PHP Class packageDoc

Inheritance: extends Doc
ファイルを表示 Open project: peej/phpdoctor

Public Properties

Property Type Description
$_classes classDoc[] The classes in this package
$_functions methodDoc[] The functions in this package
$_globals fieldDoc[] The globals in this package

Public Methods

Method Description
addClass ( &$class ) Add a class to this package.
addFunction ( &$function ) Add a function to this package.
addGlobal ( &$global ) Add a global to this package.
allClasses ( ) : ClassDoc[] Get all included classes (including exceptions and interfaces).
asPath ( ) : str Return the package path.
depth ( ) : integer Calculate the depth of this package from the root.
exceptions ( ) : ClassDoc[] Get exceptions in this package.
findClass ( $className ) : ClassDoc Lookup for a class within this package.
functions ( ) : MethodDoc[] Get functions in this package.
globals ( ) : FieldDoc[] Get globals in this package.
interfaces ( ) : ClassDoc[] Get interfaces in this package.
ordinaryClasses ( ) : ClassDoc[] Get ordinary classes (excluding exceptions and interfaces) in this package.
packageDoc ( $name, &$root ) Constructor
traits ( ) : ClassDoc[] Get traits in this package.

Method Details

addClass() public method

Add a class to this package.
public addClass ( &$class )

addFunction() public method

Add a function to this package.
public addFunction ( &$function )

addGlobal() public method

Add a global to this package.
public addGlobal ( &$global )

allClasses() public method

Get all included classes (including exceptions and interfaces).
public allClasses ( ) : ClassDoc[]
return ClassDoc[] An array of classes

asPath() public method

Return the package path.
public asPath ( ) : str
return str

depth() public method

Calculate the depth of this package from the root.
public depth ( ) : integer
return integer

exceptions() public method

Get exceptions in this package.
public exceptions ( ) : ClassDoc[]
return ClassDoc[] An array of exceptions

findClass() public method

Lookup for a class within this package.
public findClass ( $className ) : ClassDoc
return ClassDoc A class

functions() public method

Get functions in this package.
public functions ( ) : MethodDoc[]
return MethodDoc[] An array of functions

globals() public method

Get globals in this package.
public globals ( ) : FieldDoc[]
return FieldDoc[] An array of globals

interfaces() public method

Get interfaces in this package.
public interfaces ( ) : ClassDoc[]
return ClassDoc[] An array of interfaces

ordinaryClasses() public method

Get ordinary classes (excluding exceptions and interfaces) in this package.
public ordinaryClasses ( ) : ClassDoc[]
return ClassDoc[] An array of classes

packageDoc() public method

public packageDoc ( $name, &$root )

traits() public method

Get traits in this package.
public traits ( ) : ClassDoc[]
return ClassDoc[] An array of traits

Property Details

$_classes public_oe property

The classes in this package
public classDoc[] $_classes
return classDoc[]

$_functions public_oe property

The functions in this package
public methodDoc[] $_functions
return methodDoc[]

$_globals public_oe property

The globals in this package
public fieldDoc[] $_globals
return fieldDoc[]