PHP Class TbCollapse

See also:
Inheritance: extends CWidget
ファイルを表示 Open project: yinhe/yincart Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
$events the Javascript event handlers.
$htmlOptions the HTML attributes for the widget container.
$options the options for the Bootstrap Javascript plugin.
$parent the CSS selector for element to collapse. Defaults to 'false'.
$tagName the name of the collapse element. Defaults to 'div'.
$toggle indicates whether to toggle the collapsible element on invocation.

Public Methods

Method Description
getNextContainerId ( ) : string ### .getNextContainerId()
init ( ) ### .init()
run ( ) ### .run()

Method Details

getNextContainerId() public static method

Returns the next collapse container ID.
public static getNextContainerId ( ) : string
return string the id

init() public method

Initializes the widget.
public init ( )

run() public method

Runs the widget.
public run ( )

Property Details

$events public_oe property

the Javascript event handlers.
public $events

$htmlOptions public_oe property

the HTML attributes for the widget container.
public $htmlOptions

$options public_oe property

the options for the Bootstrap Javascript plugin.
public $options

$parent public_oe property

the CSS selector for element to collapse. Defaults to 'false'.
public $parent

$tagName public_oe property

the name of the collapse element. Defaults to 'div'.
public $tagName

$toggle public_oe property

indicates whether to toggle the collapsible element on invocation.
public $toggle