PHP Class Aerys\InternalRequest

Inheritance: use trait Amp\Struct
ファイルを表示 Open project: amphp/aerys

Public Properties

Property Type Description
$badFilterKeys array
$body Body
$client Client
$cookies array
$filterErrorFlag boolean
$headers array
$httpDate string
$locals array
$maxBodySize integer
$method string
$protocol string
$responseWriter Generator
$streamId integer
$time integer
$trace literal trace for HTTP/1, for HTTP/2 an array of [name, value] arrays in the original order
$uri string
$uriHost string
$uriPath string
$uriPort integer
$uriQuery string
$uriRaw string

Property Details

$badFilterKeys public_oe property

public array $badFilterKeys
return array

$body public_oe property

public Body,aerys $body
return Body

$client public_oe property

public Client,aerys $client
return Client

$cookies public_oe property

public array $cookies
return array

$filterErrorFlag public_oe property

public bool $filterErrorFlag
return boolean

$headers public_oe property

public array $headers
return array

$httpDate public_oe property

public string $httpDate
return string

$locals public_oe property

public array $locals
return array

$maxBodySize public_oe property

public int $maxBodySize
return integer

$method public_oe property

public string $method
return string

$protocol public_oe property

public string $protocol
return string

$responseWriter public_oe property

public Generator $responseWriter
return Generator

$streamId public_oe property

public int $streamId
return integer

$time public_oe property

public int $time
return integer

$trace public_oe property

literal trace for HTTP/1, for HTTP/2 an array of [name, value] arrays in the original order
public $trace

$uri public_oe property

public string $uri
return string

$uriHost public_oe property

public string $uriHost
return string

$uriPath public_oe property

public string $uriPath
return string

$uriPort public_oe property

public int $uriPort
return integer

$uriQuery public_oe property

public string $uriQuery
return string

$uriRaw public_oe property

public string $uriRaw
return string