PHP Class Scalr_UI_Controller_Servers

Inheritance: extends Scalr_UI_Controller
ファイルを表示 Open project: scalr/scalr

Public Methods

Method Description
consoleOutputAction ( )
createSnapshotAction ( string $serverId )
dashboardAction ( )
defaultAction ( )
downloadScalarizrDebugLogAction ( )
getList ( array $status = [] )
getServerEntity ( string $serverId ) : Server Check if given server exists, is allowed for current environment and has farm, farmRole, role
getServerStatus ( DBServer $dbServer, boolean $cached = true, integer $timeout ) : array | null
getSshConsoleSettingsAction ( string $serverId )
messagesAction ( )
sshConsoleAction ( string $serverId )
viewAction ( )
xChangeInstanceTypeAction ( string $serverId, string $instanceType ) xChangeInstanceType Resizes Ec2 instance
xEnableEnhancedNetworkingAction ( string $serverId ) Enables enhanced networking for specified server
xGetEnhancedNetworkingStatusAction ( string $serverId ) Gets info about enhanced network availability for specified server
xGetHealthDetailsAction ( )
xGetServerRealStatusAction ( string $serverId, integer $timeout = 30 )
xGetStorageDetailsAction ( )
xGetWindowsPasswordAction ( string $serverId ) Retrieve password for a Windows machine
xListMessagesAction ( string $serverId )
xListServersAction ( string $cloudServerId = null, string $cloudServerLocation = null, string $hostname = null, integer $farmId = null, integer $farmRoleId = null, integer $roleId = null, string $serverId = null, string $imageId = null, boolean $showTerminated = null, string $uptime = null ) Get list of servers
xListServersUpdateAction ( JsonData $servers = null ) Update server's information
xLockAction ( )
xResendMessageAction ( )
xResumeServersAction ( )
xServerCancelAction ( )
xServerCancelOperationAction ( )
xServerCreateSnapshotAction ( string $serverId, string $name = '', string $description = '', boolean $createRole = false, string $scope = '', string $replaceRole = '', boolean $replaceImage = false, integer $rootVolumeSize, string $rootVolumeType = '', integer $rootVolumeIops )
xServerDeleteAction ( $serverId )
xServerExcludeFromDnsAction ( )
xServerGetLaAction ( string $serverId ) Returns server's LA
xServerIncludeInDnsAction ( )
xServerRebootServersAction ( JsonData $servers, string $type = 'hard' ) Reboots servers with given ids
xServerTerminateServersAction ( )
xSuspendServersAction ( )
xSzrRestartAction ( )
xSzrUpdateAction ( )

Private Methods

Method Description
getSshConsoleSettings ( $dbServer )
hasDatabaseBehavior ( array $behaviors ) : boolean Check if at least one of given behaviors is database one
listServersResponseHelper ( array &$response ) Helper for the server lister
propertyFilter ( array $array, string $value ) : array

Method Details

consoleOutputAction() public method

public consoleOutputAction ( )

createSnapshotAction() public method

public createSnapshotAction ( string $serverId )
$serverId string

dashboardAction() public method

public dashboardAction ( )

defaultAction() public method

public defaultAction ( )

downloadScalarizrDebugLogAction() public method

getList() public method

public getList ( array $status = [] )
$status array

getServerEntity() public method

Check if given server exists, is allowed for current environment and has farm, farmRole, role
public getServerEntity ( string $serverId ) : Server
$serverId string
return Scalr\Model\Entity\Server

getServerStatus() public method

public getServerStatus ( DBServer $dbServer, boolean $cached = true, integer $timeout ) : array | null
$dbServer DBServer
$cached boolean check only cached information
$timeout integer
return array | null

getSshConsoleSettingsAction() public method

public getSshConsoleSettingsAction ( string $serverId )
$serverId string

messagesAction() public method

public messagesAction ( )

sshConsoleAction() public method

public sshConsoleAction ( string $serverId )
$serverId string

viewAction() public method

public viewAction ( )

xChangeInstanceTypeAction() public method

xChangeInstanceType Resizes Ec2 instance
public xChangeInstanceTypeAction ( string $serverId, string $instanceType )
$serverId string
$instanceType string

xEnableEnhancedNetworkingAction() public method

Enables enhanced networking for specified server
public xEnableEnhancedNetworkingAction ( string $serverId )
$serverId string

xGetEnhancedNetworkingStatusAction() public method

Gets info about enhanced network availability for specified server
public xGetEnhancedNetworkingStatusAction ( string $serverId )
$serverId string

xGetHealthDetailsAction() public method

xGetServerRealStatusAction() public method

public xGetServerRealStatusAction ( string $serverId, integer $timeout = 30 )
$serverId string
$timeout integer

xGetStorageDetailsAction() public method

xGetWindowsPasswordAction() public method

Retrieve password for a Windows machine
public xGetWindowsPasswordAction ( string $serverId )
$serverId string

xListMessagesAction() public method

public xListMessagesAction ( string $serverId )
$serverId string

xListServersAction() public method

Get list of servers
public xListServersAction ( string $cloudServerId = null, string $cloudServerLocation = null, string $hostname = null, integer $farmId = null, integer $farmRoleId = null, integer $roleId = null, string $serverId = null, string $imageId = null, boolean $showTerminated = null, string $uptime = null )
$cloudServerId string optional Cloud server ID
$cloudServerLocation string optional Cloud server location
$hostname string optional Hostname
$farmId integer optional Farm ID
$farmRoleId integer optional Farm role ID
$roleId integer optional Role ID
$serverId string optional Server ID
$imageId string optional Image ID
$showTerminated boolean optional Whether to show terminated servers as well
$uptime string optional Uptime

xListServersUpdateAction() public method

Update server's information
public xListServersUpdateAction ( JsonData $servers = null )
$servers Scalr\UI\Request\JsonData optional List of servers to check against

xLockAction() public method

public xLockAction ( )

xResendMessageAction() public method

xResumeServersAction() public method

xServerCancelAction() public method

public xServerCancelAction ( )

xServerCancelOperationAction() public method

xServerCreateSnapshotAction() public method

public xServerCreateSnapshotAction ( string $serverId, string $name = '', string $description = '', boolean $createRole = false, string $scope = '', string $replaceRole = '', boolean $replaceImage = false, integer $rootVolumeSize, string $rootVolumeType = '', integer $rootVolumeIops )
$serverId string
$name string
$description string
$createRole boolean
$scope string
$replaceRole string
$replaceImage boolean
$rootVolumeSize integer
$rootVolumeType string
$rootVolumeIops integer

xServerDeleteAction() public method

public xServerDeleteAction ( $serverId )

xServerExcludeFromDnsAction() public method

xServerGetLaAction() public method

Returns server's LA
public xServerGetLaAction ( string $serverId )
$serverId string

xServerIncludeInDnsAction() public method

xServerRebootServersAction() public method

Reboots servers with given ids
public xServerRebootServersAction ( JsonData $servers, string $type = 'hard' )
$servers Scalr\UI\Request\JsonData
$type string

xServerTerminateServersAction() public method

xSuspendServersAction() public method

xSzrRestartAction() public method

public xSzrRestartAction ( )

xSzrUpdateAction() public method

public xSzrUpdateAction ( )