PHP Class SimpleSAML_Store, simplesamlphp

ファイルを表示 Open project: simplesamlphp/simplesamlphp Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
delete ( string $type, string $key ) Delete a value from the data store.
get ( string $type, string $key ) : mixed | null Retrieve a value from the data store.
getInstance ( ) : SimpleSAML_Store | false Retrieve our singleton instance.
set ( string $type, string $key, mixed $value, integer | null $expire = null ) Save a value to the data store.

Method Details

delete() abstract public method

Delete a value from the data store.
abstract public delete ( string $type, string $key )
$type string The data type.
$key string The key.

get() abstract public method

Retrieve a value from the data store.
abstract public get ( string $type, string $key ) : mixed | null
$type string The data type.
$key string The key.
return mixed | null The value.

getInstance() public static method

Retrieve our singleton instance.
public static getInstance ( ) : SimpleSAML_Store | false
return SimpleSAML_Store | false The data store, or false if it isn't enabled.

set() abstract public method

Save a value to the data store.
abstract public set ( string $type, string $key, mixed $value, integer | null $expire = null )
$type string The data type.
$key string The key.
$value mixed The value.
$expire integer | null The expiration time (unix timestamp), or null if it never expires.