PHP Class DeviceDetector\Parser\Client\Browser

Client parser for browser detection
Inheritance: extends DeviceDetector\Parser\Client\ClientParserAbstract
ファイルを表示 Open project: piwik/device-detector Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$availableBrowsers array Known browsers mapped to their internal short codes
$browserFamilies array Browser families mapped to the short codes of the associated browsers
$mobileOnlyBrowsers array Browsers that are available for mobile devices only

Public Methods

Method Description
getAvailableBrowserFamilies ( ) : array Returns list of all available browser families
getAvailableBrowsers ( ) : array Returns list of all available browsers
getBrowserFamily ( string $browserLabel ) : boolean | string
isMobileOnlyBrowser ( string $browser ) : boolean Returns if the given browser is mobile only
parse ( )

Protected Methods

Method Description
buildEngine ( $engineData, $browserVersion )
buildEngineVersion ( $engine )

Method Details

buildEngine() protected method

protected buildEngine ( $engineData, $browserVersion )

buildEngineVersion() protected method

protected buildEngineVersion ( $engine )

getAvailableBrowserFamilies() public static method

Returns list of all available browser families
public static getAvailableBrowserFamilies ( ) : array
return array

getAvailableBrowsers() public static method

Returns list of all available browsers
public static getAvailableBrowsers ( ) : array
return array

getBrowserFamily() public static method

public static getBrowserFamily ( string $browserLabel ) : boolean | string
$browserLabel string
return boolean | string If false, "Unknown"

isMobileOnlyBrowser() public static method

Returns if the given browser is mobile only
public static isMobileOnlyBrowser ( string $browser ) : boolean
$browser string Label or name of browser
return boolean

parse() public method

public parse ( )

Property Details

$availableBrowsers protected_oe static_oe property

Known browsers mapped to their internal short codes
protected static array $availableBrowsers
return array

$browserFamilies protected_oe static_oe property

Browser families mapped to the short codes of the associated browsers
protected static array $browserFamilies
return array

$fixtureFile protected_oe property

protected $fixtureFile

$mobileOnlyBrowsers protected_oe static_oe property

Browsers that are available for mobile devices only
protected static array $mobileOnlyBrowsers
return array

$parserName protected_oe property

protected $parserName