getTableProps ( $sourceName, $tableName ) !Route GET, model/gen/getTableProps/$sourceName/$tableName
getTables ( $sourceName ) !Route GET, model/gen/getTables/$sourceName
home ( ) !Route GET
init ( )
newApp ( ) !Route GET, new
newAppPost ( ) !Route POST, new
newAppStep2 ( ) !Route POST, new/step2
uninstall ( $appClass ) !Route GET, uninstall/$appClass

Protected Methods

Method Description
fillTemplate ( $template, $values )
getTemplate ( $templateFile )

Private Methods

Method Description
generateApp ( )
getApplication ( $appClass )
getNewAppForm ( $fillValues = [] )
getNewAppStep2Form ( $fillValues = [] )
tryCopyDirectory ( $src, $dst ) Copy all files and directories (recursive) to another directory
tryCreatingDirectory ( $path, $name )
tryGeneratingFile ( $name, $template, $outputFile, $values, $allowSlashes = false )

Method Details

analyzeModelName() public method

!Route GET, model/gen/analyzeModelName/$modelName
public analyzeModelName ( $modelName )

app() public method

!Route GET, $appClass
public app ( $appClass )

createController() public method

!Route GET, $app/controller/gen
public createController ( $app )

createModel() public method

!Route GET, app/$app/model/gen
public createModel ( $app )

fillTemplate() protected method

protected fillTemplate ( $template, $values )

generateModel() public method

!Route POST, app/$app/model/gen
public generateModel ( $app )

generateScaffolding() public method

!Route GET, $app/model/$model/scaffolding
public generateScaffolding ( $app, $model )

getTableProps() public method

!Route GET, model/gen/getTableProps/$sourceName/$tableName
public getTableProps ( $sourceName, $tableName )

getTables() public method

!Route GET, model/gen/getTables/$sourceName
public getTables ( $sourceName )

getTemplate() protected method

protected getTemplate ( $templateFile )

home() public method

!Route GET
public home ( )

init() public method

public init ( )

newApp() public method

!Route GET, new
public newApp ( )

newAppPost() public method

!Route POST, new
public newAppPost ( )

newAppStep2() public method

!Route POST, new/step2
public newAppStep2 ( )

uninstall() public method

!Route GET, uninstall/$appClass
public uninstall ( $appClass )