PHP Class Api\ServiceType\ApiService

Inheritance: extends WsdlToPhp\PackageBase\AbstractSoapClientBase
ファイルを表示 Open project: wsdltophp/packagegenerator

Public Methods

Method Description
AddressVerify ( Api\StructType\ApiAddressVerifyReq $addressVerifyRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiAddressVerifyResponseType | boolean Method to call the operation originally named AddressVerify Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
BMButtonSearch ( Api\StructType\ApiBMButtonSearchReq $bMButtonSearchRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiBMButtonSearchResponseType | boolean Method to call the operation originally named BMButtonSearch Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
BMCreateButton ( Api\StructType\ApiBMCreateButtonReq $bMCreateButtonRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiBMCreateButtonResponseType | boolean Method to call the operation originally named BMCreateButton Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
BMGetButtonDetails ( Api\StructType\ApiBMGetButtonDetailsReq $bMGetButtonDetailsRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiBMGetButtonDetailsResponseType | boolean Method to call the operation originally named BMGetButtonDetails Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
BMGetInventory ( Api\StructType\ApiBMGetInventoryReq $bMGetInventoryRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiBMGetInventoryResponseType | boolean Method to call the operation originally named BMGetInventory Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
BMManageButtonStatus ( Api\StructType\ApiBMManageButtonStatusReq $bMManageButtonStatusRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiBMManageButtonStatusResponseType | boolean Method to call the operation originally named BMManageButtonStatus Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
BMSetInventory ( Api\StructType\ApiBMSetInventoryReq $bMSetInventoryRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiBMSetInventoryResponseType | boolean Method to call the operation originally named BMSetInventory Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
BMUpdateButton ( Api\StructType\ApiBMUpdateButtonReq $bMUpdateButtonRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiBMUpdateButtonResponseType | boolean Method to call the operation originally named BMUpdateButton Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
BillAgreementUpdate ( Api\StructType\ApiBillAgreementUpdateReq $billAgreementUpdateRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiBAUpdateResponseType | boolean Method to call the operation originally named BillAgreementUpdate Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
BillOutstandingAmount ( Api\StructType\ApiBillOutstandingAmountReq $billOutstandingAmountRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiBillOutstandingAmountResponseType | boolean Method to call the operation originally named BillOutstandingAmount Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
BillUser ( Api\StructType\ApiBillUserReq $billUserRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiBillUserResponseType | boolean Method to call the operation originally named BillUser Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
CancelRecoup ( Api\StructType\ApiCancelRecoupReq $cancelRecoupRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiCancelRecoupResponseType | boolean Method to call the operation originally named CancelRecoup Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
CodeManager_DeleteCodeArchive ( string $archive_id ) : integer | boolean Method to call the operation originally named CodeManager.DeleteCodeArchive Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Delete page code.
CodeManager_GenerateCode ( string $char_set, string $code_type, string $cookie_domain_periods, string $currency_code, string $rsid, string $secure ) : code_items | boolean Method to call the operation originally named CodeManager.GenerateCode Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Generates page code.
CodeManager_GetCodeArchives ( string $archive_id_list, string $binary_encoding, string $populate_code_items ) : code_archives | boolean Method to call the operation originally named CodeManager.GetCodeArchives Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Returns a list of existing code archives.
CodeManager_SaveCodeArchive ( string $archive_description, string $archive_id, string $archive_name, string $code ) : integer | boolean Method to call the operation originally named CodeManager.SaveCodeArchive Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Saves a page code archive.
Company_CancelQueueItem ( string $qid ) : integer | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Company.CancelQueueItem Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Cancel a pending (queued) action that has yet to be approved.
Company_DownloadProduct ( string $productType ) : base64Binary | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Company.DownloadProduct Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Downloads a product. (Internal use only.)
Company_GetEndpoint ( string $company ) : string | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Company.GetEndpoint Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Returns the correct SOAP endpoint to be used for API calls
Company_GetQueue ( ) : queue_items | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Company.GetQueue Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Returns queued items that are pending approval for the requesting company.
Company_GetReportSuites ( string $rs_types, string $sp ) : Api\StructType\ApiSimple_report_suites_rval | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Company.GetReportSuites Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves all report suites associated with your company.
Company_GetTokenCount ( ) : integer | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Company.GetTokenCount Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Returns remaining tokens for a given auth key (note that this call also consumes a token).
Company_GetTokenUsage ( ) : Api\StructType\ApiToken_usage_container | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Company.GetTokenUsage Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Returns token usage information (note that this call also consumes a token).
Company_GetTrackingServer ( string $rsid ) : Api\StructType\ApiTracking_server_data | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Company.GetTrackingServer Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Returns the tracking server and namespace for the given report suite
Company_GetVersionAccess ( ) : string[] | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Company.GetVersionAccess Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves version access for the company.
Company_ResetTokenCount ( string $auth_key ) : integer | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Company.ResetTokenCount Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Resets the token count for the given auth key.
CompleteRecoup ( Api\StructType\ApiCompleteRecoupReq $completeRecoupRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiCompleteRecoupResponseType | boolean Method to call the operation originally named CompleteRecoup Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
CreateBillingAgreement ( Api\StructType\ApiCreateBillingAgreementReq $createBillingAgreementRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiCreateBillingAgreementResponseType | boolean Method to call the operation originally named CreateBillingAgreement Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
CreateMobilePayment ( Api\StructType\ApiCreateMobilePaymentReq $createMobilePaymentRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiCreateMobilePaymentResponseType | boolean Method to call the operation originally named CreateMobilePayment Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile ( Api\StructType\ApiCreateRecurringPaymentsProfileReq $createRecurringPaymentsProfileRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiCreateRecurringPaymentsProfileResponseType | boolean Method to call the operation originally named CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
Dashboards_GetDashboardAPI ( string $dashboard_id, string $dashboard_type ) : Api\StructType\ApiDashboard_element | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Dashboards.GetDashboardAPI Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves a list of reportlets owned by the given dashboard.
Dashboards_GetReportletDataAPI ( string $reportlet_id ) : Api\StructType\ApiReportlet | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Dashboards.GetReportletDataAPI Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves data for a given reportlet.
DataSource_AppendDataBlock ( string $blockID, string $dataSourceID, string $endOfBlock, string $reportSuiteID, string $rows ) : array | boolean Method to call the operation originally named DataSource.AppendDataBlock Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Add rows of data to and optionally end a block of data begun by a BeginDataBlock call
DataSource_BeginDataBlock ( string $blockName, string $columnNames, string $dataSourceID, string $endOfBlock, string $reportSuiteID, string $rows ) : array | boolean Method to call the operation originally named DataSource.BeginDataBlock Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Begin and optionally end a block of data to be inserted into the Data Sources processing queue
DataSource_Deactivate ( string $dataSourceID, string $reportSuiteID ) : Api\StructType\ApiStatus | boolean Method to call the operation originally named DataSource.Deactivate Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Deactivates a Data Source.
DataSource_GetFileIDs ( string $dataSourceID, string $filter, string $reportSuiteID ) : Api\StructType\ApiFileIDResult | boolean Method to call the operation originally named DataSource.GetFileIDs Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Returns array of file ids for a given data source id.
DataSource_GetFileInfo ( string $dataSourceID, string $filter, string $reportSuiteID ) : fileInfoResult | boolean Method to call the operation originally named DataSource.GetFileInfo Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Returns dataSource file status information.
DataSource_GetFileStatus ( string $dataSourceFileID, string $reportSuiteID ) : Api\StructType\ApiFileStatusResult | boolean Method to call the operation originally named DataSource.GetFileStatus Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Returns dataSource file status information.
DataSource_GetIDs ( string $reportSuiteID ) : Api\StructType\ApiSimpleDataSource[] | boolean Method to call the operation originally named DataSource.GetIDs Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Returns a list of data sources that belong to the specified report suite.
DataSource_GetInfo ( string $filter, string $reportSuiteID ) : infoResult | boolean Method to call the operation originally named DataSource.GetInfo Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Returns dataSource file status information.
DataSource_ProcessIncompleteVisits ( string $dataSourceID, string $reportSuiteID ) : Api\StructType\ApiStatus | boolean Method to call the operation originally named DataSource.ProcessIncompleteVisits Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Processes incomplete visits for a DataSource
DataSource_Restart ( string $dataSourceID, string $reportSuiteID ) : Api\StructType\ApiStatus | boolean Method to call the operation originally named DataSource.Restart Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Sets DataSource file state to processing.
DataSource_SetupFull ( string $dataSourceID, Api\StructType\ApiDs_full_settings $dataSourceSettings, string $reportSuiteID ) : Api\StructType\ApiDs_setup_result | boolean Method to call the operation originally named DataSource.SetupFull Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Creates or modifies a Full Data Source.
DataSource_SetupGeneric ( string $dataSourceID, Api\StructType\ApiDs_generic_settings $dataSourceSettings, string $dataSourceType, string $reportSuiteID ) : Api\StructType\ApiDs_setup_result | boolean Method to call the operation originally named DataSource.SetupGeneric Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Creates or modifies a Generic Data Source.
DataSource_SetupTraffic ( string $dataSourceID, Api\StructType\ApiDs_traffic_settings $dataSourceSettings, string $reportSuiteID ) : Api\StructType\ApiDs_setup_result | boolean Method to call the operation originally named DataSource.SetupTraffic Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Creates or modifies a Traffic Data Source.
DataSource_SetupWebLog ( string $dataSourceID, Api\StructType\ApiDs_weblog_settings $dataSourceSettings, string $reportSuiteID ) : Api\StructType\ApiDs_setup_result | boolean Method to call the operation originally named DataSource.SetupWebLog Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Creates or modifies a Webserver Log Data Source.
DataWarehouse_CancelRequest ( string $request_Id ) : string | boolean Method to call the operation originally named DataWarehouse.CancelRequest Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Cancels a Data Warehouse Request.
DataWarehouse_CheckRequest ( string $request_Id ) : Api\StructType\ApiData_warehouse_request | boolean Method to call the operation originally named DataWarehouse.CheckRequest Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Checks the status of a Data Warehouse Request.
DataWarehouse_CreateSegment ( string $hidden, string $rsid, Api\StructType\ApiData_warehouse_segment $segment ) : integer | boolean Method to call the operation originally named DataWarehouse.CreateSegment Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Create a new data warehouse segment
DataWarehouse_GetReportData ( string $request_Id, string $rsid, string $start_row ) : Api\StructType\ApiData_warehouse_report | boolean Method to call the operation originally named DataWarehouse.GetReportData Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Obtain content for the given request
DataWarehouse_GetSegment ( string $rsid, string $segment ) : Api\StructType\ApiData_warehouse_segment | boolean Method to call the operation originally named DataWarehouse.GetSegment Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Obtain a description of an existing data warehouse segment
DataWarehouse_GetSegments ( string $rsid ) : dwsegments | boolean Method to call the operation originally named DataWarehouse.GetSegments Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Gets available segments.
DataWarehouse_ReplaceSegment ( string $id, string $rsid, Api\StructType\ApiData_warehouse_segment $segment ) : integer | boolean Method to call the operation originally named DataWarehouse.ReplaceSegment Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Replace a data warehouse segment of the given id with the given segment.
DataWarehouse_Request ( string $breakdown_List, string $contact_Name, string $contact_Phone, string $date_From, string $date_Granularity, string $date_Preset, string $date_To, string $date_Type, string $email_Subject, string $email_To, string $fTP_Dir, string $fTP_Host, string $fTP_Password, string $fTP_Port, string $fTP_UserName, string $file_Name, string $metric_List, string $report_Description, string $report_Name, string $segment_Id, string $rsid ) : integer | boolean Method to call the operation originally named DataWarehouse.Request Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Creates a Data Warehouse Request.
DataWarehouse_VerifySegment ( Api\StructType\ApiData_warehouse_segment $segment ) : boolean Method to call the operation originally named DataWarehouse.VerifySegment Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Verify the correctness of the given data warehouse segment
DeliveryList_Delete ( string $dist_list_id ) : integer | boolean Method to call the operation originally named DeliveryList.Delete Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Delete a distribution list.
DeliveryList_Get ( string $search_name ) : Api\StructType\ApiPublishingList[] | boolean Method to call the operation originally named DeliveryList.Get Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Gets Publishing list.
DeliveryList_Save ( string $delivery_list_name, string $dist_list_id ) : integer | boolean Method to call the operation originally named DeliveryList.Save Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Save delivery list.
Discover_GetSegments ( string $end_date, string $rsid, string $start_date ) : segment_folders | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Discover.GetSegments Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieve a list of Discover segments for a given report suite.
Discover_QueueDiscoverOvertime ( Api\StructType\ApiReportDescription $reportDescription ) : Api\StructType\ApiReportQueueResponse | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Discover.QueueDiscoverOvertime Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Queue a Discover overtime report.
Discover_QueueDiscoverRanked ( Api\StructType\ApiReportDescription $reportDescription ) : Api\StructType\ApiReportQueueResponse | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Discover.QueueDiscoverRanked Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Queue a Discover ranked report.
Discover_QueueDiscoverTrended ( Api\StructType\ApiReportDescription $reportDescription ) : Api\StructType\ApiReportQueueResponse | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Discover.QueueDiscoverTrended Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Queue a Discover trended report.
DoAuthorization ( Api\StructType\ApiDoAuthorizationReq $doAuthorizationRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiDoAuthorizationResponseType | boolean Method to call the operation originally named DoAuthorization Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
DoCancel ( Api\StructType\ApiDoCancelReq $doCancelRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiDoCancelResponseType | boolean Method to call the operation originally named DoCancel Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
DoCapture ( Api\StructType\ApiDoCaptureReq $doCaptureRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiDoCaptureResponseType | boolean Method to call the operation originally named DoCapture Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
DoDirectPayment ( Api\StructType\ApiDoDirectPaymentReq $doDirectPaymentRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiDoDirectPaymentResponseType | boolean Method to call the operation originally named DoDirectPayment Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
DoExpressCheckoutPayment ( Api\StructType\ApiDoExpressCheckoutPaymentReq $doExpressCheckoutPaymentRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiDoExpressCheckoutPaymentResponseType | boolean Method to call the operation originally named DoExpressCheckoutPayment Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
DoMobileCheckoutPayment ( Api\StructType\ApiDoMobileCheckoutPaymentReq $doMobileCheckoutPaymentRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiDoMobileCheckoutPaymentResponseType | boolean Method to call the operation originally named DoMobileCheckoutPayment Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
DoNonReferencedCredit ( Api\StructType\ApiDoNonReferencedCreditReq $doNonReferencedCreditRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiDoNonReferencedCreditResponseType | boolean Method to call the operation originally named DoNonReferencedCredit Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
DoReauthorization ( Api\StructType\ApiDoReauthorizationReq $doReauthorizationRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiDoReauthorizationResponseType | boolean Method to call the operation originally named DoReauthorization Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
DoReferenceTransaction ( Api\StructType\ApiDoReferenceTransactionReq $doReferenceTransactionRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiDoReferenceTransactionResponseType | boolean Method to call the operation originally named DoReferenceTransaction Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
DoUATPAuthorization ( Api\StructType\ApiDoUATPAuthorizationReq $doUATPAuthorizationRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiDoUATPAuthorizationResponseType | boolean Method to call the operation originally named DoUATPAuthorization Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment ( Api\StructType\ApiDoUATPExpressCheckoutPaymentReq $doUATPExpressCheckoutPaymentRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiDoUATPExpressCheckoutPaymentResponseType | boolean Method to call the operation originally named DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
DoVoid ( Api\StructType\ApiDoVoidReq $doVoidRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiDoVoidResponseType | boolean Method to call the operation originally named DoVoid Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
EnterBoarding ( Api\StructType\ApiEnterBoardingReq $enterBoardingRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiEnterBoardingResponseType | boolean Method to call the operation originally named EnterBoarding Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
ExecuteCheckoutOperations ( Api\StructType\ApiExecuteCheckoutOperationsReq $executeCheckoutOperationsRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiExecuteCheckoutOperationsResponseType | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ExecuteCheckoutOperations Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
ExternalRememberMeOptOut ( Api\StructType\ApiExternalRememberMeOptOutReq $externalRememberMeOptOutRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiExternalRememberMeOptOutResponseType | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ExternalRememberMeOptOut Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
GetAccessPermissionDetails ( Api\StructType\ApiGetAccessPermissionDetailsReq $getAccessPermissionDetailsRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiGetAccessPermissionDetailsResponseType | boolean Method to call the operation originally named GetAccessPermissionDetails Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
GetAuthDetails ( Api\StructType\ApiGetAuthDetailsReq $getAuthDetailsRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiGetAuthDetailsResponseType | boolean Method to call the operation originally named GetAuthDetails Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
GetBalance ( Api\StructType\ApiGetBalanceReq $getBalanceRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiGetBalanceResponseType | boolean Method to call the operation originally named GetBalance Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
GetBillingAgreementCustomerDetails ( Api\StructType\ApiGetBillingAgreementCustomerDetailsReq $getBillingAgreementCustomerDetailsRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiGetBillingAgreementCustomerDetailsResponseType | boolean Method to call the operation originally named GetBillingAgreementCustomerDetails Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
GetBoardingDetails ( Api\StructType\ApiGetBoardingDetailsReq $getBoardingDetailsRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiGetBoardingDetailsResponseType | boolean Method to call the operation originally named GetBoardingDetails Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
GetExpressCheckoutDetails ( Api\StructType\ApiGetExpressCheckoutDetailsReq $getExpressCheckoutDetailsRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiGetExpressCheckoutDetailsResponseType | boolean Method to call the operation originally named GetExpressCheckoutDetails Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
GetIncentiveEvaluation ( Api\StructType\ApiGetIncentiveEvaluationReq $getIncentiveEvaluationRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiGetIncentiveEvaluationResponseType | boolean Method to call the operation originally named GetIncentiveEvaluation Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
GetMobileStatus ( Api\StructType\ApiGetMobileStatusReq $getMobileStatusRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiGetMobileStatusResponseType | boolean Method to call the operation originally named GetMobileStatus Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
GetPalDetails ( Api\StructType\ApiGetPalDetailsReq $getPalDetailsRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiGetPalDetailsResponseType | boolean Method to call the operation originally named GetPalDetails Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ( Api\StructType\ApiGetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetailsReq $getRecurringPaymentsProfileDetailsRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiGetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetailsResponseType | boolean Method to call the operation originally named GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
GetTransactionDetails ( Api\StructType\ApiGetTransactionDetailsReq $getTransactionDetailsRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiGetTransactionDetailsResponseType | boolean Method to call the operation originally named GetTransactionDetails Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
InitiateRecoup ( Api\StructType\ApiInitiateRecoupReq $initiateRecoupRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiInitiateRecoupResponseType | boolean Method to call the operation originally named InitiateRecoup Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
Logs_GetAdminConsoleCompanyLog ( string $company, string $end_date, string $filter_rule, string $filters, string $rsid_list, string $start_date ) : log_entries | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Logs.GetAdminConsoleCompanyLog Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Get console logs.
Logs_GetAdminConsoleLog ( string $company, string $end_date, string $filter_rule, string $filters, string $rsid_list, string $start_date ) : log_entries | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Logs.GetAdminConsoleLog Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Get console logs.
Logs_GetUsageLog ( string $date_from, string $date_to, string $event_details, string $event_type, string $ip, string $login, string $report_suite ) : usage_log_entries | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Logs.GetUsageLog Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieve usage log information for the given company.
ManagePendingTransactionStatus ( Api\StructType\ApiManagePendingTransactionStatusReq $managePendingTransactionStatusRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiManagePendingTransactionStatusResponseType | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ManagePendingTransactionStatus Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus ( Api\StructType\ApiManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatusReq $manageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatusRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatusResponseType | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
MassPay ( Api\StructType\ApiMassPayReq $massPayRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiMassPayResponseType | boolean Method to call the operation originally named MassPay Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
Permissions_AddLogin ( string $admin, string $change_password, string $create_dashboards, string $dashboard_rsid, string $email, string $first_name, string $last_name, string $login, string $password, string $phone_number, string $selected_group_list, string $temp_login, string $temp_login_end, string $temp_login_start, string $title ) : integer | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Permissions.AddLogin Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Creates a new login for the company.
Permissions_Authenticate ( string $login, string $password ) : boolean Method to call the operation originally named Permissions.Authenticate Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Indicates whether or not the login is valid for this company.
Permissions_DeleteGroup ( string $groupid ) : integer | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Permissions.DeleteGroup Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Removes the requested group from the company.
Permissions_DeleteLogin ( string $login ) : integer | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Permissions.DeleteLogin Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Removes a user login from the company.
Permissions_GetCRMInfo ( string $company, string $login ) : Api\StructType\ApiCrm_info | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Permissions.GetCRMInfo Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves CRM login information for a specific user.
Permissions_GetCategories ( string $categoryid, string $groupid ) : perm_categories | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Permissions.GetCategories Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves subgroups for a category.
Permissions_GetGroup ( string $group_type, string $groupid ) : Api\StructType\ApiGroup_data | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Permissions.GetGroup Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves information about a particular group.
Permissions_GetGroups ( string $field, string $search ) : Api\StructType\ApiPermission_group[] | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Permissions.GetGroups Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves all available groups for the company.
Permissions_GetLogin ( string $login ) : Api\StructType\ApiLogin | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Permissions.GetLogin Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves a user login for the company.
Permissions_GetLogins ( string $login_search_field, string $login_search_value ) : Api\StructType\ApiPerm_login[] | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Permissions.GetLogins Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves user logins for the company.
Permissions_GetReportBuilderLogin ( string $locale ) : Api\StructType\ApiReportBuilderLogin | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Permissions.GetReportBuilderLogin Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: ReportBuilder login (Internal use only.)
Permissions_GetReportSuiteGroupCount ( string $search_field, string $search_val ) : Api\StructType\ApiPermissions_account[] | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Permissions.GetReportSuiteGroupCount Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves all available accounts for the company.
Permissions_GetReportSuiteGroups ( string $rsid ) : Api\StructType\ApiPermissions_account_groups | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Permissions.GetReportSuiteGroups Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Returns the groups that this report suite is a part of.
Permissions_HasPrivilege ( string $privilegeToken ) : string | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Permissions.HasPrivilege Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Determines if the current user has the given privilegeToken
Permissions_SaveGroup ( string $group_description, string $group_name, string $group_type, string $groupid, string $perm_info, Api\StructType\ApiReport_categories $report_access_list, string $report_id_list, string $rsid_list, string $user_list ) : integer | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Permissions.SaveGroup Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Saves group setting - if the group does not exist it creates a new one.
Permissions_SaveLogin ( string $admin, string $change_password, string $email, string $first_name, string $last_name, string $login, string $password, string $phone_number, string $selected_group_list, string $send_welcome_email, string $temp_end_date, string $temp_login, string $temp_start_date, string $title ) : integer | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Permissions.SaveLogin Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Saves the login for the company.
Permissions_SaveReportSuiteGroups ( string $rsid, string $selected_groups ) : integer | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Permissions.SaveReportSuiteGroups Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Assigns the provided groups to the indicated report suite ID.
RefundTransaction ( Api\StructType\ApiRefundTransactionReq $refundTransactionRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiRefundTransactionResponseType | boolean Method to call the operation originally named RefundTransaction Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
ReportSuite_AddCorrelations ( string $rel_ids, string $rsid_list, string $size ) : integer | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.AddCorrelations Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Saves the given correlation for the requested report suites.
ReportSuite_AddInternalURLFilters ( string $filters, string $rsid_list ) : integer | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.AddInternalURLFilters Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Adds the internal URL filters for the requested report suites.
ReportSuite_AddKeyVisitors ( string $key_visitors, string $rsid_list ) : boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.AddKeyVisitors Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Adds a key visitors for the selected report suites
ReportSuite_AddSavedFilters ( string $savedFilters ) : Api\StructType\ApiSaved_filter[] | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.AddSavedFilters Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Saves filter. (Internal use only.)
ReportSuite_Create ( string $base_currency, string $base_url, string $default_page, string $duplicate_rsid, string $go_live_date, string $hits_per_day, string $latin1, string $rsid, string $site_title, string $time_zone ) : boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.Create Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Creates a new report suite with the values specified
ReportSuite_DeleteBaseURL ( string $rsid_list ) : integer | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.DeleteBaseURL Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Deletes the base URL for the requested report suites.
ReportSuite_DeleteCalculatedMetrics ( string $calculated_metrics, string $rsid_list ) : integer | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.DeleteCalculatedMetrics Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Deletes a calculated metric for the requested report suites.
ReportSuite_DeleteClassifications ( string $c_view, string $div_num, string $parent_div_num, string $rsid_list ) : boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.DeleteClassifications Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Deletes a classification for one report suite.
ReportSuite_DeleteCorrelations ( string $rel_ids, string $rsid_list, string $size ) : boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.DeleteCorrelations Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Deletes the specified data correlations
ReportSuite_DeleteDefaultPage ( string $rsid_list ) : integer | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.DeleteDefaultPage Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Deletes the default page for the requested report suites.
ReportSuite_DeleteIPAddressExclusions ( string $ip_list, string $rsid_list ) : integer | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.DeleteIPAddressExclusions Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Delete an IP exclusion entry for a given report suite.
ReportSuite_DeleteInternalURLFilters ( string $filters, string $rsid_list ) : boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.DeleteInternalURLFilters Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Deletes the specified internal URL filters
ReportSuite_DeleteKeyVisitors ( string $key_visitors, string $rsid_list ) : boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.DeleteKeyVisitors Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: deletes a list of key visitors for the selected report suites
ReportSuite_DeleteMarketingChannelCost ( string $channel_type, string $cost_group, string $id, string $rsid_list ) : boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.DeleteMarketingChannelCost Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Deletes a cost item for the selected report suites
ReportSuite_DeleteMarketingChannels ( string $channel_ids, string $rsid_list ) : integer | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.DeleteMarketingChannels Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Delete marketing channels.
ReportSuite_DeletePages ( string $page_id_list, string $rsid_list ) : integer | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.DeletePages Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Deletes the given pages from the requested report suites
ReportSuite_DeletePaidSearch ( string $filter, string $rsid_list, string $rule, string $search_engine ) : integer | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.DeletePaidSearch Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Removes the specified paid search rule.
ReportSuite_DeleteSavedFilter ( string $savedFilterIds ) : boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.DeleteSavedFilter Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Deletes a saved filter. (Internal use only.)
ReportSuite_GetActivation ( string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_activation | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetActivation Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the activated status for the requested report suites.
ReportSuite_GetAvailableElements ( string $return_datawarehouse_elements, string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_elements | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetAvailableElements Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Returns available elements for a given report suite.
ReportSuite_GetAvailableMetrics ( string $return_datawarehouse_metrics, string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_metrics | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetAvailableMetrics Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Returns available metrics for a given report suite.
ReportSuite_GetAxleStartDate ( string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_axle_start_date | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetAxleStartDate Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the axle start date for the requested report suites.
ReportSuite_GetBaseCurrency ( string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_base_currency | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetBaseCurrency Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the base URL for the requested report suites.
ReportSuite_GetBaseURL ( string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_base_url | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetBaseURL Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the base URL for the requested report suites.
ReportSuite_GetCalculatedMetrics ( string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_calculated_metric | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetCalculatedMetrics Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the calculated metrics for the requested report suites.
ReportSuite_GetClassificationHierarchies ( string $c_view, string $rel_id, string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_hierarchy | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetClassificationHierarchies Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the requested classifications from the requested report suites
ReportSuite_GetClassifications ( string $c_view, string $rel_id, string $rsid_list, string $type ) : rscollection_classification | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetClassifications Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the requested classifications from the requested report suites
ReportSuite_GetCorrelations ( string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_correlation | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetCorrelations Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the correlations for the specified report suites
ReportSuite_GetCustomCalendar ( string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_custom_calendar | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetCustomCalendar Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the custom calendar for the requested report suites.
ReportSuite_GetDefaultPage ( string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_default_page | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetDefaultPage Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the default page for the requested report suites.
ReportSuite_GetEVars ( string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_evar | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetEVars Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the conversion variables for the requested report suites.
ReportSuite_GetEcommerce ( string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_ecommerce | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetEcommerce Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the Conversion level for the requested report suites.
ReportSuite_GetFindingMethods ( string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_finding_method | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetFindingMethods Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the finding methods for the requested report suites.
ReportSuite_GetIPAddressExclusions ( string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_ip_exclusions | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetIPAddressExclusions Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Returns the IP address exclusions for a given report suite.
ReportSuite_GetIPObfuscation ( string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_ip_obfuscation | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetIPObfuscation Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the IP Address Obfuscation setting.
ReportSuite_GetInternalURLFilters ( string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_internal_url_filter | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetInternalURLFilters Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the internal URL filters for the requested report suites.
ReportSuite_GetKeyVisitors ( string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_key_visitor | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetKeyVisitors Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves a list of Key visitors for the specified report suites
ReportSuite_GetLocalization ( string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_localization | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetLocalization Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the status of the multibyte character setting for the requested report suites.
ReportSuite_GetMarketingChannelCost ( string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_costs | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetMarketingChannelCost Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the marketing channel cost metrics for the requested report suites.
ReportSuite_GetMarketingChannelExpiration ( string $rsid_list ) : expiration_event_list | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetMarketingChannelExpiration Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the marketing channel engagement period expiration information for the requested report suites.
ReportSuite_GetMarketingChannelRules ( string $rsid_list ) : multi_rs_mchannel_rulesets | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetMarketingChannelRules Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the marketing channel rules for the requested report suites.
ReportSuite_GetMarketingChannels ( string $rsid_list ) : mchannels_list | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetMarketingChannels Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the marketing channels for the requested report suites.
ReportSuite_GetMarketingChannelsCustomSubRelations ( string $rel_id, string $rsid ) : Api\StructType\ApiChannel_sub_relations_element | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetMarketingChannelsCustomSubRelations Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the available custom subrelations for the marketing channels in the requested report suites.
ReportSuite_GetMobileAppReporting ( string $rsid_list ) : string | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetMobileAppReporting Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the Mobile Application Tracking settings for the requested report suites.
ReportSuite_GetPages ( string $limit, string $page_search, string $rsid_list, string $sc_period, string $start_point ) : Api\StructType\ApiReport_suite_pages[] | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetPages Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves a list of pages for the specified report suites.
ReportSuite_GetPaidSearch ( string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_paid_search | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetPaidSearch Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the paid search settings for the requested report suites.
ReportSuite_GetPermanentTraffic ( string $rsid_list ) : Api\StructType\ApiPermanent_traffic[] | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetPermanentTraffic Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the permanent traffic settings for the requested report suites.
ReportSuite_GetProcessingStatus ( string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_processing_status | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetProcessingStatus Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Returns processing status for the given report suites.
ReportSuite_GetRollupDates ( string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_rollup_dates | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetRollupDates Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Returns rollup dates for the given rollup report suites.
ReportSuite_GetRollups ( ) : Api\StructType\ApiRollup[] | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetRollups Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the rollups for the company.
ReportSuite_GetSavedFilters ( ) : Api\StructType\ApiSaved_filter[] | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetSavedFilters Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Gets the saved filters for a report suite. (Internal use only.)
ReportSuite_GetScheduledSpike ( string $rsid_list ) : Api\StructType\ApiSchedule_spike[] | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetScheduledSpike Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the scheduled traffic changes for the requested report suites.
ReportSuite_GetSegments ( string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_sc_segments | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetSegments Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the requested classifications from the requested report suites
ReportSuite_GetSettings ( string $locale, string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_settings | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetSettings Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Returns report suite settings.
ReportSuite_GetSiteTitle ( string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_site_title | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetSiteTitle Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the Site Title for the requested report suites.
ReportSuite_GetSuccessEvents ( string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_event | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetSuccessEvents Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the success events for the requested report suites.
ReportSuite_GetTemplate ( string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_template | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetTemplate Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the templates for the requested report suites.
ReportSuite_GetTimeZone ( string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_time_zone | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetTimeZone Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the Time Zone for the requested report suites.
ReportSuite_GetTrafficVars ( string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_traffic_var | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetTrafficVars Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the Traffic Vars for the requested report suites.
ReportSuite_GetUIVisibility ( string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_ui_element | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetUIVisibility Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the visibility states for the requested report suites.
ReportSuite_GetUniqueVisitorVariable ( string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_unique_visitor_variable | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetUniqueVisitorVariable Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves a list of unique visitor variables
ReportSuite_GetVideoReporting ( string $rsid_list ) : string | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetVideoReporting Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the Video Tracking settings for the requested report suites.
ReportSuite_GetVideoTracking ( string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_video_tracking | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetVideoTracking Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the Video Tracking settings for the requested report suites.
ReportSuite_SaveBaseCurrency ( string $base_currency, string $rsid_list ) : integer | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.SaveBaseCurrency Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Saves the Base Currency setting.
ReportSuite_SaveBaseURL ( string $base_url, string $rsid_list ) : integer | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.SaveBaseURL Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Saves the base URL for the requested report suites.
ReportSuite_SaveCalculatedMetrics ( string $calculated_metrics, string $rsid_list ) : integer | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.SaveCalculatedMetrics Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Saves a calculated metric for the requested report suites.
ReportSuite_SaveClassificationHierarchies ( string $c_options, string $c_view, string $camp_view, string $div_num, string $name, string $parent_div_num, string $rsid_list, string $type, string $update ) : integer | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.SaveClassificationHierarchies Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Modifies a classification hierarchy for one or more report suites.
ReportSuite_SaveClassifications ( string $c_options, string $c_view, string $camp_view, string $div_num, string $name, string $parent_div_num, string $rsid_list, string $type, string $update ) : integer | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.SaveClassifications Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Saves a classification for one or more report suites.
ReportSuite_SaveCustomCalendar ( string $anchor_date, string $cal_type, string $rsid_list ) : integer | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.SaveCustomCalendar Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Enables custom calendars for the requested report suites.
ReportSuite_SaveDefaultPage ( string $default_page, string $rsid_list ) : integer | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.SaveDefaultPage Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Saves the default page for the requested report suites.
ReportSuite_SaveEVars ( string $evars, string $rsid_list ) : integer | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.SaveEVars Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Saves the conversion variables for the requested report suites.
ReportSuite_SaveEcommerce ( string $ecommerce, string $rsid_list ) : integer | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.SaveEcommerce Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Saves the conversion level for the requested report suites.
ReportSuite_SaveFindingMethods ( string $reports, string $rsid_list ) : integer | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.SaveFindingMethods Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Saves finding method settings.
ReportSuite_SaveIPAddressExclusions ( string $ip_list, string $rsid_list ) : integer | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.SaveIPAddressExclusions Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Add an IP exclusion entry for a given report suite.
ReportSuite_SaveIPObfuscation ( string $ip_obfuscation, string $rsid_list ) : integer | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.SaveIPObfuscation Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Saves the IP Address Obfuscation setting.
ReportSuite_SaveMarketingChannelCost ( Api\StructType\ApiCost_item $cost_item, string $rsid_list ) : integer | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.SaveMarketingChannelCost Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Saves the marketing channel costs for the requested report suites.
ReportSuite_SaveMarketingChannelExpiration ( string $days, string $rsid_list ) : integer | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.SaveMarketingChannelExpiration Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Saves the visitor expiration period. Set the number of days required before the visit expires, or 0 for never expires
ReportSuite_SaveMarketingChannelRules ( string $mchannel_rules, string $rsid_list ) : integer | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.SaveMarketingChannelRules Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Saves the marketing channel rules for the requested report suites.
ReportSuite_SaveMarketingChannels ( string $channels, string $rsid_list ) : integer | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.SaveMarketingChannels Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Saves a set of marketing channels.
ReportSuite_SaveMobileAppReporting ( string $rsid_list ) : void | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.SaveMobileAppReporting
ReportSuite_SavePaidSearch ( string $filter, string $rsid_list, string $rule, string $search_engine ) : integer | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.SavePaidSearch Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Saves the paid search settings for the requested report suites.
ReportSuite_SavePermanentTraffic ( string $new_hits_per_day, string $rsid_list, string $start_date ) : integer | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.SavePermanentTraffic Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Saves the permanent traffic settings for the requested report suites.
ReportSuite_SaveRollup ( string $go_live_date, string $rollup_rsids, string $rsid, string $time_zone ) : integer | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.SaveRollup Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Saves a rollup for the company.
ReportSuite_SaveSavedFilters ( string $savedFilters ) : Api\StructType\ApiSaved_filter[] | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.SaveSavedFilters Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Saves filter. (Internal use only.)
ReportSuite_SaveScheduledSpike ( string $end_date, string $rsid_list, string $spike_hits_per_day, string $start_date ) : integer | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.SaveScheduledSpike Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Saves scheduled traffic spikes for the requested report suites.
ReportSuite_SaveSiteTitle ( string $rsid_list, string $site_title ) : integer | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.SaveSiteTitle Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Changes the Site Title of the report suites specified (it is not recommended to update multiple report suites with the same site title)
ReportSuite_SaveSuccessEvents ( string $events, string $rsid_list ) : integer | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.SaveSuccessEvents Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Saves the success events to rsid_list
ReportSuite_SaveSurveySettings ( string $rsid_list, string $survey_display_event_num, string $survey_evar_num, string $survey_submit_event_num ) : void | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.SaveSurveySettings
ReportSuite_SaveTimeZone ( string $rsid_list, string $time_zone ) : integer | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.SaveTimeZone Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Changes the timezone (lookup ID) of the report suites specified
ReportSuite_SaveTrafficVars ( string $property, string $rsid_list ) : integer | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.SaveTrafficVars Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Saves the Traffic Vars for the requested report suites.
ReportSuite_SaveUIVisibility ( string $rsid_list, string $state, string $ui_element ) : boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.SaveUIVisibility Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Changes the visibility state of the UI element given for the requested report suites.
ReportSuite_SaveUniqueVisitorVariable ( string $rsid_list, string $unique_visitor_variable ) : integer | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.SaveUniqueVisitorVariable Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Sets the unique visitor variable specified
ReportSuite_SaveVideoReporting ( string $rsid_list ) : void | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.SaveVideoReporting
Report_CancelReport ( string $reportID ) : integer | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Report.CancelReport Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Cancel a report request.
Report_GetElementNames ( Api\StructType\ApiReportDescription $reportDescription ) : report_element_mappings | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Report.GetElementNames Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieve element names
Report_GetOvertimeReport ( Api\StructType\ApiReportDescription $reportDescription ) : Api\StructType\ApiReportResponse | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Report.GetOvertimeReport Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Runs an overtime report.
Report_GetRankedReport ( Api\StructType\ApiReportDescription $reportDescription ) : Api\StructType\ApiReportResponse | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Report.GetRankedReport Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Runs a ranked report.
Report_GetReport ( string $reportID ) : Api\StructType\ApiReportResponse | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Report.GetReport Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Get status and data for a queued report.
Report_GetReportQueue ( ) : report_queue | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Report.GetReportQueue Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieve the report queue for a given company.
Report_GetStatus ( string $reportID ) : Api\StructType\ApiReport_status | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Report.GetStatus Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Get status for a queued report.
Report_GetTrendedReport ( Api\StructType\ApiReportDescription $reportDescription ) : Api\StructType\ApiReportResponse | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Report.GetTrendedReport Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Runs a trended report.
Report_QueueOvertime ( Api\StructType\ApiReportDescription $reportDescription ) : Api\StructType\ApiReportQueueResponse | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Report.QueueOvertime Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Queue an overtime report.
Report_QueueRanked ( Api\StructType\ApiReportDescription $reportDescription ) : Api\StructType\ApiReportQueueResponse | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Report.QueueRanked Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Queue an ranked report.
Report_QueueSCMRanked ( Api\StructType\ApiSCM_reportDescription $reportDescription ) : Api\StructType\ApiReportQueueResponse | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Report.QueueSCMRanked Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Queue a ranked report that is optimized for SearchCenter classifications.
Report_QueueTrended ( Api\StructType\ApiReportDescription $reportDescription ) : Api\StructType\ApiReportQueueResponse | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Report.QueueTrended Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Queue an trended report.
ReverseTransaction ( Api\StructType\ApiReverseTransactionReq $reverseTransactionRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiReverseTransactionResponseType | boolean Method to call the operation originally named ReverseTransaction Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
Saint_CheckJobStatus ( string $job_id ) : saintresults | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Saint.CheckJobStatus Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Return the current status of a Saint API Job.
Saint_CreateFTP ( string $description, string $email, string $export, string $overwrite, string $relation_id, string $rsid_list ) : Api\StructType\ApiSaint_ftp_info | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Saint.CreateFTP Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Creates an ftp account for the given parameters and returns the ftp account info
Saint_ExportCreateJob ( string $campaign_filter_begin_range, string $campaign_filter_end_range, string $campaign_filter_option, string $date_filter_row_end_date, string $date_filter_row_start_date, string $email_address, string $encoding, string $relation_id, string $report_suite_array, string $row_match_filter_empty_column_name, string $row_match_filter_match_column_name, string $row_match_filter_match_column_value, string $select_all_rows, string $select_number_of_rows ) : string | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Saint.ExportCreateJob Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Creates Saint Export Job.
Saint_ExportGetFileSegment ( string $file_id, string $segment_id ) : pagedetails | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Saint.ExportGetFileSegment Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Returns the page details of a given file_id
Saint_GetCompatabiltyMetrics ( string $report_suite_array ) : compatabilitys | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Saint.GetCompatabiltyMetrics Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Returns Array of compatability information for a report suite(s),
Saint_GetFilters ( string $relation_id, string $report_suite_array ) : export_filters | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Saint.GetFilters Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Get SAINT export filters.
Saint_GetTemplate ( string $encoding, string $numeric_div_nums, string $relation_id, string $report_suite, string $text_div_nums ) : string | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Saint.GetTemplate Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Returns the template to be used in the SAINT browser or FTP download
Saint_ImportCommitJob ( string $job_id ) : string | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Saint.ImportCommitJob Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Commits a specified Saint Import job for processing.
Saint_ImportCreateJob ( string $check_divisions, string $description, string $email_address, string $export_results, string $header, string $overwrite_conflicts, string $relation_id, string $report_suite_array ) : integer | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Saint.ImportCreateJob Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Creates a Saint Import Job
Saint_ImportPopulateJob ( string $job_id, string $page, string $rows ) : string | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Saint.ImportPopulateJob Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Attaches Import data to a given Saint Import job.
Saint_ListFTP ( ) : saint_ftp_list | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Saint.ListFTP Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Returns a list of the ftp accounts configured for this company
Scheduling_CreatePublishedReport ( string $location, string $product, Api\StructType\ApiScheduledReport $scheduledReport, string $workbook ) : Api\StructType\ApiScheduledReport | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Scheduling.CreatePublishedReport Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Creates a new published report. (Internal use only.)
Scheduling_DeletePublishedReport ( string $product, string $scheduledReportIds ) : boolean Method to call the operation originally named Scheduling.DeletePublishedReport Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Deletes published reports. (Internal use only)
Scheduling_DeleteWorkbook ( string $location, string $product, string $username, string $workbookNames ) : boolean Method to call the operation originally named Scheduling.DeleteWorkbook Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Deletes workbooks from the library. (Internal use only.)
Scheduling_DownloadWorkbook ( string $location, string $productType, string $username, string $workbookName ) : base64Binary | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Scheduling.DownloadWorkbook Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Download a workbook. (Internal use only.)
Scheduling_GetPublishedReports ( string $product, string $username ) : Api\StructType\ApiScheduledReport[] | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Scheduling.GetPublishedReports Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Get published reports for a user. (Internal use only.)
Scheduling_GetReportsRunHistory ( string $limit, string $offset, string $product, string $username ) : Api\StructType\ApiScheduleLog[] | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Scheduling.GetReportsRunHistory Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Gets a history of reports published by a user.
Scheduling_GetWorkbookList ( string $location, string $product ) : Api\StructType\ApiExcelWorkbook[] | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Scheduling.GetWorkbookList Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Gets a list of workbooks for a user. (Internal use only.)
Scheduling_ReRunReport ( string $id ) : boolean Method to call the operation originally named Scheduling.ReRunReport Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Re-enables a failed report. (Internal use only.)
Scheduling_UpdatePublishedReport ( string $product, Api\StructType\ApiScheduledReport $scheduledReport, string $workbook ) : Api\StructType\ApiScheduledReport | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Scheduling.UpdatePublishedReport Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Edits a published report. (Internal use only.)
Scheduling_UploadWorkbook ( string $description, string $filename, string $location, string $product, string $workbook ) : boolean Method to call the operation originally named Scheduling.UploadWorkbook Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Uploads a Workbook. (Internal use only.)
Search ( ApiSearchRequest $parameters ) : Api\StructType\ApiSearchResponse | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Search
SetAccessPermissions ( Api\StructType\ApiSetAccessPermissionsReq $setAccessPermissionsRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiSetAccessPermissionsResponseType | boolean Method to call the operation originally named SetAccessPermissions Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
SetAuthFlowParam ( Api\StructType\ApiSetAuthFlowParamReq $setAuthFlowParamRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiSetAuthFlowParamResponseType | boolean Method to call the operation originally named SetAuthFlowParam Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
SetCustomerBillingAgreement ( Api\StructType\ApiSetCustomerBillingAgreementReq $setCustomerBillingAgreementRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiSetCustomerBillingAgreementResponseType | boolean Method to call the operation originally named SetCustomerBillingAgreement Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
SetExpressCheckout ( Api\StructType\ApiSetExpressCheckoutReq $setExpressCheckoutRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiSetExpressCheckoutResponseType | boolean Method to call the operation originally named SetExpressCheckout Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
SetMobileCheckout ( Api\StructType\ApiSetMobileCheckoutReq $setMobileCheckoutRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiSetMobileCheckoutResponseType | boolean Method to call the operation originally named SetMobileCheckout Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
Survey_GetSummaryList ( string $rsid, string $status_filter ) : survey_summary_list | boolean Method to call the operation originally named Survey.GetSummaryList Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Returns the list of current surveys created for a given report suite.
TransactionSearch ( Api\StructType\ApiTransactionSearchReq $transactionSearchRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiTransactionSearchResponseType | boolean Method to call the operation originally named TransactionSearch Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
UpdateAccessPermissions ( Api\StructType\ApiUpdateAccessPermissionsReq $updateAccessPermissionsRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiUpdateAccessPermissionsResponseType | boolean Method to call the operation originally named UpdateAccessPermissions Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
UpdateAuthorization ( Api\StructType\ApiUpdateAuthorizationReq $updateAuthorizationRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiUpdateAuthorizationResponseType | boolean Method to call the operation originally named UpdateAuthorization Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile ( Api\StructType\ApiUpdateRecurringPaymentsProfileReq $updateRecurringPaymentsProfileRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiUpdateRecurringPaymentsProfileResponseType | boolean Method to call the operation originally named UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
User_GetBookmarkFolders ( string $limit ) : folder_list | boolean Method to call the operation originally named User.GetBookmarkFolders Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the folders the user has on their menu.
User_GetDashboardsAPI ( string $limit ) : dashboard_list | boolean Method to call the operation originally named User.GetDashboardsAPI Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves a list of dashboards accessible by the user.
User_GetLastUsedReportSuite ( ) : Api\StructType\ApiReport_suite_id | boolean Method to call the operation originally named User.GetLastUsedReportSuite Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the last used report suite by the user.
User_LoginEmailExists ( string $emailAddress ) : boolean Method to call the operation originally named User.LoginEmailExists Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Determines if the supplied email address exists is tied to a Suite login.
__toString ( ) : string Method returning the class name
_list ( Api\StructType\ApiList $parameter ) : Api\StructType\ApiListResponse | boolean Method to call the operation originally named list Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : SessionHeader, ClusterHeader - SOAPHeaderNamespaces :, - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiSessionHeader, \Api\StructType\ApiClusterHeader - SOAPHeaders : optional, required - documentation: Obtain a listing of different types of items in the system (e.g. CONTACT_LISTS)
deleteList ( Api\StructType\ApiDeleteList $parameter ) : void | boolean Method to call the operation originally named deleteList Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : SessionHeader, ClusterHeader - SOAPHeaderNamespaces :, - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiSessionHeader, \Api\StructType\ApiClusterHeader - SOAPHeaders : optional, required
downloadList ( Api\StructType\ApiDownloadList $parameter ) : Api\StructType\ApiAttachmentType | boolean Method to call the operation originally named downloadList Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : SessionHeader, ClusterHeader - SOAPHeaderNamespaces :, - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiSessionHeader, \Api\StructType\ApiClusterHeader - SOAPHeaders : optional, required - documentation: Download the records of a contact list
getResult ( ) : Api\StructType\ApiAddressVerifyResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiBAUpdateResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiBillOutstandingAmountResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiBillUserResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiBMButtonSearchResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiBMCreateButtonResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiBMGetButtonDetailsResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiBMGetInventoryResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiBMManageButtonStatusResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiBMSetInventoryResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiBMUpdateButtonResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiCancelRecoupResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiCompleteRecoupResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiCreateBillingAgreementResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiCreateMobilePaymentResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiCreateRecurringPaymentsProfileResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiDoAuthorizationResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiDoCancelResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiDoCaptureResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiDoDirectPaymentResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiDoExpressCheckoutPaymentResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiDoMobileCheckoutPaymentResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiDoNonReferencedCreditResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiDoReauthorizationResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiDoReferenceTransactionResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiDoUATPAuthorizationResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiDoUATPExpressCheckoutPaymentResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiDoVoidResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiEnterBoardingResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiExecuteCheckoutOperationsResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiExternalRememberMeOptOutResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiGetAccessPermissionDetailsResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiGetAuthDetailsResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiGetBalanceResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiGetBillingAgreementCustomerDetailsResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiGetBoardingDetailsResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiGetExpressCheckoutDetailsResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiGetIncentiveEvaluationResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiGetMobileStatusResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiGetPalDetailsResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiGetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetailsResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiGetTransactionDetailsResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiInitiateRecoupResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiManagePendingTransactionStatusResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatusResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiMassPayResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiRefundTransactionResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiReverseTransactionResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiSetAccessPermissionsResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiSetAuthFlowParamResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiSetCustomerBillingAgreementResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiSetExpressCheckoutResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiSetMobileCheckoutResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiTransactionSearchResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiUpdateAccessPermissionsResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiUpdateAuthorizationResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiUpdateRecurringPaymentsProfileResponseType Returns the result
getResult ( ) : Api\StructType\ApiSearchResponse Returns the result
getResult ( ) : array | base64Binary | boolean | code_archives | code_items | compatabilitys | dashboard_list | dwsegments | expiration_event_list | export_filters | fileInfoResult | folder_list | infoResult | integer | log_entries | mchannels_list | multi_rs_mchannel_rulesets | pagedetails | perm_categories | queue_items | report_element_mappings | report_queue | rscollection_activation | rscollection_axle_start_date | rscollection_base_currency | rscollection_base_url | rscollection_calculated_metric | rscollection_classification | rscollection_correlation | rscollection_costs | rscollection_custom_calendar | rscollection_default_page | rscollection_ecommerce | rscollection_elements | rscollection_evar | rscollection_event | rscollection_finding_method | rscollection_hierarchy | rscollection_internal_url_filter | rscollection_ip_exclusions | rscollection_ip_obfuscation | rscollection_key_visitor | rscollection_localization | rscollection_metrics | rscollection_paid_search | rscollection_processing_status | rscollection_rollup_dates | rscollection_sc_segments | rscollection_settings | rscollection_site_title | rscollection_template | rscollection_time_zone | rscollection_traffic_var | rscollection_ui_element | rscollection_unique_visitor_variable | rscollection_video_tracking | saintresults | saint_ftp_list | segment_folders | string | string[] | survey_summary_list | usage_log_entries | void | Api\StructType\ApiChannel_sub_relations_element | Api\StructType\ApiCrm_info | Api\StructType\ApiDashboard_element | Api\StructType\ApiData_warehouse_report | Api\StructType\ApiData_warehouse_request | Api\StructType\ApiData_warehouse_segment | Api\StructType\ApiDs_setup_result | Api\StructType\ApiExcelWorkbook[] | Api\StructType\ApiFileIDResult | Api\StructType\ApiFileStatusResult | Api\StructType\ApiGroup_data | Api\StructType\ApiLogin | Api\StructType\ApiPermanent_traffic[] | Api\StructType\ApiPermissions_account[] | Api\StructType\ApiPermissions_account_groups | Api\StructType\ApiPermission_group[] | Api\StructType\ApiPerm_login[] | Api\StructType\ApiPublishingList[] | Api\StructType\ApiReportBuilderLogin | Api\StructType\ApiReportlet | Api\StructType\ApiReportQueueResponse | Api\StructType\ApiReportResponse | Api\StructType\ApiReport_status | Api\StructType\ApiReport_suite_id | Api\StructType\ApiReport_suite_pages[] | Api\StructType\ApiRollup[] | Api\StructType\ApiSaint_ftp_info | Api\StructType\ApiSaved_filter[] | Api\StructType\ApiScheduledReport | Api\StructType\ApiScheduledReport[] | Api\StructType\ApiScheduleLog[] | Api\StructType\ApiSchedule_spike[] | Api\StructType\ApiSimpleDataSource[] | Api\StructType\ApiSimple_report_suites_rval | Api\StructType\ApiStatus | Api\StructType\ApiToken_usage_container | Api\StructType\ApiTracking_server_data Returns the result
getResult ( ) : void | Api\StructType\ApiAttachmentType | Api\StructType\ApiGetUploadResultResponse | Api\StructType\ApiListResponse | Api\StructType\ApiLoginResponse | Api\StructType\ApiMessageReportResponse | Api\StructType\ApiSendEmailResponse | Api\StructType\ApiUploadListResponse Returns the result
getUploadResult ( Api\StructType\ApiGetUploadResultRequest $parameter ) : Api\StructType\ApiGetUploadResultResponse | boolean Method to call the operation originally named getUploadResult Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : SessionHeader, ClusterHeader - SOAPHeaderNamespaces :, - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiSessionHeader, \Api\StructType\ApiClusterHeader - SOAPHeaders : required, required - documentation: Poll for the results of an asynchronous running upload/merge request
login ( Api\StructType\ApiLogin $parameter ) : Api\StructType\ApiLoginResponse | boolean Method to call the operation originally named login Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : ClusterHeader - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiClusterHeader - SOAPHeaders : required - documentation: Login to the service. This must be the first call to obtain the SessionID for all subsequent API calls
messageReport ( Api\StructType\ApiMessageReport $parameter ) : Api\StructType\ApiMessageReportResponse | boolean Method to call the operation originally named messageReport Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : SessionHeader, ClusterHeader - SOAPHeaderNamespaces :, - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiSessionHeader, \Api\StructType\ApiClusterHeader - SOAPHeaders : optional, required
sendEmail ( Api\StructType\ApiSendEmail $parameter ) : Api\StructType\ApiSendEmailResponse | boolean Method to call the operation originally named sendEmail Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : SessionHeader, ClusterHeader - SOAPHeaderNamespaces :, - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiSessionHeader, \Api\StructType\ApiClusterHeader - SOAPHeaders : optional, optional - documentation: Schedule an email to be sent.
setSoapHeaderClusterHeader ( Api\StructType\ApiClusterHeader $clusterHeader, string $nameSpace = '', boolean $mustUnderstand = false, string $actor = null ) : boolean Sets the ClusterHeader SoapHeader param
setSoapHeaderRequesterCredentials ( Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType $requesterCredentials, string $nameSpace = 'urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI', boolean $mustUnderstand = false, string $actor = null ) : boolean Sets the RequesterCredentials SoapHeader param
setSoapHeaderSessionHeader ( Api\StructType\ApiSessionHeader $sessionHeader, string $nameSpace = '', boolean $mustUnderstand = false, string $actor = null ) : boolean Sets the SessionHeader SoapHeader param
uploadList ( Api\StructType\ApiUploadList $parameter ) : Api\StructType\ApiUploadListResponse | boolean Method to call the operation originally named uploadList Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : SessionHeader, ClusterHeader - SOAPHeaderNamespaces :, - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiSessionHeader, \Api\StructType\ApiClusterHeader - SOAPHeaders : optional, required - documentation: Upload a new contact list or merge records into an existing list.

Method Details

AddressVerify() public method

Method to call the operation originally named AddressVerify Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
public AddressVerify ( Api\StructType\ApiAddressVerifyReq $addressVerifyRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiAddressVerifyResponseType | boolean
$addressVerifyRequest Api\StructType\ApiAddressVerifyReq
return Api\StructType\ApiAddressVerifyResponseType | boolean

BMButtonSearch() public method

Method to call the operation originally named BMButtonSearch Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
public BMButtonSearch ( Api\StructType\ApiBMButtonSearchReq $bMButtonSearchRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiBMButtonSearchResponseType | boolean
$bMButtonSearchRequest Api\StructType\ApiBMButtonSearchReq
return Api\StructType\ApiBMButtonSearchResponseType | boolean

BMCreateButton() public method

Method to call the operation originally named BMCreateButton Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
public BMCreateButton ( Api\StructType\ApiBMCreateButtonReq $bMCreateButtonRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiBMCreateButtonResponseType | boolean
$bMCreateButtonRequest Api\StructType\ApiBMCreateButtonReq
return Api\StructType\ApiBMCreateButtonResponseType | boolean

BMGetButtonDetails() public method

Method to call the operation originally named BMGetButtonDetails Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
public BMGetButtonDetails ( Api\StructType\ApiBMGetButtonDetailsReq $bMGetButtonDetailsRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiBMGetButtonDetailsResponseType | boolean
$bMGetButtonDetailsRequest Api\StructType\ApiBMGetButtonDetailsReq
return Api\StructType\ApiBMGetButtonDetailsResponseType | boolean

BMGetInventory() public method

Method to call the operation originally named BMGetInventory Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
public BMGetInventory ( Api\StructType\ApiBMGetInventoryReq $bMGetInventoryRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiBMGetInventoryResponseType | boolean
$bMGetInventoryRequest Api\StructType\ApiBMGetInventoryReq
return Api\StructType\ApiBMGetInventoryResponseType | boolean

BMManageButtonStatus() public method

Method to call the operation originally named BMManageButtonStatus Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
public BMManageButtonStatus ( Api\StructType\ApiBMManageButtonStatusReq $bMManageButtonStatusRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiBMManageButtonStatusResponseType | boolean
$bMManageButtonStatusRequest Api\StructType\ApiBMManageButtonStatusReq
return Api\StructType\ApiBMManageButtonStatusResponseType | boolean

BMSetInventory() public method

Method to call the operation originally named BMSetInventory Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
public BMSetInventory ( Api\StructType\ApiBMSetInventoryReq $bMSetInventoryRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiBMSetInventoryResponseType | boolean
$bMSetInventoryRequest Api\StructType\ApiBMSetInventoryReq
return Api\StructType\ApiBMSetInventoryResponseType | boolean

BMUpdateButton() public method

Method to call the operation originally named BMUpdateButton Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
public BMUpdateButton ( Api\StructType\ApiBMUpdateButtonReq $bMUpdateButtonRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiBMUpdateButtonResponseType | boolean
$bMUpdateButtonRequest Api\StructType\ApiBMUpdateButtonReq
return Api\StructType\ApiBMUpdateButtonResponseType | boolean

BillAgreementUpdate() public method

Method to call the operation originally named BillAgreementUpdate Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
public BillAgreementUpdate ( Api\StructType\ApiBillAgreementUpdateReq $billAgreementUpdateRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiBAUpdateResponseType | boolean
$billAgreementUpdateRequest Api\StructType\ApiBillAgreementUpdateReq
return Api\StructType\ApiBAUpdateResponseType | boolean

BillOutstandingAmount() public method

Method to call the operation originally named BillOutstandingAmount Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
public BillOutstandingAmount ( Api\StructType\ApiBillOutstandingAmountReq $billOutstandingAmountRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiBillOutstandingAmountResponseType | boolean
$billOutstandingAmountRequest Api\StructType\ApiBillOutstandingAmountReq
return Api\StructType\ApiBillOutstandingAmountResponseType | boolean

BillUser() public method

Method to call the operation originally named BillUser Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
public BillUser ( Api\StructType\ApiBillUserReq $billUserRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiBillUserResponseType | boolean
$billUserRequest Api\StructType\ApiBillUserReq
return Api\StructType\ApiBillUserResponseType | boolean

CancelRecoup() public method

Method to call the operation originally named CancelRecoup Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
public CancelRecoup ( Api\StructType\ApiCancelRecoupReq $cancelRecoupRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiCancelRecoupResponseType | boolean
$cancelRecoupRequest Api\StructType\ApiCancelRecoupReq
return Api\StructType\ApiCancelRecoupResponseType | boolean

CodeManager_DeleteCodeArchive() public method

Method to call the operation originally named CodeManager.DeleteCodeArchive Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Delete page code.
public CodeManager_DeleteCodeArchive ( string $archive_id ) : integer | boolean
$archive_id string
return integer | boolean

CodeManager_GenerateCode() public method

Method to call the operation originally named CodeManager.GenerateCode Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Generates page code.
public CodeManager_GenerateCode ( string $char_set, string $code_type, string $cookie_domain_periods, string $currency_code, string $rsid, string $secure ) : code_items | boolean
$char_set string
$code_type string
$cookie_domain_periods string
$currency_code string
$rsid string
$secure string
return code_items | boolean

CodeManager_GetCodeArchives() public method

Method to call the operation originally named CodeManager.GetCodeArchives Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Returns a list of existing code archives.
public CodeManager_GetCodeArchives ( string $archive_id_list, string $binary_encoding, string $populate_code_items ) : code_archives | boolean
$archive_id_list string
$binary_encoding string
$populate_code_items string
return code_archives | boolean

CodeManager_SaveCodeArchive() public method

Method to call the operation originally named CodeManager.SaveCodeArchive Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Saves a page code archive.
public CodeManager_SaveCodeArchive ( string $archive_description, string $archive_id, string $archive_name, string $code ) : integer | boolean
$archive_description string
$archive_id string
$archive_name string
$code string
return integer | boolean

Company_CancelQueueItem() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Company.CancelQueueItem Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Cancel a pending (queued) action that has yet to be approved.
public Company_CancelQueueItem ( string $qid ) : integer | boolean
$qid string
return integer | boolean

Company_DownloadProduct() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Company.DownloadProduct Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Downloads a product. (Internal use only.)
public Company_DownloadProduct ( string $productType ) : base64Binary | boolean
$productType string
return base64Binary | boolean

Company_GetEndpoint() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Company.GetEndpoint Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Returns the correct SOAP endpoint to be used for API calls
public Company_GetEndpoint ( string $company ) : string | boolean
$company string
return string | boolean

Company_GetQueue() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Company.GetQueue Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Returns queued items that are pending approval for the requesting company.
public Company_GetQueue ( ) : queue_items | boolean
return queue_items | boolean

Company_GetReportSuites() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Company.GetReportSuites Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves all report suites associated with your company.
public Company_GetReportSuites ( string $rs_types, string $sp ) : Api\StructType\ApiSimple_report_suites_rval | boolean
$rs_types string
$sp string
return Api\StructType\ApiSimple_report_suites_rval | boolean

Company_GetTokenCount() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Company.GetTokenCount Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Returns remaining tokens for a given auth key (note that this call also consumes a token).

Company_GetTokenUsage() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Company.GetTokenUsage Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Returns token usage information (note that this call also consumes a token).
public Company_GetTokenUsage ( ) : Api\StructType\ApiToken_usage_container | boolean
return Api\StructType\ApiToken_usage_container | boolean

Company_GetTrackingServer() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Company.GetTrackingServer Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Returns the tracking server and namespace for the given report suite
public Company_GetTrackingServer ( string $rsid ) : Api\StructType\ApiTracking_server_data | boolean
$rsid string
return Api\StructType\ApiTracking_server_data | boolean

Company_GetVersionAccess() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Company.GetVersionAccess Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves version access for the company.
public Company_GetVersionAccess ( ) : string[] | boolean
return string[] | boolean

Company_ResetTokenCount() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Company.ResetTokenCount Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Resets the token count for the given auth key.
public Company_ResetTokenCount ( string $auth_key ) : integer | boolean
$auth_key string
return integer | boolean

CompleteRecoup() public method

Method to call the operation originally named CompleteRecoup Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
public CompleteRecoup ( Api\StructType\ApiCompleteRecoupReq $completeRecoupRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiCompleteRecoupResponseType | boolean
$completeRecoupRequest Api\StructType\ApiCompleteRecoupReq
return Api\StructType\ApiCompleteRecoupResponseType | boolean

CreateBillingAgreement() public method

Method to call the operation originally named CreateBillingAgreement Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
public CreateBillingAgreement ( Api\StructType\ApiCreateBillingAgreementReq $createBillingAgreementRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiCreateBillingAgreementResponseType | boolean
$createBillingAgreementRequest Api\StructType\ApiCreateBillingAgreementReq
return Api\StructType\ApiCreateBillingAgreementResponseType | boolean

CreateMobilePayment() public method

Method to call the operation originally named CreateMobilePayment Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
public CreateMobilePayment ( Api\StructType\ApiCreateMobilePaymentReq $createMobilePaymentRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiCreateMobilePaymentResponseType | boolean
$createMobilePaymentRequest Api\StructType\ApiCreateMobilePaymentReq
return Api\StructType\ApiCreateMobilePaymentResponseType | boolean

CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile() public method

Method to call the operation originally named CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
public CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile ( Api\StructType\ApiCreateRecurringPaymentsProfileReq $createRecurringPaymentsProfileRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiCreateRecurringPaymentsProfileResponseType | boolean
$createRecurringPaymentsProfileRequest Api\StructType\ApiCreateRecurringPaymentsProfileReq
return Api\StructType\ApiCreateRecurringPaymentsProfileResponseType | boolean

Dashboards_GetDashboardAPI() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Dashboards.GetDashboardAPI Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves a list of reportlets owned by the given dashboard.
public Dashboards_GetDashboardAPI ( string $dashboard_id, string $dashboard_type ) : Api\StructType\ApiDashboard_element | boolean
$dashboard_id string
$dashboard_type string
return Api\StructType\ApiDashboard_element | boolean

Dashboards_GetReportletDataAPI() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Dashboards.GetReportletDataAPI Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves data for a given reportlet.
public Dashboards_GetReportletDataAPI ( string $reportlet_id ) : Api\StructType\ApiReportlet | boolean
$reportlet_id string
return Api\StructType\ApiReportlet | boolean

DataSource_AppendDataBlock() public method

Method to call the operation originally named DataSource.AppendDataBlock Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Add rows of data to and optionally end a block of data begun by a BeginDataBlock call
public DataSource_AppendDataBlock ( string $blockID, string $dataSourceID, string $endOfBlock, string $reportSuiteID, string $rows ) : array | boolean
$blockID string
$dataSourceID string
$endOfBlock string
$reportSuiteID string
$rows string
return array | boolean

DataSource_BeginDataBlock() public method

Method to call the operation originally named DataSource.BeginDataBlock Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Begin and optionally end a block of data to be inserted into the Data Sources processing queue
public DataSource_BeginDataBlock ( string $blockName, string $columnNames, string $dataSourceID, string $endOfBlock, string $reportSuiteID, string $rows ) : array | boolean
$blockName string
$columnNames string
$dataSourceID string
$endOfBlock string
$reportSuiteID string
$rows string
return array | boolean

DataSource_Deactivate() public method

Method to call the operation originally named DataSource.Deactivate Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Deactivates a Data Source.
public DataSource_Deactivate ( string $dataSourceID, string $reportSuiteID ) : Api\StructType\ApiStatus | boolean
$dataSourceID string
$reportSuiteID string
return Api\StructType\ApiStatus | boolean

DataSource_GetFileIDs() public method

Method to call the operation originally named DataSource.GetFileIDs Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Returns array of file ids for a given data source id.
public DataSource_GetFileIDs ( string $dataSourceID, string $filter, string $reportSuiteID ) : Api\StructType\ApiFileIDResult | boolean
$dataSourceID string
$filter string
$reportSuiteID string
return Api\StructType\ApiFileIDResult | boolean

DataSource_GetFileInfo() public method

Method to call the operation originally named DataSource.GetFileInfo Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Returns dataSource file status information.
public DataSource_GetFileInfo ( string $dataSourceID, string $filter, string $reportSuiteID ) : fileInfoResult | boolean
$dataSourceID string
$filter string
$reportSuiteID string
return fileInfoResult | boolean

DataSource_GetFileStatus() public method

Method to call the operation originally named DataSource.GetFileStatus Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Returns dataSource file status information.
public DataSource_GetFileStatus ( string $dataSourceFileID, string $reportSuiteID ) : Api\StructType\ApiFileStatusResult | boolean
$dataSourceFileID string
$reportSuiteID string
return Api\StructType\ApiFileStatusResult | boolean

DataSource_GetIDs() public method

Method to call the operation originally named DataSource.GetIDs Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Returns a list of data sources that belong to the specified report suite.
public DataSource_GetIDs ( string $reportSuiteID ) : Api\StructType\ApiSimpleDataSource[] | boolean
$reportSuiteID string
return Api\StructType\ApiSimpleDataSource[] | boolean

DataSource_GetInfo() public method

Method to call the operation originally named DataSource.GetInfo Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Returns dataSource file status information.
public DataSource_GetInfo ( string $filter, string $reportSuiteID ) : infoResult | boolean
$filter string
$reportSuiteID string
return infoResult | boolean

DataSource_ProcessIncompleteVisits() public method

Method to call the operation originally named DataSource.ProcessIncompleteVisits Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Processes incomplete visits for a DataSource
public DataSource_ProcessIncompleteVisits ( string $dataSourceID, string $reportSuiteID ) : Api\StructType\ApiStatus | boolean
$dataSourceID string
$reportSuiteID string
return Api\StructType\ApiStatus | boolean

DataSource_Restart() public method

Method to call the operation originally named DataSource.Restart Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Sets DataSource file state to processing.
public DataSource_Restart ( string $dataSourceID, string $reportSuiteID ) : Api\StructType\ApiStatus | boolean
$dataSourceID string
$reportSuiteID string
return Api\StructType\ApiStatus | boolean

DataSource_SetupFull() public method

Method to call the operation originally named DataSource.SetupFull Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Creates or modifies a Full Data Source.
public DataSource_SetupFull ( string $dataSourceID, Api\StructType\ApiDs_full_settings $dataSourceSettings, string $reportSuiteID ) : Api\StructType\ApiDs_setup_result | boolean
$dataSourceID string
$dataSourceSettings Api\StructType\ApiDs_full_settings
$reportSuiteID string
return Api\StructType\ApiDs_setup_result | boolean

DataSource_SetupGeneric() public method

Method to call the operation originally named DataSource.SetupGeneric Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Creates or modifies a Generic Data Source.
public DataSource_SetupGeneric ( string $dataSourceID, Api\StructType\ApiDs_generic_settings $dataSourceSettings, string $dataSourceType, string $reportSuiteID ) : Api\StructType\ApiDs_setup_result | boolean
$dataSourceID string
$dataSourceSettings Api\StructType\ApiDs_generic_settings
$dataSourceType string
$reportSuiteID string
return Api\StructType\ApiDs_setup_result | boolean

DataSource_SetupTraffic() public method

Method to call the operation originally named DataSource.SetupTraffic Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Creates or modifies a Traffic Data Source.
public DataSource_SetupTraffic ( string $dataSourceID, Api\StructType\ApiDs_traffic_settings $dataSourceSettings, string $reportSuiteID ) : Api\StructType\ApiDs_setup_result | boolean
$dataSourceID string
$dataSourceSettings Api\StructType\ApiDs_traffic_settings
$reportSuiteID string
return Api\StructType\ApiDs_setup_result | boolean

DataSource_SetupWebLog() public method

Method to call the operation originally named DataSource.SetupWebLog Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Creates or modifies a Webserver Log Data Source.
public DataSource_SetupWebLog ( string $dataSourceID, Api\StructType\ApiDs_weblog_settings $dataSourceSettings, string $reportSuiteID ) : Api\StructType\ApiDs_setup_result | boolean
$dataSourceID string
$dataSourceSettings Api\StructType\ApiDs_weblog_settings
$reportSuiteID string
return Api\StructType\ApiDs_setup_result | boolean

DataWarehouse_CancelRequest() public method

Method to call the operation originally named DataWarehouse.CancelRequest Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Cancels a Data Warehouse Request.
public DataWarehouse_CancelRequest ( string $request_Id ) : string | boolean
$request_Id string
return string | boolean

DataWarehouse_CheckRequest() public method

Method to call the operation originally named DataWarehouse.CheckRequest Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Checks the status of a Data Warehouse Request.
public DataWarehouse_CheckRequest ( string $request_Id ) : Api\StructType\ApiData_warehouse_request | boolean
$request_Id string
return Api\StructType\ApiData_warehouse_request | boolean

DataWarehouse_CreateSegment() public method

Method to call the operation originally named DataWarehouse.CreateSegment Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Create a new data warehouse segment
public DataWarehouse_CreateSegment ( string $hidden, string $rsid, Api\StructType\ApiData_warehouse_segment $segment ) : integer | boolean
$hidden string
$rsid string
$segment Api\StructType\ApiData_warehouse_segment
return integer | boolean

DataWarehouse_GetReportData() public method

Method to call the operation originally named DataWarehouse.GetReportData Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Obtain content for the given request
public DataWarehouse_GetReportData ( string $request_Id, string $rsid, string $start_row ) : Api\StructType\ApiData_warehouse_report | boolean
$request_Id string
$rsid string
$start_row string
return Api\StructType\ApiData_warehouse_report | boolean

DataWarehouse_GetSegment() public method

Method to call the operation originally named DataWarehouse.GetSegment Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Obtain a description of an existing data warehouse segment
public DataWarehouse_GetSegment ( string $rsid, string $segment ) : Api\StructType\ApiData_warehouse_segment | boolean
$rsid string
$segment string
return Api\StructType\ApiData_warehouse_segment | boolean

DataWarehouse_GetSegments() public method

Method to call the operation originally named DataWarehouse.GetSegments Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Gets available segments.
public DataWarehouse_GetSegments ( string $rsid ) : dwsegments | boolean
$rsid string
return dwsegments | boolean

DataWarehouse_ReplaceSegment() public method

Method to call the operation originally named DataWarehouse.ReplaceSegment Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Replace a data warehouse segment of the given id with the given segment.
public DataWarehouse_ReplaceSegment ( string $id, string $rsid, Api\StructType\ApiData_warehouse_segment $segment ) : integer | boolean
$id string
$rsid string
$segment Api\StructType\ApiData_warehouse_segment
return integer | boolean

DataWarehouse_Request() public method

Method to call the operation originally named DataWarehouse.Request Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Creates a Data Warehouse Request.
public DataWarehouse_Request ( string $breakdown_List, string $contact_Name, string $contact_Phone, string $date_From, string $date_Granularity, string $date_Preset, string $date_To, string $date_Type, string $email_Subject, string $email_To, string $fTP_Dir, string $fTP_Host, string $fTP_Password, string $fTP_Port, string $fTP_UserName, string $file_Name, string $metric_List, string $report_Description, string $report_Name, string $segment_Id, string $rsid ) : integer | boolean
$breakdown_List string
$contact_Name string
$contact_Phone string
$date_From string
$date_Granularity string
$date_Preset string
$date_To string
$date_Type string
$email_Subject string
$email_To string
$fTP_Dir string
$fTP_Host string
$fTP_Password string
$fTP_Port string
$fTP_UserName string
$file_Name string
$metric_List string
$report_Description string
$report_Name string
$segment_Id string
$rsid string
return integer | boolean

DataWarehouse_VerifySegment() public method

Method to call the operation originally named DataWarehouse.VerifySegment Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Verify the correctness of the given data warehouse segment
public DataWarehouse_VerifySegment ( Api\StructType\ApiData_warehouse_segment $segment ) : boolean
$segment Api\StructType\ApiData_warehouse_segment
return boolean

DeliveryList_Delete() public method

Method to call the operation originally named DeliveryList.Delete Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Delete a distribution list.
public DeliveryList_Delete ( string $dist_list_id ) : integer | boolean
$dist_list_id string
return integer | boolean

DeliveryList_Get() public method

Method to call the operation originally named DeliveryList.Get Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Gets Publishing list.
public DeliveryList_Get ( string $search_name ) : Api\StructType\ApiPublishingList[] | boolean
$search_name string
return Api\StructType\ApiPublishingList[] | boolean

DeliveryList_Save() public method

Method to call the operation originally named DeliveryList.Save Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Save delivery list.
public DeliveryList_Save ( string $delivery_list_name, string $dist_list_id ) : integer | boolean
$delivery_list_name string
$dist_list_id string
return integer | boolean

Discover_GetSegments() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Discover.GetSegments Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieve a list of Discover segments for a given report suite.
public Discover_GetSegments ( string $end_date, string $rsid, string $start_date ) : segment_folders | boolean
$end_date string
$rsid string
$start_date string
return segment_folders | boolean

Discover_QueueDiscoverOvertime() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Discover.QueueDiscoverOvertime Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Queue a Discover overtime report.
public Discover_QueueDiscoverOvertime ( Api\StructType\ApiReportDescription $reportDescription ) : Api\StructType\ApiReportQueueResponse | boolean
$reportDescription Api\StructType\ApiReportDescription
return Api\StructType\ApiReportQueueResponse | boolean

Discover_QueueDiscoverRanked() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Discover.QueueDiscoverRanked Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Queue a Discover ranked report.
public Discover_QueueDiscoverRanked ( Api\StructType\ApiReportDescription $reportDescription ) : Api\StructType\ApiReportQueueResponse | boolean
$reportDescription Api\StructType\ApiReportDescription
return Api\StructType\ApiReportQueueResponse | boolean

Discover_QueueDiscoverTrended() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Discover.QueueDiscoverTrended Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Queue a Discover trended report.
public Discover_QueueDiscoverTrended ( Api\StructType\ApiReportDescription $reportDescription ) : Api\StructType\ApiReportQueueResponse | boolean
$reportDescription Api\StructType\ApiReportDescription
return Api\StructType\ApiReportQueueResponse | boolean

DoAuthorization() public method

Method to call the operation originally named DoAuthorization Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
public DoAuthorization ( Api\StructType\ApiDoAuthorizationReq $doAuthorizationRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiDoAuthorizationResponseType | boolean
$doAuthorizationRequest Api\StructType\ApiDoAuthorizationReq
return Api\StructType\ApiDoAuthorizationResponseType | boolean

DoCancel() public method

Method to call the operation originally named DoCancel Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
public DoCancel ( Api\StructType\ApiDoCancelReq $doCancelRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiDoCancelResponseType | boolean
$doCancelRequest Api\StructType\ApiDoCancelReq
return Api\StructType\ApiDoCancelResponseType | boolean

DoCapture() public method

Method to call the operation originally named DoCapture Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
public DoCapture ( Api\StructType\ApiDoCaptureReq $doCaptureRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiDoCaptureResponseType | boolean
$doCaptureRequest Api\StructType\ApiDoCaptureReq
return Api\StructType\ApiDoCaptureResponseType | boolean

DoDirectPayment() public method

Method to call the operation originally named DoDirectPayment Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
public DoDirectPayment ( Api\StructType\ApiDoDirectPaymentReq $doDirectPaymentRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiDoDirectPaymentResponseType | boolean
$doDirectPaymentRequest Api\StructType\ApiDoDirectPaymentReq
return Api\StructType\ApiDoDirectPaymentResponseType | boolean

DoExpressCheckoutPayment() public method

Method to call the operation originally named DoExpressCheckoutPayment Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
public DoExpressCheckoutPayment ( Api\StructType\ApiDoExpressCheckoutPaymentReq $doExpressCheckoutPaymentRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiDoExpressCheckoutPaymentResponseType | boolean
$doExpressCheckoutPaymentRequest Api\StructType\ApiDoExpressCheckoutPaymentReq
return Api\StructType\ApiDoExpressCheckoutPaymentResponseType | boolean

DoMobileCheckoutPayment() public method

Method to call the operation originally named DoMobileCheckoutPayment Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
public DoMobileCheckoutPayment ( Api\StructType\ApiDoMobileCheckoutPaymentReq $doMobileCheckoutPaymentRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiDoMobileCheckoutPaymentResponseType | boolean
$doMobileCheckoutPaymentRequest Api\StructType\ApiDoMobileCheckoutPaymentReq
return Api\StructType\ApiDoMobileCheckoutPaymentResponseType | boolean

DoNonReferencedCredit() public method

Method to call the operation originally named DoNonReferencedCredit Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
public DoNonReferencedCredit ( Api\StructType\ApiDoNonReferencedCreditReq $doNonReferencedCreditRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiDoNonReferencedCreditResponseType | boolean
$doNonReferencedCreditRequest Api\StructType\ApiDoNonReferencedCreditReq
return Api\StructType\ApiDoNonReferencedCreditResponseType | boolean

DoReauthorization() public method

Method to call the operation originally named DoReauthorization Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
public DoReauthorization ( Api\StructType\ApiDoReauthorizationReq $doReauthorizationRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiDoReauthorizationResponseType | boolean
$doReauthorizationRequest Api\StructType\ApiDoReauthorizationReq
return Api\StructType\ApiDoReauthorizationResponseType | boolean

DoReferenceTransaction() public method

Method to call the operation originally named DoReferenceTransaction Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
public DoReferenceTransaction ( Api\StructType\ApiDoReferenceTransactionReq $doReferenceTransactionRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiDoReferenceTransactionResponseType | boolean
$doReferenceTransactionRequest Api\StructType\ApiDoReferenceTransactionReq
return Api\StructType\ApiDoReferenceTransactionResponseType | boolean

DoUATPAuthorization() public method

Method to call the operation originally named DoUATPAuthorization Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
public DoUATPAuthorization ( Api\StructType\ApiDoUATPAuthorizationReq $doUATPAuthorizationRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiDoUATPAuthorizationResponseType | boolean
$doUATPAuthorizationRequest Api\StructType\ApiDoUATPAuthorizationReq
return Api\StructType\ApiDoUATPAuthorizationResponseType | boolean

DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment() public method

Method to call the operation originally named DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
public DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment ( Api\StructType\ApiDoUATPExpressCheckoutPaymentReq $doUATPExpressCheckoutPaymentRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiDoUATPExpressCheckoutPaymentResponseType | boolean
$doUATPExpressCheckoutPaymentRequest Api\StructType\ApiDoUATPExpressCheckoutPaymentReq
return Api\StructType\ApiDoUATPExpressCheckoutPaymentResponseType | boolean

DoVoid() public method

Method to call the operation originally named DoVoid Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
public DoVoid ( Api\StructType\ApiDoVoidReq $doVoidRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiDoVoidResponseType | boolean
$doVoidRequest Api\StructType\ApiDoVoidReq
return Api\StructType\ApiDoVoidResponseType | boolean

EnterBoarding() public method

Method to call the operation originally named EnterBoarding Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
public EnterBoarding ( Api\StructType\ApiEnterBoardingReq $enterBoardingRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiEnterBoardingResponseType | boolean
$enterBoardingRequest Api\StructType\ApiEnterBoardingReq
return Api\StructType\ApiEnterBoardingResponseType | boolean

ExecuteCheckoutOperations() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ExecuteCheckoutOperations Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
public ExecuteCheckoutOperations ( Api\StructType\ApiExecuteCheckoutOperationsReq $executeCheckoutOperationsRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiExecuteCheckoutOperationsResponseType | boolean
$executeCheckoutOperationsRequest Api\StructType\ApiExecuteCheckoutOperationsReq
return Api\StructType\ApiExecuteCheckoutOperationsResponseType | boolean

ExternalRememberMeOptOut() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ExternalRememberMeOptOut Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
public ExternalRememberMeOptOut ( Api\StructType\ApiExternalRememberMeOptOutReq $externalRememberMeOptOutRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiExternalRememberMeOptOutResponseType | boolean
$externalRememberMeOptOutRequest Api\StructType\ApiExternalRememberMeOptOutReq
return Api\StructType\ApiExternalRememberMeOptOutResponseType | boolean

GetAccessPermissionDetails() public method

Method to call the operation originally named GetAccessPermissionDetails Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
public GetAccessPermissionDetails ( Api\StructType\ApiGetAccessPermissionDetailsReq $getAccessPermissionDetailsRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiGetAccessPermissionDetailsResponseType | boolean
$getAccessPermissionDetailsRequest Api\StructType\ApiGetAccessPermissionDetailsReq
return Api\StructType\ApiGetAccessPermissionDetailsResponseType | boolean

GetAuthDetails() public method

Method to call the operation originally named GetAuthDetails Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
public GetAuthDetails ( Api\StructType\ApiGetAuthDetailsReq $getAuthDetailsRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiGetAuthDetailsResponseType | boolean
$getAuthDetailsRequest Api\StructType\ApiGetAuthDetailsReq
return Api\StructType\ApiGetAuthDetailsResponseType | boolean

GetBalance() public method

Method to call the operation originally named GetBalance Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
public GetBalance ( Api\StructType\ApiGetBalanceReq $getBalanceRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiGetBalanceResponseType | boolean
$getBalanceRequest Api\StructType\ApiGetBalanceReq
return Api\StructType\ApiGetBalanceResponseType | boolean

GetBillingAgreementCustomerDetails() public method

Method to call the operation originally named GetBillingAgreementCustomerDetails Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
public GetBillingAgreementCustomerDetails ( Api\StructType\ApiGetBillingAgreementCustomerDetailsReq $getBillingAgreementCustomerDetailsRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiGetBillingAgreementCustomerDetailsResponseType | boolean
$getBillingAgreementCustomerDetailsRequest Api\StructType\ApiGetBillingAgreementCustomerDetailsReq
return Api\StructType\ApiGetBillingAgreementCustomerDetailsResponseType | boolean

GetBoardingDetails() public method

Method to call the operation originally named GetBoardingDetails Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
public GetBoardingDetails ( Api\StructType\ApiGetBoardingDetailsReq $getBoardingDetailsRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiGetBoardingDetailsResponseType | boolean
$getBoardingDetailsRequest Api\StructType\ApiGetBoardingDetailsReq
return Api\StructType\ApiGetBoardingDetailsResponseType | boolean

GetExpressCheckoutDetails() public method

Method to call the operation originally named GetExpressCheckoutDetails Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
public GetExpressCheckoutDetails ( Api\StructType\ApiGetExpressCheckoutDetailsReq $getExpressCheckoutDetailsRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiGetExpressCheckoutDetailsResponseType | boolean
$getExpressCheckoutDetailsRequest Api\StructType\ApiGetExpressCheckoutDetailsReq
return Api\StructType\ApiGetExpressCheckoutDetailsResponseType | boolean

GetIncentiveEvaluation() public method

Method to call the operation originally named GetIncentiveEvaluation Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
public GetIncentiveEvaluation ( Api\StructType\ApiGetIncentiveEvaluationReq $getIncentiveEvaluationRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiGetIncentiveEvaluationResponseType | boolean
$getIncentiveEvaluationRequest Api\StructType\ApiGetIncentiveEvaluationReq
return Api\StructType\ApiGetIncentiveEvaluationResponseType | boolean

GetMobileStatus() public method

Method to call the operation originally named GetMobileStatus Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
public GetMobileStatus ( Api\StructType\ApiGetMobileStatusReq $getMobileStatusRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiGetMobileStatusResponseType | boolean
$getMobileStatusRequest Api\StructType\ApiGetMobileStatusReq
return Api\StructType\ApiGetMobileStatusResponseType | boolean

GetPalDetails() public method

Method to call the operation originally named GetPalDetails Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
public GetPalDetails ( Api\StructType\ApiGetPalDetailsReq $getPalDetailsRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiGetPalDetailsResponseType | boolean
$getPalDetailsRequest Api\StructType\ApiGetPalDetailsReq
return Api\StructType\ApiGetPalDetailsResponseType | boolean

GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails() public method

Method to call the operation originally named GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
public GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ( Api\StructType\ApiGetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetailsReq $getRecurringPaymentsProfileDetailsRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiGetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetailsResponseType | boolean
$getRecurringPaymentsProfileDetailsRequest Api\StructType\ApiGetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetailsReq
return Api\StructType\ApiGetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetailsResponseType | boolean

GetTransactionDetails() public method

Method to call the operation originally named GetTransactionDetails Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
public GetTransactionDetails ( Api\StructType\ApiGetTransactionDetailsReq $getTransactionDetailsRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiGetTransactionDetailsResponseType | boolean
$getTransactionDetailsRequest Api\StructType\ApiGetTransactionDetailsReq
return Api\StructType\ApiGetTransactionDetailsResponseType | boolean

InitiateRecoup() public method

Method to call the operation originally named InitiateRecoup Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
public InitiateRecoup ( Api\StructType\ApiInitiateRecoupReq $initiateRecoupRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiInitiateRecoupResponseType | boolean
$initiateRecoupRequest Api\StructType\ApiInitiateRecoupReq
return Api\StructType\ApiInitiateRecoupResponseType | boolean

Logs_GetAdminConsoleCompanyLog() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Logs.GetAdminConsoleCompanyLog Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Get console logs.
public Logs_GetAdminConsoleCompanyLog ( string $company, string $end_date, string $filter_rule, string $filters, string $rsid_list, string $start_date ) : log_entries | boolean
$company string
$end_date string
$filter_rule string
$filters string
$rsid_list string
$start_date string
return log_entries | boolean

Logs_GetAdminConsoleLog() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Logs.GetAdminConsoleLog Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Get console logs.
public Logs_GetAdminConsoleLog ( string $company, string $end_date, string $filter_rule, string $filters, string $rsid_list, string $start_date ) : log_entries | boolean
$company string
$end_date string
$filter_rule string
$filters string
$rsid_list string
$start_date string
return log_entries | boolean

Logs_GetUsageLog() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Logs.GetUsageLog Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieve usage log information for the given company.
public Logs_GetUsageLog ( string $date_from, string $date_to, string $event_details, string $event_type, string $ip, string $login, string $report_suite ) : usage_log_entries | boolean
$date_from string
$date_to string
$event_details string
$event_type string
$ip string
$login string
$report_suite string
return usage_log_entries | boolean

ManagePendingTransactionStatus() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ManagePendingTransactionStatus Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
public ManagePendingTransactionStatus ( Api\StructType\ApiManagePendingTransactionStatusReq $managePendingTransactionStatusRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiManagePendingTransactionStatusResponseType | boolean
$managePendingTransactionStatusRequest Api\StructType\ApiManagePendingTransactionStatusReq
return Api\StructType\ApiManagePendingTransactionStatusResponseType | boolean

ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
public ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus ( Api\StructType\ApiManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatusReq $manageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatusRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatusResponseType | boolean
$manageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatusRequest Api\StructType\ApiManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatusReq
return Api\StructType\ApiManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatusResponseType | boolean

MassPay() public method

Method to call the operation originally named MassPay Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
public MassPay ( Api\StructType\ApiMassPayReq $massPayRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiMassPayResponseType | boolean
$massPayRequest Api\StructType\ApiMassPayReq
return Api\StructType\ApiMassPayResponseType | boolean

Permissions_AddLogin() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Permissions.AddLogin Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Creates a new login for the company.
public Permissions_AddLogin ( string $admin, string $change_password, string $create_dashboards, string $dashboard_rsid, string $email, string $first_name, string $last_name, string $login, string $password, string $phone_number, string $selected_group_list, string $temp_login, string $temp_login_end, string $temp_login_start, string $title ) : integer | boolean
$admin string
$change_password string
$create_dashboards string
$dashboard_rsid string
$email string
$first_name string
$last_name string
$login string
$password string
$phone_number string
$selected_group_list string
$temp_login string
$temp_login_end string
$temp_login_start string
$title string
return integer | boolean

Permissions_Authenticate() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Permissions.Authenticate Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Indicates whether or not the login is valid for this company.
public Permissions_Authenticate ( string $login, string $password ) : boolean
$login string
$password string
return boolean

Permissions_DeleteGroup() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Permissions.DeleteGroup Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Removes the requested group from the company.
public Permissions_DeleteGroup ( string $groupid ) : integer | boolean
$groupid string
return integer | boolean

Permissions_DeleteLogin() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Permissions.DeleteLogin Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Removes a user login from the company.
public Permissions_DeleteLogin ( string $login ) : integer | boolean
$login string
return integer | boolean

Permissions_GetCRMInfo() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Permissions.GetCRMInfo Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves CRM login information for a specific user.
public Permissions_GetCRMInfo ( string $company, string $login ) : Api\StructType\ApiCrm_info | boolean
$company string
$login string
return Api\StructType\ApiCrm_info | boolean

Permissions_GetCategories() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Permissions.GetCategories Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves subgroups for a category.
public Permissions_GetCategories ( string $categoryid, string $groupid ) : perm_categories | boolean
$categoryid string
$groupid string
return perm_categories | boolean

Permissions_GetGroup() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Permissions.GetGroup Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves information about a particular group.
public Permissions_GetGroup ( string $group_type, string $groupid ) : Api\StructType\ApiGroup_data | boolean
$group_type string
$groupid string
return Api\StructType\ApiGroup_data | boolean

Permissions_GetGroups() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Permissions.GetGroups Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves all available groups for the company.
public Permissions_GetGroups ( string $field, string $search ) : Api\StructType\ApiPermission_group[] | boolean
$field string
$search string
return Api\StructType\ApiPermission_group[] | boolean

Permissions_GetLogin() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Permissions.GetLogin Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves a user login for the company.
public Permissions_GetLogin ( string $login ) : Api\StructType\ApiLogin | boolean
$login string
return Api\StructType\ApiLogin | boolean

Permissions_GetLogins() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Permissions.GetLogins Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves user logins for the company.
public Permissions_GetLogins ( string $login_search_field, string $login_search_value ) : Api\StructType\ApiPerm_login[] | boolean
$login_search_field string
$login_search_value string
return Api\StructType\ApiPerm_login[] | boolean

Permissions_GetReportBuilderLogin() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Permissions.GetReportBuilderLogin Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: ReportBuilder login (Internal use only.)
public Permissions_GetReportBuilderLogin ( string $locale ) : Api\StructType\ApiReportBuilderLogin | boolean
$locale string
return Api\StructType\ApiReportBuilderLogin | boolean

Permissions_GetReportSuiteGroupCount() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Permissions.GetReportSuiteGroupCount Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves all available accounts for the company.
public Permissions_GetReportSuiteGroupCount ( string $search_field, string $search_val ) : Api\StructType\ApiPermissions_account[] | boolean
$search_field string
$search_val string
return Api\StructType\ApiPermissions_account[] | boolean

Permissions_GetReportSuiteGroups() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Permissions.GetReportSuiteGroups Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Returns the groups that this report suite is a part of.
public Permissions_GetReportSuiteGroups ( string $rsid ) : Api\StructType\ApiPermissions_account_groups | boolean
$rsid string
return Api\StructType\ApiPermissions_account_groups | boolean

Permissions_HasPrivilege() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Permissions.HasPrivilege Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Determines if the current user has the given privilegeToken
public Permissions_HasPrivilege ( string $privilegeToken ) : string | boolean
$privilegeToken string
return string | boolean

Permissions_SaveGroup() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Permissions.SaveGroup Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Saves group setting - if the group does not exist it creates a new one.
public Permissions_SaveGroup ( string $group_description, string $group_name, string $group_type, string $groupid, string $perm_info, Api\StructType\ApiReport_categories $report_access_list, string $report_id_list, string $rsid_list, string $user_list ) : integer | boolean
$group_description string
$group_name string
$group_type string
$groupid string
$perm_info string
$report_access_list Api\StructType\ApiReport_categories
$report_id_list string
$rsid_list string
$user_list string
return integer | boolean

Permissions_SaveLogin() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Permissions.SaveLogin Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Saves the login for the company.
public Permissions_SaveLogin ( string $admin, string $change_password, string $email, string $first_name, string $last_name, string $login, string $password, string $phone_number, string $selected_group_list, string $send_welcome_email, string $temp_end_date, string $temp_login, string $temp_start_date, string $title ) : integer | boolean
$admin string
$change_password string
$email string
$first_name string
$last_name string
$login string
$password string
$phone_number string
$selected_group_list string
$send_welcome_email string
$temp_end_date string
$temp_login string
$temp_start_date string
$title string
return integer | boolean

Permissions_SaveReportSuiteGroups() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Permissions.SaveReportSuiteGroups Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Assigns the provided groups to the indicated report suite ID.
public Permissions_SaveReportSuiteGroups ( string $rsid, string $selected_groups ) : integer | boolean
$rsid string
$selected_groups string
return integer | boolean

RefundTransaction() public method

Method to call the operation originally named RefundTransaction Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
public RefundTransaction ( Api\StructType\ApiRefundTransactionReq $refundTransactionRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiRefundTransactionResponseType | boolean
$refundTransactionRequest Api\StructType\ApiRefundTransactionReq
return Api\StructType\ApiRefundTransactionResponseType | boolean

ReportSuite_AddCorrelations() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.AddCorrelations Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Saves the given correlation for the requested report suites.
public ReportSuite_AddCorrelations ( string $rel_ids, string $rsid_list, string $size ) : integer | boolean
$rel_ids string
$rsid_list string
$size string
return integer | boolean

ReportSuite_AddInternalURLFilters() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.AddInternalURLFilters Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Adds the internal URL filters for the requested report suites.
public ReportSuite_AddInternalURLFilters ( string $filters, string $rsid_list ) : integer | boolean
$filters string
$rsid_list string
return integer | boolean

ReportSuite_AddKeyVisitors() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.AddKeyVisitors Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Adds a key visitors for the selected report suites
public ReportSuite_AddKeyVisitors ( string $key_visitors, string $rsid_list ) : boolean
$key_visitors string
$rsid_list string
return boolean

ReportSuite_AddSavedFilters() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.AddSavedFilters Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Saves filter. (Internal use only.)
public ReportSuite_AddSavedFilters ( string $savedFilters ) : Api\StructType\ApiSaved_filter[] | boolean
$savedFilters string
return Api\StructType\ApiSaved_filter[] | boolean

ReportSuite_Create() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.Create Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Creates a new report suite with the values specified
public ReportSuite_Create ( string $base_currency, string $base_url, string $default_page, string $duplicate_rsid, string $go_live_date, string $hits_per_day, string $latin1, string $rsid, string $site_title, string $time_zone ) : boolean
$base_currency string
$base_url string
$default_page string
$duplicate_rsid string
$go_live_date string
$hits_per_day string
$latin1 string
$rsid string
$site_title string
$time_zone string
return boolean

ReportSuite_DeleteBaseURL() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.DeleteBaseURL Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Deletes the base URL for the requested report suites.
public ReportSuite_DeleteBaseURL ( string $rsid_list ) : integer | boolean
$rsid_list string
return integer | boolean

ReportSuite_DeleteCalculatedMetrics() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.DeleteCalculatedMetrics Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Deletes a calculated metric for the requested report suites.
public ReportSuite_DeleteCalculatedMetrics ( string $calculated_metrics, string $rsid_list ) : integer | boolean
$calculated_metrics string
$rsid_list string
return integer | boolean

ReportSuite_DeleteClassifications() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.DeleteClassifications Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Deletes a classification for one report suite.
public ReportSuite_DeleteClassifications ( string $c_view, string $div_num, string $parent_div_num, string $rsid_list ) : boolean
$c_view string
$div_num string
$parent_div_num string
$rsid_list string
return boolean

ReportSuite_DeleteCorrelations() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.DeleteCorrelations Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Deletes the specified data correlations
public ReportSuite_DeleteCorrelations ( string $rel_ids, string $rsid_list, string $size ) : boolean
$rel_ids string
$rsid_list string
$size string
return boolean

ReportSuite_DeleteDefaultPage() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.DeleteDefaultPage Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Deletes the default page for the requested report suites.
public ReportSuite_DeleteDefaultPage ( string $rsid_list ) : integer | boolean
$rsid_list string
return integer | boolean

ReportSuite_DeleteIPAddressExclusions() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.DeleteIPAddressExclusions Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Delete an IP exclusion entry for a given report suite.
public ReportSuite_DeleteIPAddressExclusions ( string $ip_list, string $rsid_list ) : integer | boolean
$ip_list string
$rsid_list string
return integer | boolean

ReportSuite_DeleteInternalURLFilters() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.DeleteInternalURLFilters Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Deletes the specified internal URL filters
public ReportSuite_DeleteInternalURLFilters ( string $filters, string $rsid_list ) : boolean
$filters string
$rsid_list string
return boolean

ReportSuite_DeleteKeyVisitors() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.DeleteKeyVisitors Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: deletes a list of key visitors for the selected report suites
public ReportSuite_DeleteKeyVisitors ( string $key_visitors, string $rsid_list ) : boolean
$key_visitors string
$rsid_list string
return boolean

ReportSuite_DeleteMarketingChannelCost() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.DeleteMarketingChannelCost Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Deletes a cost item for the selected report suites
public ReportSuite_DeleteMarketingChannelCost ( string $channel_type, string $cost_group, string $id, string $rsid_list ) : boolean
$channel_type string
$cost_group string
$id string
$rsid_list string
return boolean

ReportSuite_DeleteMarketingChannels() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.DeleteMarketingChannels Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Delete marketing channels.
public ReportSuite_DeleteMarketingChannels ( string $channel_ids, string $rsid_list ) : integer | boolean
$channel_ids string
$rsid_list string
return integer | boolean

ReportSuite_DeletePages() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.DeletePages Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Deletes the given pages from the requested report suites
public ReportSuite_DeletePages ( string $page_id_list, string $rsid_list ) : integer | boolean
$page_id_list string
$rsid_list string
return integer | boolean

ReportSuite_DeletePaidSearch() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.DeletePaidSearch Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Removes the specified paid search rule.
public ReportSuite_DeletePaidSearch ( string $filter, string $rsid_list, string $rule, string $search_engine ) : integer | boolean
$filter string
$rsid_list string
$rule string
$search_engine string
return integer | boolean

ReportSuite_DeleteSavedFilter() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.DeleteSavedFilter Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Deletes a saved filter. (Internal use only.)
public ReportSuite_DeleteSavedFilter ( string $savedFilterIds ) : boolean
$savedFilterIds string
return boolean

ReportSuite_GetActivation() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetActivation Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the activated status for the requested report suites.
public ReportSuite_GetActivation ( string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_activation | boolean
$rsid_list string
return rscollection_activation | boolean

ReportSuite_GetAvailableElements() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetAvailableElements Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Returns available elements for a given report suite.
public ReportSuite_GetAvailableElements ( string $return_datawarehouse_elements, string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_elements | boolean
$return_datawarehouse_elements string
$rsid_list string
return rscollection_elements | boolean

ReportSuite_GetAvailableMetrics() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetAvailableMetrics Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Returns available metrics for a given report suite.
public ReportSuite_GetAvailableMetrics ( string $return_datawarehouse_metrics, string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_metrics | boolean
$return_datawarehouse_metrics string
$rsid_list string
return rscollection_metrics | boolean

ReportSuite_GetAxleStartDate() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetAxleStartDate Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the axle start date for the requested report suites.
public ReportSuite_GetAxleStartDate ( string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_axle_start_date | boolean
$rsid_list string
return rscollection_axle_start_date | boolean

ReportSuite_GetBaseCurrency() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetBaseCurrency Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the base URL for the requested report suites.
public ReportSuite_GetBaseCurrency ( string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_base_currency | boolean
$rsid_list string
return rscollection_base_currency | boolean

ReportSuite_GetBaseURL() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetBaseURL Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the base URL for the requested report suites.
public ReportSuite_GetBaseURL ( string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_base_url | boolean
$rsid_list string
return rscollection_base_url | boolean

ReportSuite_GetCalculatedMetrics() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetCalculatedMetrics Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the calculated metrics for the requested report suites.
public ReportSuite_GetCalculatedMetrics ( string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_calculated_metric | boolean
$rsid_list string
return rscollection_calculated_metric | boolean

ReportSuite_GetClassificationHierarchies() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetClassificationHierarchies Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the requested classifications from the requested report suites
public ReportSuite_GetClassificationHierarchies ( string $c_view, string $rel_id, string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_hierarchy | boolean
$c_view string
$rel_id string
$rsid_list string
return rscollection_hierarchy | boolean

ReportSuite_GetClassifications() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetClassifications Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the requested classifications from the requested report suites
public ReportSuite_GetClassifications ( string $c_view, string $rel_id, string $rsid_list, string $type ) : rscollection_classification | boolean
$c_view string
$rel_id string
$rsid_list string
$type string
return rscollection_classification | boolean

ReportSuite_GetCorrelations() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetCorrelations Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the correlations for the specified report suites
public ReportSuite_GetCorrelations ( string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_correlation | boolean
$rsid_list string
return rscollection_correlation | boolean

ReportSuite_GetCustomCalendar() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetCustomCalendar Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the custom calendar for the requested report suites.
public ReportSuite_GetCustomCalendar ( string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_custom_calendar | boolean
$rsid_list string
return rscollection_custom_calendar | boolean

ReportSuite_GetDefaultPage() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetDefaultPage Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the default page for the requested report suites.
public ReportSuite_GetDefaultPage ( string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_default_page | boolean
$rsid_list string
return rscollection_default_page | boolean

ReportSuite_GetEVars() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetEVars Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the conversion variables for the requested report suites.
public ReportSuite_GetEVars ( string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_evar | boolean
$rsid_list string
return rscollection_evar | boolean

ReportSuite_GetEcommerce() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetEcommerce Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the Conversion level for the requested report suites.
public ReportSuite_GetEcommerce ( string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_ecommerce | boolean
$rsid_list string
return rscollection_ecommerce | boolean

ReportSuite_GetFindingMethods() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetFindingMethods Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the finding methods for the requested report suites.
public ReportSuite_GetFindingMethods ( string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_finding_method | boolean
$rsid_list string
return rscollection_finding_method | boolean

ReportSuite_GetIPAddressExclusions() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetIPAddressExclusions Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Returns the IP address exclusions for a given report suite.
public ReportSuite_GetIPAddressExclusions ( string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_ip_exclusions | boolean
$rsid_list string
return rscollection_ip_exclusions | boolean

ReportSuite_GetIPObfuscation() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetIPObfuscation Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the IP Address Obfuscation setting.
public ReportSuite_GetIPObfuscation ( string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_ip_obfuscation | boolean
$rsid_list string
return rscollection_ip_obfuscation | boolean

ReportSuite_GetInternalURLFilters() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetInternalURLFilters Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the internal URL filters for the requested report suites.
public ReportSuite_GetInternalURLFilters ( string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_internal_url_filter | boolean
$rsid_list string
return rscollection_internal_url_filter | boolean

ReportSuite_GetKeyVisitors() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetKeyVisitors Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves a list of Key visitors for the specified report suites
public ReportSuite_GetKeyVisitors ( string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_key_visitor | boolean
$rsid_list string
return rscollection_key_visitor | boolean

ReportSuite_GetLocalization() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetLocalization Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the status of the multibyte character setting for the requested report suites.
public ReportSuite_GetLocalization ( string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_localization | boolean
$rsid_list string
return rscollection_localization | boolean

ReportSuite_GetMarketingChannelCost() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetMarketingChannelCost Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the marketing channel cost metrics for the requested report suites.
public ReportSuite_GetMarketingChannelCost ( string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_costs | boolean
$rsid_list string
return rscollection_costs | boolean

ReportSuite_GetMarketingChannelExpiration() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetMarketingChannelExpiration Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the marketing channel engagement period expiration information for the requested report suites.
public ReportSuite_GetMarketingChannelExpiration ( string $rsid_list ) : expiration_event_list | boolean
$rsid_list string
return expiration_event_list | boolean

ReportSuite_GetMarketingChannelRules() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetMarketingChannelRules Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the marketing channel rules for the requested report suites.
public ReportSuite_GetMarketingChannelRules ( string $rsid_list ) : multi_rs_mchannel_rulesets | boolean
$rsid_list string
return multi_rs_mchannel_rulesets | boolean

ReportSuite_GetMarketingChannels() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetMarketingChannels Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the marketing channels for the requested report suites.
public ReportSuite_GetMarketingChannels ( string $rsid_list ) : mchannels_list | boolean
$rsid_list string
return mchannels_list | boolean

ReportSuite_GetMarketingChannelsCustomSubRelations() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetMarketingChannelsCustomSubRelations Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the available custom subrelations for the marketing channels in the requested report suites.
public ReportSuite_GetMarketingChannelsCustomSubRelations ( string $rel_id, string $rsid ) : Api\StructType\ApiChannel_sub_relations_element | boolean
$rel_id string
$rsid string
return Api\StructType\ApiChannel_sub_relations_element | boolean

ReportSuite_GetMobileAppReporting() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetMobileAppReporting Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the Mobile Application Tracking settings for the requested report suites.
public ReportSuite_GetMobileAppReporting ( string $rsid_list ) : string | boolean
$rsid_list string
return string | boolean

ReportSuite_GetPages() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetPages Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves a list of pages for the specified report suites.
public ReportSuite_GetPages ( string $limit, string $page_search, string $rsid_list, string $sc_period, string $start_point ) : Api\StructType\ApiReport_suite_pages[] | boolean
$limit string
$page_search string
$rsid_list string
$sc_period string
$start_point string
return Api\StructType\ApiReport_suite_pages[] | boolean

ReportSuite_GetPaidSearch() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetPaidSearch Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the paid search settings for the requested report suites.
public ReportSuite_GetPaidSearch ( string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_paid_search | boolean
$rsid_list string
return rscollection_paid_search | boolean

ReportSuite_GetPermanentTraffic() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetPermanentTraffic Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the permanent traffic settings for the requested report suites.
public ReportSuite_GetPermanentTraffic ( string $rsid_list ) : Api\StructType\ApiPermanent_traffic[] | boolean
$rsid_list string
return Api\StructType\ApiPermanent_traffic[] | boolean

ReportSuite_GetProcessingStatus() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetProcessingStatus Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Returns processing status for the given report suites.
public ReportSuite_GetProcessingStatus ( string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_processing_status | boolean
$rsid_list string
return rscollection_processing_status | boolean

ReportSuite_GetRollupDates() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetRollupDates Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Returns rollup dates for the given rollup report suites.
public ReportSuite_GetRollupDates ( string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_rollup_dates | boolean
$rsid_list string
return rscollection_rollup_dates | boolean

ReportSuite_GetRollups() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetRollups Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the rollups for the company.
public ReportSuite_GetRollups ( ) : Api\StructType\ApiRollup[] | boolean
return Api\StructType\ApiRollup[] | boolean

ReportSuite_GetSavedFilters() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetSavedFilters Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Gets the saved filters for a report suite. (Internal use only.)
public ReportSuite_GetSavedFilters ( ) : Api\StructType\ApiSaved_filter[] | boolean
return Api\StructType\ApiSaved_filter[] | boolean

ReportSuite_GetScheduledSpike() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetScheduledSpike Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the scheduled traffic changes for the requested report suites.
public ReportSuite_GetScheduledSpike ( string $rsid_list ) : Api\StructType\ApiSchedule_spike[] | boolean
$rsid_list string
return Api\StructType\ApiSchedule_spike[] | boolean

ReportSuite_GetSegments() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetSegments Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the requested classifications from the requested report suites
public ReportSuite_GetSegments ( string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_sc_segments | boolean
$rsid_list string
return rscollection_sc_segments | boolean

ReportSuite_GetSettings() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetSettings Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Returns report suite settings.
public ReportSuite_GetSettings ( string $locale, string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_settings | boolean
$locale string
$rsid_list string
return rscollection_settings | boolean

ReportSuite_GetSiteTitle() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetSiteTitle Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the Site Title for the requested report suites.
public ReportSuite_GetSiteTitle ( string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_site_title | boolean
$rsid_list string
return rscollection_site_title | boolean

ReportSuite_GetSuccessEvents() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetSuccessEvents Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the success events for the requested report suites.
public ReportSuite_GetSuccessEvents ( string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_event | boolean
$rsid_list string
return rscollection_event | boolean

ReportSuite_GetTemplate() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetTemplate Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the templates for the requested report suites.
public ReportSuite_GetTemplate ( string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_template | boolean
$rsid_list string
return rscollection_template | boolean

ReportSuite_GetTimeZone() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetTimeZone Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the Time Zone for the requested report suites.
public ReportSuite_GetTimeZone ( string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_time_zone | boolean
$rsid_list string
return rscollection_time_zone | boolean

ReportSuite_GetTrafficVars() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetTrafficVars Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the Traffic Vars for the requested report suites.
public ReportSuite_GetTrafficVars ( string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_traffic_var | boolean
$rsid_list string
return rscollection_traffic_var | boolean

ReportSuite_GetUIVisibility() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetUIVisibility Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the visibility states for the requested report suites.
public ReportSuite_GetUIVisibility ( string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_ui_element | boolean
$rsid_list string
return rscollection_ui_element | boolean

ReportSuite_GetUniqueVisitorVariable() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetUniqueVisitorVariable Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves a list of unique visitor variables
public ReportSuite_GetUniqueVisitorVariable ( string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_unique_visitor_variable | boolean
$rsid_list string
return rscollection_unique_visitor_variable | boolean

ReportSuite_GetVideoReporting() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetVideoReporting Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the Video Tracking settings for the requested report suites.
public ReportSuite_GetVideoReporting ( string $rsid_list ) : string | boolean
$rsid_list string
return string | boolean

ReportSuite_GetVideoTracking() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.GetVideoTracking Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the Video Tracking settings for the requested report suites.
public ReportSuite_GetVideoTracking ( string $rsid_list ) : rscollection_video_tracking | boolean
$rsid_list string
return rscollection_video_tracking | boolean

ReportSuite_SaveBaseCurrency() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.SaveBaseCurrency Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Saves the Base Currency setting.
public ReportSuite_SaveBaseCurrency ( string $base_currency, string $rsid_list ) : integer | boolean
$base_currency string
$rsid_list string
return integer | boolean

ReportSuite_SaveBaseURL() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.SaveBaseURL Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Saves the base URL for the requested report suites.
public ReportSuite_SaveBaseURL ( string $base_url, string $rsid_list ) : integer | boolean
$base_url string
$rsid_list string
return integer | boolean

ReportSuite_SaveCalculatedMetrics() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.SaveCalculatedMetrics Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Saves a calculated metric for the requested report suites.
public ReportSuite_SaveCalculatedMetrics ( string $calculated_metrics, string $rsid_list ) : integer | boolean
$calculated_metrics string
$rsid_list string
return integer | boolean

ReportSuite_SaveClassificationHierarchies() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.SaveClassificationHierarchies Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Modifies a classification hierarchy for one or more report suites.
public ReportSuite_SaveClassificationHierarchies ( string $c_options, string $c_view, string $camp_view, string $div_num, string $name, string $parent_div_num, string $rsid_list, string $type, string $update ) : integer | boolean
$c_options string
$c_view string
$camp_view string
$div_num string
$name string
$parent_div_num string
$rsid_list string
$type string
$update string
return integer | boolean

ReportSuite_SaveClassifications() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.SaveClassifications Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Saves a classification for one or more report suites.
public ReportSuite_SaveClassifications ( string $c_options, string $c_view, string $camp_view, string $div_num, string $name, string $parent_div_num, string $rsid_list, string $type, string $update ) : integer | boolean
$c_options string
$c_view string
$camp_view string
$div_num string
$name string
$parent_div_num string
$rsid_list string
$type string
$update string
return integer | boolean

ReportSuite_SaveCustomCalendar() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.SaveCustomCalendar Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Enables custom calendars for the requested report suites.
public ReportSuite_SaveCustomCalendar ( string $anchor_date, string $cal_type, string $rsid_list ) : integer | boolean
$anchor_date string
$cal_type string
$rsid_list string
return integer | boolean

ReportSuite_SaveDefaultPage() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.SaveDefaultPage Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Saves the default page for the requested report suites.
public ReportSuite_SaveDefaultPage ( string $default_page, string $rsid_list ) : integer | boolean
$default_page string
$rsid_list string
return integer | boolean

ReportSuite_SaveEVars() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.SaveEVars Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Saves the conversion variables for the requested report suites.
public ReportSuite_SaveEVars ( string $evars, string $rsid_list ) : integer | boolean
$evars string
$rsid_list string
return integer | boolean

ReportSuite_SaveEcommerce() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.SaveEcommerce Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Saves the conversion level for the requested report suites.
public ReportSuite_SaveEcommerce ( string $ecommerce, string $rsid_list ) : integer | boolean
$ecommerce string
$rsid_list string
return integer | boolean

ReportSuite_SaveFindingMethods() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.SaveFindingMethods Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Saves finding method settings.
public ReportSuite_SaveFindingMethods ( string $reports, string $rsid_list ) : integer | boolean
$reports string
$rsid_list string
return integer | boolean

ReportSuite_SaveIPAddressExclusions() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.SaveIPAddressExclusions Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Add an IP exclusion entry for a given report suite.
public ReportSuite_SaveIPAddressExclusions ( string $ip_list, string $rsid_list ) : integer | boolean
$ip_list string
$rsid_list string
return integer | boolean

ReportSuite_SaveIPObfuscation() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.SaveIPObfuscation Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Saves the IP Address Obfuscation setting.
public ReportSuite_SaveIPObfuscation ( string $ip_obfuscation, string $rsid_list ) : integer | boolean
$ip_obfuscation string
$rsid_list string
return integer | boolean

ReportSuite_SaveMarketingChannelCost() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.SaveMarketingChannelCost Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Saves the marketing channel costs for the requested report suites.
public ReportSuite_SaveMarketingChannelCost ( Api\StructType\ApiCost_item $cost_item, string $rsid_list ) : integer | boolean
$cost_item Api\StructType\ApiCost_item
$rsid_list string
return integer | boolean

ReportSuite_SaveMarketingChannelExpiration() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.SaveMarketingChannelExpiration Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Saves the visitor expiration period. Set the number of days required before the visit expires, or 0 for never expires
public ReportSuite_SaveMarketingChannelExpiration ( string $days, string $rsid_list ) : integer | boolean
$days string
$rsid_list string
return integer | boolean

ReportSuite_SaveMarketingChannelRules() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.SaveMarketingChannelRules Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Saves the marketing channel rules for the requested report suites.
public ReportSuite_SaveMarketingChannelRules ( string $mchannel_rules, string $rsid_list ) : integer | boolean
$mchannel_rules string
$rsid_list string
return integer | boolean

ReportSuite_SaveMarketingChannels() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.SaveMarketingChannels Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Saves a set of marketing channels.
public ReportSuite_SaveMarketingChannels ( string $channels, string $rsid_list ) : integer | boolean
$channels string
$rsid_list string
return integer | boolean

ReportSuite_SaveMobileAppReporting() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.SaveMobileAppReporting
public ReportSuite_SaveMobileAppReporting ( string $rsid_list ) : void | boolean
$rsid_list string
return void | boolean

ReportSuite_SavePaidSearch() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.SavePaidSearch Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Saves the paid search settings for the requested report suites.
public ReportSuite_SavePaidSearch ( string $filter, string $rsid_list, string $rule, string $search_engine ) : integer | boolean
$filter string
$rsid_list string
$rule string
$search_engine string
return integer | boolean

ReportSuite_SavePermanentTraffic() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.SavePermanentTraffic Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Saves the permanent traffic settings for the requested report suites.
public ReportSuite_SavePermanentTraffic ( string $new_hits_per_day, string $rsid_list, string $start_date ) : integer | boolean
$new_hits_per_day string
$rsid_list string
$start_date string
return integer | boolean

ReportSuite_SaveRollup() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.SaveRollup Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Saves a rollup for the company.
public ReportSuite_SaveRollup ( string $go_live_date, string $rollup_rsids, string $rsid, string $time_zone ) : integer | boolean
$go_live_date string
$rollup_rsids string
$rsid string
$time_zone string
return integer | boolean

ReportSuite_SaveSavedFilters() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.SaveSavedFilters Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Saves filter. (Internal use only.)
public ReportSuite_SaveSavedFilters ( string $savedFilters ) : Api\StructType\ApiSaved_filter[] | boolean
$savedFilters string
return Api\StructType\ApiSaved_filter[] | boolean

ReportSuite_SaveScheduledSpike() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.SaveScheduledSpike Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Saves scheduled traffic spikes for the requested report suites.
public ReportSuite_SaveScheduledSpike ( string $end_date, string $rsid_list, string $spike_hits_per_day, string $start_date ) : integer | boolean
$end_date string
$rsid_list string
$spike_hits_per_day string
$start_date string
return integer | boolean

ReportSuite_SaveSiteTitle() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.SaveSiteTitle Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Changes the Site Title of the report suites specified (it is not recommended to update multiple report suites with the same site title)
public ReportSuite_SaveSiteTitle ( string $rsid_list, string $site_title ) : integer | boolean
$rsid_list string
$site_title string
return integer | boolean

ReportSuite_SaveSuccessEvents() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.SaveSuccessEvents Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Saves the success events to rsid_list
public ReportSuite_SaveSuccessEvents ( string $events, string $rsid_list ) : integer | boolean
$events string
$rsid_list string
return integer | boolean

ReportSuite_SaveSurveySettings() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.SaveSurveySettings
public ReportSuite_SaveSurveySettings ( string $rsid_list, string $survey_display_event_num, string $survey_evar_num, string $survey_submit_event_num ) : void | boolean
$rsid_list string
$survey_display_event_num string
$survey_evar_num string
$survey_submit_event_num string
return void | boolean

ReportSuite_SaveTimeZone() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.SaveTimeZone Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Changes the timezone (lookup ID) of the report suites specified
public ReportSuite_SaveTimeZone ( string $rsid_list, string $time_zone ) : integer | boolean
$rsid_list string
$time_zone string
return integer | boolean

ReportSuite_SaveTrafficVars() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.SaveTrafficVars Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Saves the Traffic Vars for the requested report suites.
public ReportSuite_SaveTrafficVars ( string $property, string $rsid_list ) : integer | boolean
$property string
$rsid_list string
return integer | boolean

ReportSuite_SaveUIVisibility() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.SaveUIVisibility Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Changes the visibility state of the UI element given for the requested report suites.
public ReportSuite_SaveUIVisibility ( string $rsid_list, string $state, string $ui_element ) : boolean
$rsid_list string
$state string
$ui_element string
return boolean

ReportSuite_SaveUniqueVisitorVariable() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.SaveUniqueVisitorVariable Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Sets the unique visitor variable specified
public ReportSuite_SaveUniqueVisitorVariable ( string $rsid_list, string $unique_visitor_variable ) : integer | boolean
$rsid_list string
$unique_visitor_variable string
return integer | boolean

ReportSuite_SaveVideoReporting() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReportSuite.SaveVideoReporting
public ReportSuite_SaveVideoReporting ( string $rsid_list ) : void | boolean
$rsid_list string
return void | boolean

Report_CancelReport() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Report.CancelReport Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Cancel a report request.
public Report_CancelReport ( string $reportID ) : integer | boolean
$reportID string
return integer | boolean

Report_GetElementNames() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Report.GetElementNames Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieve element names
public Report_GetElementNames ( Api\StructType\ApiReportDescription $reportDescription ) : report_element_mappings | boolean
$reportDescription Api\StructType\ApiReportDescription
return report_element_mappings | boolean

Report_GetOvertimeReport() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Report.GetOvertimeReport Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Runs an overtime report.
public Report_GetOvertimeReport ( Api\StructType\ApiReportDescription $reportDescription ) : Api\StructType\ApiReportResponse | boolean
$reportDescription Api\StructType\ApiReportDescription
return Api\StructType\ApiReportResponse | boolean

Report_GetRankedReport() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Report.GetRankedReport Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Runs a ranked report.
public Report_GetRankedReport ( Api\StructType\ApiReportDescription $reportDescription ) : Api\StructType\ApiReportResponse | boolean
$reportDescription Api\StructType\ApiReportDescription
return Api\StructType\ApiReportResponse | boolean

Report_GetReport() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Report.GetReport Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Get status and data for a queued report.
public Report_GetReport ( string $reportID ) : Api\StructType\ApiReportResponse | boolean
$reportID string
return Api\StructType\ApiReportResponse | boolean

Report_GetReportQueue() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Report.GetReportQueue Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieve the report queue for a given company.
public Report_GetReportQueue ( ) : report_queue | boolean
return report_queue | boolean

Report_GetStatus() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Report.GetStatus Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Get status for a queued report.
public Report_GetStatus ( string $reportID ) : Api\StructType\ApiReport_status | boolean
$reportID string
return Api\StructType\ApiReport_status | boolean

Report_GetTrendedReport() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Report.GetTrendedReport Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Runs a trended report.
public Report_GetTrendedReport ( Api\StructType\ApiReportDescription $reportDescription ) : Api\StructType\ApiReportResponse | boolean
$reportDescription Api\StructType\ApiReportDescription
return Api\StructType\ApiReportResponse | boolean

Report_QueueOvertime() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Report.QueueOvertime Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Queue an overtime report.
public Report_QueueOvertime ( Api\StructType\ApiReportDescription $reportDescription ) : Api\StructType\ApiReportQueueResponse | boolean
$reportDescription Api\StructType\ApiReportDescription
return Api\StructType\ApiReportQueueResponse | boolean

Report_QueueRanked() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Report.QueueRanked Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Queue an ranked report.
public Report_QueueRanked ( Api\StructType\ApiReportDescription $reportDescription ) : Api\StructType\ApiReportQueueResponse | boolean
$reportDescription Api\StructType\ApiReportDescription
return Api\StructType\ApiReportQueueResponse | boolean

Report_QueueSCMRanked() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Report.QueueSCMRanked Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Queue a ranked report that is optimized for SearchCenter classifications.
public Report_QueueSCMRanked ( Api\StructType\ApiSCM_reportDescription $reportDescription ) : Api\StructType\ApiReportQueueResponse | boolean
$reportDescription Api\StructType\ApiSCM_reportDescription
return Api\StructType\ApiReportQueueResponse | boolean

Report_QueueTrended() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Report.QueueTrended Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Queue an trended report.
public Report_QueueTrended ( Api\StructType\ApiReportDescription $reportDescription ) : Api\StructType\ApiReportQueueResponse | boolean
$reportDescription Api\StructType\ApiReportDescription
return Api\StructType\ApiReportQueueResponse | boolean

ReverseTransaction() public method

Method to call the operation originally named ReverseTransaction Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
public ReverseTransaction ( Api\StructType\ApiReverseTransactionReq $reverseTransactionRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiReverseTransactionResponseType | boolean
$reverseTransactionRequest Api\StructType\ApiReverseTransactionReq
return Api\StructType\ApiReverseTransactionResponseType | boolean

Saint_CheckJobStatus() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Saint.CheckJobStatus Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Return the current status of a Saint API Job.
public Saint_CheckJobStatus ( string $job_id ) : saintresults | boolean
$job_id string
return saintresults | boolean

Saint_CreateFTP() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Saint.CreateFTP Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Creates an ftp account for the given parameters and returns the ftp account info
public Saint_CreateFTP ( string $description, string $email, string $export, string $overwrite, string $relation_id, string $rsid_list ) : Api\StructType\ApiSaint_ftp_info | boolean
$description string
$email string
$export string
$overwrite string
$relation_id string
$rsid_list string
return Api\StructType\ApiSaint_ftp_info | boolean

Saint_ExportCreateJob() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Saint.ExportCreateJob Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Creates Saint Export Job.
public Saint_ExportCreateJob ( string $campaign_filter_begin_range, string $campaign_filter_end_range, string $campaign_filter_option, string $date_filter_row_end_date, string $date_filter_row_start_date, string $email_address, string $encoding, string $relation_id, string $report_suite_array, string $row_match_filter_empty_column_name, string $row_match_filter_match_column_name, string $row_match_filter_match_column_value, string $select_all_rows, string $select_number_of_rows ) : string | boolean
$campaign_filter_begin_range string
$campaign_filter_end_range string
$campaign_filter_option string
$date_filter_row_end_date string
$date_filter_row_start_date string
$email_address string
$encoding string
$relation_id string
$report_suite_array string
$row_match_filter_empty_column_name string
$row_match_filter_match_column_name string
$row_match_filter_match_column_value string
$select_all_rows string
$select_number_of_rows string
return string | boolean

Saint_ExportGetFileSegment() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Saint.ExportGetFileSegment Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Returns the page details of a given file_id
public Saint_ExportGetFileSegment ( string $file_id, string $segment_id ) : pagedetails | boolean
$file_id string
$segment_id string
return pagedetails | boolean

Saint_GetCompatabiltyMetrics() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Saint.GetCompatabiltyMetrics Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Returns Array of compatability information for a report suite(s),
public Saint_GetCompatabiltyMetrics ( string $report_suite_array ) : compatabilitys | boolean
$report_suite_array string
return compatabilitys | boolean

Saint_GetFilters() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Saint.GetFilters Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Get SAINT export filters.
public Saint_GetFilters ( string $relation_id, string $report_suite_array ) : export_filters | boolean
$relation_id string
$report_suite_array string
return export_filters | boolean

Saint_GetTemplate() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Saint.GetTemplate Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Returns the template to be used in the SAINT browser or FTP download
public Saint_GetTemplate ( string $encoding, string $numeric_div_nums, string $relation_id, string $report_suite, string $text_div_nums ) : string | boolean
$encoding string
$numeric_div_nums string
$relation_id string
$report_suite string
$text_div_nums string
return string | boolean

Saint_ImportCommitJob() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Saint.ImportCommitJob Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Commits a specified Saint Import job for processing.
public Saint_ImportCommitJob ( string $job_id ) : string | boolean
$job_id string
return string | boolean

Saint_ImportCreateJob() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Saint.ImportCreateJob Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Creates a Saint Import Job
public Saint_ImportCreateJob ( string $check_divisions, string $description, string $email_address, string $export_results, string $header, string $overwrite_conflicts, string $relation_id, string $report_suite_array ) : integer | boolean
$check_divisions string
$description string
$email_address string
$export_results string
$header string
$overwrite_conflicts string
$relation_id string
$report_suite_array string
return integer | boolean

Saint_ImportPopulateJob() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Saint.ImportPopulateJob Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Attaches Import data to a given Saint Import job.
public Saint_ImportPopulateJob ( string $job_id, string $page, string $rows ) : string | boolean
$job_id string
$page string
$rows string
return string | boolean

Saint_ListFTP() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Saint.ListFTP Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Returns a list of the ftp accounts configured for this company
public Saint_ListFTP ( ) : saint_ftp_list | boolean
return saint_ftp_list | boolean

Scheduling_CreatePublishedReport() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Scheduling.CreatePublishedReport Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Creates a new published report. (Internal use only.)
public Scheduling_CreatePublishedReport ( string $location, string $product, Api\StructType\ApiScheduledReport $scheduledReport, string $workbook ) : Api\StructType\ApiScheduledReport | boolean
$location string
$product string
$scheduledReport Api\StructType\ApiScheduledReport
$workbook string
return Api\StructType\ApiScheduledReport | boolean

Scheduling_DeletePublishedReport() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Scheduling.DeletePublishedReport Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Deletes published reports. (Internal use only)
public Scheduling_DeletePublishedReport ( string $product, string $scheduledReportIds ) : boolean
$product string
$scheduledReportIds string
return boolean

Scheduling_DeleteWorkbook() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Scheduling.DeleteWorkbook Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Deletes workbooks from the library. (Internal use only.)
public Scheduling_DeleteWorkbook ( string $location, string $product, string $username, string $workbookNames ) : boolean
$location string
$product string
$username string
$workbookNames string
return boolean

Scheduling_DownloadWorkbook() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Scheduling.DownloadWorkbook Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Download a workbook. (Internal use only.)
public Scheduling_DownloadWorkbook ( string $location, string $productType, string $username, string $workbookName ) : base64Binary | boolean
$location string
$productType string
$username string
$workbookName string
return base64Binary | boolean

Scheduling_GetPublishedReports() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Scheduling.GetPublishedReports Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Get published reports for a user. (Internal use only.)
public Scheduling_GetPublishedReports ( string $product, string $username ) : Api\StructType\ApiScheduledReport[] | boolean
$product string
$username string
return Api\StructType\ApiScheduledReport[] | boolean

Scheduling_GetReportsRunHistory() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Scheduling.GetReportsRunHistory Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Gets a history of reports published by a user.
public Scheduling_GetReportsRunHistory ( string $limit, string $offset, string $product, string $username ) : Api\StructType\ApiScheduleLog[] | boolean
$limit string
$offset string
$product string
$username string
return Api\StructType\ApiScheduleLog[] | boolean

Scheduling_GetWorkbookList() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Scheduling.GetWorkbookList Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Gets a list of workbooks for a user. (Internal use only.)
public Scheduling_GetWorkbookList ( string $location, string $product ) : Api\StructType\ApiExcelWorkbook[] | boolean
$location string
$product string
return Api\StructType\ApiExcelWorkbook[] | boolean

Scheduling_ReRunReport() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Scheduling.ReRunReport Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Re-enables a failed report. (Internal use only.)
public Scheduling_ReRunReport ( string $id ) : boolean
$id string
return boolean

Scheduling_UpdatePublishedReport() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Scheduling.UpdatePublishedReport Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Edits a published report. (Internal use only.)
public Scheduling_UpdatePublishedReport ( string $product, Api\StructType\ApiScheduledReport $scheduledReport, string $workbook ) : Api\StructType\ApiScheduledReport | boolean
$product string
$scheduledReport Api\StructType\ApiScheduledReport
$workbook string
return Api\StructType\ApiScheduledReport | boolean

Scheduling_UploadWorkbook() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Scheduling.UploadWorkbook Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Uploads a Workbook. (Internal use only.)
public Scheduling_UploadWorkbook ( string $description, string $filename, string $location, string $product, string $workbook ) : boolean
$description string
$filename string
$location string
$product string
$workbook string
return boolean

SetAccessPermissions() public method

Method to call the operation originally named SetAccessPermissions Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
public SetAccessPermissions ( Api\StructType\ApiSetAccessPermissionsReq $setAccessPermissionsRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiSetAccessPermissionsResponseType | boolean
$setAccessPermissionsRequest Api\StructType\ApiSetAccessPermissionsReq
return Api\StructType\ApiSetAccessPermissionsResponseType | boolean

SetAuthFlowParam() public method

Method to call the operation originally named SetAuthFlowParam Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
public SetAuthFlowParam ( Api\StructType\ApiSetAuthFlowParamReq $setAuthFlowParamRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiSetAuthFlowParamResponseType | boolean
$setAuthFlowParamRequest Api\StructType\ApiSetAuthFlowParamReq
return Api\StructType\ApiSetAuthFlowParamResponseType | boolean

SetCustomerBillingAgreement() public method

Method to call the operation originally named SetCustomerBillingAgreement Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
public SetCustomerBillingAgreement ( Api\StructType\ApiSetCustomerBillingAgreementReq $setCustomerBillingAgreementRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiSetCustomerBillingAgreementResponseType | boolean
$setCustomerBillingAgreementRequest Api\StructType\ApiSetCustomerBillingAgreementReq
return Api\StructType\ApiSetCustomerBillingAgreementResponseType | boolean

SetExpressCheckout() public method

Method to call the operation originally named SetExpressCheckout Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
public SetExpressCheckout ( Api\StructType\ApiSetExpressCheckoutReq $setExpressCheckoutRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiSetExpressCheckoutResponseType | boolean
$setExpressCheckoutRequest Api\StructType\ApiSetExpressCheckoutReq
return Api\StructType\ApiSetExpressCheckoutResponseType | boolean

SetMobileCheckout() public method

Method to call the operation originally named SetMobileCheckout Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
public SetMobileCheckout ( Api\StructType\ApiSetMobileCheckoutReq $setMobileCheckoutRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiSetMobileCheckoutResponseType | boolean
$setMobileCheckoutRequest Api\StructType\ApiSetMobileCheckoutReq
return Api\StructType\ApiSetMobileCheckoutResponseType | boolean

Survey_GetSummaryList() public method

Method to call the operation originally named Survey.GetSummaryList Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Returns the list of current surveys created for a given report suite.
public Survey_GetSummaryList ( string $rsid, string $status_filter ) : survey_summary_list | boolean
$rsid string
$status_filter string
return survey_summary_list | boolean

TransactionSearch() public method

Method to call the operation originally named TransactionSearch Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
public TransactionSearch ( Api\StructType\ApiTransactionSearchReq $transactionSearchRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiTransactionSearchResponseType | boolean
$transactionSearchRequest Api\StructType\ApiTransactionSearchReq
return Api\StructType\ApiTransactionSearchResponseType | boolean

UpdateAccessPermissions() public method

Method to call the operation originally named UpdateAccessPermissions Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
public UpdateAccessPermissions ( Api\StructType\ApiUpdateAccessPermissionsReq $updateAccessPermissionsRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiUpdateAccessPermissionsResponseType | boolean
$updateAccessPermissionsRequest Api\StructType\ApiUpdateAccessPermissionsReq
return Api\StructType\ApiUpdateAccessPermissionsResponseType | boolean

UpdateAuthorization() public method

Method to call the operation originally named UpdateAuthorization Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
public UpdateAuthorization ( Api\StructType\ApiUpdateAuthorizationReq $updateAuthorizationRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiUpdateAuthorizationResponseType | boolean
$updateAuthorizationRequest Api\StructType\ApiUpdateAuthorizationReq
return Api\StructType\ApiUpdateAuthorizationResponseType | boolean

UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile() public method

Method to call the operation originally named UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : RequesterCredentials - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType - SOAPHeaders : required
public UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile ( Api\StructType\ApiUpdateRecurringPaymentsProfileReq $updateRecurringPaymentsProfileRequest ) : Api\StructType\ApiUpdateRecurringPaymentsProfileResponseType | boolean
$updateRecurringPaymentsProfileRequest Api\StructType\ApiUpdateRecurringPaymentsProfileReq
return Api\StructType\ApiUpdateRecurringPaymentsProfileResponseType | boolean

User_GetBookmarkFolders() public method

Method to call the operation originally named User.GetBookmarkFolders Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the folders the user has on their menu.
public User_GetBookmarkFolders ( string $limit ) : folder_list | boolean
$limit string
return folder_list | boolean

User_GetDashboardsAPI() public method

Method to call the operation originally named User.GetDashboardsAPI Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves a list of dashboards accessible by the user.
public User_GetDashboardsAPI ( string $limit ) : dashboard_list | boolean
$limit string
return dashboard_list | boolean

User_GetLastUsedReportSuite() public method

Method to call the operation originally named User.GetLastUsedReportSuite Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Retrieves the last used report suite by the user.
public User_GetLastUsedReportSuite ( ) : Api\StructType\ApiReport_suite_id | boolean
return Api\StructType\ApiReport_suite_id | boolean

User_LoginEmailExists() public method

Method to call the operation originally named User.LoginEmailExists Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - documentation: Determines if the supplied email address exists is tied to a Suite login.
public User_LoginEmailExists ( string $emailAddress ) : boolean
$emailAddress string
return boolean

__toString() public method

Method returning the class name
public __toString ( ) : string
return string __CLASS__

_list() public method

Method to call the operation originally named list Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : SessionHeader, ClusterHeader - SOAPHeaderNamespaces :, - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiSessionHeader, \Api\StructType\ApiClusterHeader - SOAPHeaders : optional, required - documentation: Obtain a listing of different types of items in the system (e.g. CONTACT_LISTS)
public _list ( Api\StructType\ApiList $parameter ) : Api\StructType\ApiListResponse | boolean
$parameter Api\StructType\ApiList
return Api\StructType\ApiListResponse | boolean

deleteList() public method

Method to call the operation originally named deleteList Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : SessionHeader, ClusterHeader - SOAPHeaderNamespaces :, - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiSessionHeader, \Api\StructType\ApiClusterHeader - SOAPHeaders : optional, required
public deleteList ( Api\StructType\ApiDeleteList $parameter ) : void | boolean
$parameter Api\StructType\ApiDeleteList
return void | boolean

downloadList() public method

Method to call the operation originally named downloadList Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : SessionHeader, ClusterHeader - SOAPHeaderNamespaces :, - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiSessionHeader, \Api\StructType\ApiClusterHeader - SOAPHeaders : optional, required - documentation: Download the records of a contact list
public downloadList ( Api\StructType\ApiDownloadList $parameter ) : Api\StructType\ApiAttachmentType | boolean
$parameter Api\StructType\ApiDownloadList
return Api\StructType\ApiAttachmentType | boolean

getResult() public method

Returns the result
See also: AbstractSoapClientBase::getResult()
public getResult ( ) : Api\StructType\ApiAddressVerifyResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiBAUpdateResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiBillOutstandingAmountResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiBillUserResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiBMButtonSearchResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiBMCreateButtonResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiBMGetButtonDetailsResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiBMGetInventoryResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiBMManageButtonStatusResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiBMSetInventoryResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiBMUpdateButtonResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiCancelRecoupResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiCompleteRecoupResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiCreateBillingAgreementResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiCreateMobilePaymentResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiCreateRecurringPaymentsProfileResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiDoAuthorizationResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiDoCancelResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiDoCaptureResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiDoDirectPaymentResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiDoExpressCheckoutPaymentResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiDoMobileCheckoutPaymentResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiDoNonReferencedCreditResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiDoReauthorizationResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiDoReferenceTransactionResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiDoUATPAuthorizationResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiDoUATPExpressCheckoutPaymentResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiDoVoidResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiEnterBoardingResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiExecuteCheckoutOperationsResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiExternalRememberMeOptOutResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiGetAccessPermissionDetailsResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiGetAuthDetailsResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiGetBalanceResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiGetBillingAgreementCustomerDetailsResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiGetBoardingDetailsResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiGetExpressCheckoutDetailsResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiGetIncentiveEvaluationResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiGetMobileStatusResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiGetPalDetailsResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiGetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetailsResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiGetTransactionDetailsResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiInitiateRecoupResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiManagePendingTransactionStatusResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatusResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiMassPayResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiRefundTransactionResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiReverseTransactionResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiSetAccessPermissionsResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiSetAuthFlowParamResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiSetCustomerBillingAgreementResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiSetExpressCheckoutResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiSetMobileCheckoutResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiTransactionSearchResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiUpdateAccessPermissionsResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiUpdateAuthorizationResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiUpdateRecurringPaymentsProfileResponseType
return Api\StructType\ApiAddressVerifyResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiBAUpdateResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiBillOutstandingAmountResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiBillUserResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiBMButtonSearchResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiBMCreateButtonResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiBMGetButtonDetailsResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiBMGetInventoryResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiBMManageButtonStatusResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiBMSetInventoryResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiBMUpdateButtonResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiCancelRecoupResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiCompleteRecoupResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiCreateBillingAgreementResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiCreateMobilePaymentResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiCreateRecurringPaymentsProfileResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiDoAuthorizationResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiDoCancelResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiDoCaptureResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiDoDirectPaymentResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiDoExpressCheckoutPaymentResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiDoMobileCheckoutPaymentResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiDoNonReferencedCreditResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiDoReauthorizationResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiDoReferenceTransactionResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiDoUATPAuthorizationResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiDoUATPExpressCheckoutPaymentResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiDoVoidResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiEnterBoardingResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiExecuteCheckoutOperationsResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiExternalRememberMeOptOutResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiGetAccessPermissionDetailsResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiGetAuthDetailsResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiGetBalanceResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiGetBillingAgreementCustomerDetailsResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiGetBoardingDetailsResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiGetExpressCheckoutDetailsResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiGetIncentiveEvaluationResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiGetMobileStatusResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiGetPalDetailsResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiGetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetailsResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiGetTransactionDetailsResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiInitiateRecoupResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiManagePendingTransactionStatusResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatusResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiMassPayResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiRefundTransactionResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiReverseTransactionResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiSetAccessPermissionsResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiSetAuthFlowParamResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiSetCustomerBillingAgreementResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiSetExpressCheckoutResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiSetMobileCheckoutResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiTransactionSearchResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiUpdateAccessPermissionsResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiUpdateAuthorizationResponseType | Api\StructType\ApiUpdateRecurringPaymentsProfileResponseType

getResult() public method

Returns the result
See also: AbstractSoapClientBase::getResult()
public getResult ( ) : Api\StructType\ApiSearchResponse
return Api\StructType\ApiSearchResponse

getResult() public method

Returns the result
See also: AbstractSoapClientBase::getResult()
public getResult ( ) : array | base64Binary | boolean | code_archives | code_items | compatabilitys | dashboard_list | dwsegments | expiration_event_list | export_filters | fileInfoResult | folder_list | infoResult | integer | log_entries | mchannels_list | multi_rs_mchannel_rulesets | pagedetails | perm_categories | queue_items | report_element_mappings | report_queue | rscollection_activation | rscollection_axle_start_date | rscollection_base_currency | rscollection_base_url | rscollection_calculated_metric | rscollection_classification | rscollection_correlation | rscollection_costs | rscollection_custom_calendar | rscollection_default_page | rscollection_ecommerce | rscollection_elements | rscollection_evar | rscollection_event | rscollection_finding_method | rscollection_hierarchy | rscollection_internal_url_filter | rscollection_ip_exclusions | rscollection_ip_obfuscation | rscollection_key_visitor | rscollection_localization | rscollection_metrics | rscollection_paid_search | rscollection_processing_status | rscollection_rollup_dates | rscollection_sc_segments | rscollection_settings | rscollection_site_title | rscollection_template | rscollection_time_zone | rscollection_traffic_var | rscollection_ui_element | rscollection_unique_visitor_variable | rscollection_video_tracking | saintresults | saint_ftp_list | segment_folders | string | string[] | survey_summary_list | usage_log_entries | void | Api\StructType\ApiChannel_sub_relations_element | Api\StructType\ApiCrm_info | Api\StructType\ApiDashboard_element | Api\StructType\ApiData_warehouse_report | Api\StructType\ApiData_warehouse_request | Api\StructType\ApiData_warehouse_segment | Api\StructType\ApiDs_setup_result | Api\StructType\ApiExcelWorkbook[] | Api\StructType\ApiFileIDResult | Api\StructType\ApiFileStatusResult | Api\StructType\ApiGroup_data | Api\StructType\ApiLogin | Api\StructType\ApiPermanent_traffic[] | Api\StructType\ApiPermissions_account[] | Api\StructType\ApiPermissions_account_groups | Api\StructType\ApiPermission_group[] | Api\StructType\ApiPerm_login[] | Api\StructType\ApiPublishingList[] | Api\StructType\ApiReportBuilderLogin | Api\StructType\ApiReportlet | Api\StructType\ApiReportQueueResponse | Api\StructType\ApiReportResponse | Api\StructType\ApiReport_status | Api\StructType\ApiReport_suite_id | Api\StructType\ApiReport_suite_pages[] | Api\StructType\ApiRollup[] | Api\StructType\ApiSaint_ftp_info | Api\StructType\ApiSaved_filter[] | Api\StructType\ApiScheduledReport | Api\StructType\ApiScheduledReport[] | Api\StructType\ApiScheduleLog[] | Api\StructType\ApiSchedule_spike[] | Api\StructType\ApiSimpleDataSource[] | Api\StructType\ApiSimple_report_suites_rval | Api\StructType\ApiStatus | Api\StructType\ApiToken_usage_container | Api\StructType\ApiTracking_server_data
return array | base64Binary | boolean | code_archives | code_items | compatabilitys | dashboard_list | dwsegments | expiration_event_list | export_filters | fileInfoResult | folder_list | infoResult | integer | log_entries | mchannels_list | multi_rs_mchannel_rulesets | pagedetails | perm_categories | queue_items | report_element_mappings | report_queue | rscollection_activation | rscollection_axle_start_date | rscollection_base_currency | rscollection_base_url | rscollection_calculated_metric | rscollection_classification | rscollection_correlation | rscollection_costs | rscollection_custom_calendar | rscollection_default_page | rscollection_ecommerce | rscollection_elements | rscollection_evar | rscollection_event | rscollection_finding_method | rscollection_hierarchy | rscollection_internal_url_filter | rscollection_ip_exclusions | rscollection_ip_obfuscation | rscollection_key_visitor | rscollection_localization | rscollection_metrics | rscollection_paid_search | rscollection_processing_status | rscollection_rollup_dates | rscollection_sc_segments | rscollection_settings | rscollection_site_title | rscollection_template | rscollection_time_zone | rscollection_traffic_var | rscollection_ui_element | rscollection_unique_visitor_variable | rscollection_video_tracking | saintresults | saint_ftp_list | segment_folders | string | string[] | survey_summary_list | usage_log_entries | void | Api\StructType\ApiChannel_sub_relations_element | Api\StructType\ApiCrm_info | Api\StructType\ApiDashboard_element | Api\StructType\ApiData_warehouse_report | Api\StructType\ApiData_warehouse_request | Api\StructType\ApiData_warehouse_segment | Api\StructType\ApiDs_setup_result | Api\StructType\ApiExcelWorkbook[] | Api\StructType\ApiFileIDResult | Api\StructType\ApiFileStatusResult | Api\StructType\ApiGroup_data | Api\StructType\ApiLogin | Api\StructType\ApiPermanent_traffic[] | Api\StructType\ApiPermissions_account[] | Api\StructType\ApiPermissions_account_groups | Api\StructType\ApiPermission_group[] | Api\StructType\ApiPerm_login[] | Api\StructType\ApiPublishingList[] | Api\StructType\ApiReportBuilderLogin | Api\StructType\ApiReportlet | Api\StructType\ApiReportQueueResponse | Api\StructType\ApiReportResponse | Api\StructType\ApiReport_status | Api\StructType\ApiReport_suite_id | Api\StructType\ApiReport_suite_pages[] | Api\StructType\ApiRollup[] | Api\StructType\ApiSaint_ftp_info | Api\StructType\ApiSaved_filter[] | Api\StructType\ApiScheduledReport | Api\StructType\ApiScheduledReport[] | Api\StructType\ApiScheduleLog[] | Api\StructType\ApiSchedule_spike[] | Api\StructType\ApiSimpleDataSource[] | Api\StructType\ApiSimple_report_suites_rval | Api\StructType\ApiStatus | Api\StructType\ApiToken_usage_container | Api\StructType\ApiTracking_server_data

getResult() public method

Returns the result
See also: AbstractSoapClientBase::getResult()
public getResult ( ) : void | Api\StructType\ApiAttachmentType | Api\StructType\ApiGetUploadResultResponse | Api\StructType\ApiListResponse | Api\StructType\ApiLoginResponse | Api\StructType\ApiMessageReportResponse | Api\StructType\ApiSendEmailResponse | Api\StructType\ApiUploadListResponse
return void | Api\StructType\ApiAttachmentType | Api\StructType\ApiGetUploadResultResponse | Api\StructType\ApiListResponse | Api\StructType\ApiLoginResponse | Api\StructType\ApiMessageReportResponse | Api\StructType\ApiSendEmailResponse | Api\StructType\ApiUploadListResponse

getUploadResult() public method

Method to call the operation originally named getUploadResult Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : SessionHeader, ClusterHeader - SOAPHeaderNamespaces :, - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiSessionHeader, \Api\StructType\ApiClusterHeader - SOAPHeaders : required, required - documentation: Poll for the results of an asynchronous running upload/merge request
public getUploadResult ( Api\StructType\ApiGetUploadResultRequest $parameter ) : Api\StructType\ApiGetUploadResultResponse | boolean
$parameter Api\StructType\ApiGetUploadResultRequest
return Api\StructType\ApiGetUploadResultResponse | boolean

login() public method

Method to call the operation originally named login Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : ClusterHeader - SOAPHeaderNamespaces : - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiClusterHeader - SOAPHeaders : required - documentation: Login to the service. This must be the first call to obtain the SessionID for all subsequent API calls
public login ( Api\StructType\ApiLogin $parameter ) : Api\StructType\ApiLoginResponse | boolean
$parameter Api\StructType\ApiLogin
return Api\StructType\ApiLoginResponse | boolean

messageReport() public method

Method to call the operation originally named messageReport Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : SessionHeader, ClusterHeader - SOAPHeaderNamespaces :, - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiSessionHeader, \Api\StructType\ApiClusterHeader - SOAPHeaders : optional, required
public messageReport ( Api\StructType\ApiMessageReport $parameter ) : Api\StructType\ApiMessageReportResponse | boolean
$parameter Api\StructType\ApiMessageReport
return Api\StructType\ApiMessageReportResponse | boolean

sendEmail() public method

Method to call the operation originally named sendEmail Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : SessionHeader, ClusterHeader - SOAPHeaderNamespaces :, - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiSessionHeader, \Api\StructType\ApiClusterHeader - SOAPHeaders : optional, optional - documentation: Schedule an email to be sent.
public sendEmail ( Api\StructType\ApiSendEmail $parameter ) : Api\StructType\ApiSendEmailResponse | boolean
$parameter Api\StructType\ApiSendEmail
return Api\StructType\ApiSendEmailResponse | boolean

setSoapHeaderClusterHeader() public method

Sets the ClusterHeader SoapHeader param
public setSoapHeaderClusterHeader ( Api\StructType\ApiClusterHeader $clusterHeader, string $nameSpace = '', boolean $mustUnderstand = false, string $actor = null ) : boolean
$clusterHeader Api\StructType\ApiClusterHeader
$nameSpace string
$mustUnderstand boolean
$actor string
return boolean

setSoapHeaderRequesterCredentials() public method

Sets the RequesterCredentials SoapHeader param
public setSoapHeaderRequesterCredentials ( Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType $requesterCredentials, string $nameSpace = 'urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI', boolean $mustUnderstand = false, string $actor = null ) : boolean
$requesterCredentials Api\StructType\ApiCustomSecurityHeaderType
$nameSpace string
$mustUnderstand boolean
$actor string
return boolean

setSoapHeaderSessionHeader() public method

Sets the SessionHeader SoapHeader param
public setSoapHeaderSessionHeader ( Api\StructType\ApiSessionHeader $sessionHeader, string $nameSpace = '', boolean $mustUnderstand = false, string $actor = null ) : boolean
$sessionHeader Api\StructType\ApiSessionHeader
$nameSpace string
$mustUnderstand boolean
$actor string
return boolean

uploadList() public method

Method to call the operation originally named uploadList Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - SOAPHeaderNames : SessionHeader, ClusterHeader - SOAPHeaderNamespaces :, - SOAPHeaderTypes : \Api\StructType\ApiSessionHeader, \Api\StructType\ApiClusterHeader - SOAPHeaders : optional, required - documentation: Upload a new contact list or merge records into an existing list.
public uploadList ( Api\StructType\ApiUploadList $parameter ) : Api\StructType\ApiUploadListResponse | boolean
$parameter Api\StructType\ApiUploadList
return Api\StructType\ApiUploadListResponse | boolean