PHP Class Elgg\Composer\PostInstall

ファイルを表示 Open project: elgg/elgg

Public Methods

Method Description
execute ( Composer\Script\Event $event ) : void Copies files that Elgg expects to be in the root directory.

Private Methods

Method Description
copyFromElggToRoot ( string $elggPath, string $rootPath, boolean $overwrite = false ) : boolean Copies a file from the given location in Elgg to the given location in root.
symlinkPluginFromRootToElgg ( string $plugin ) : boolean Make it possible for composer-managed Elgg site to recognize plugins version-controlled in Elgg core.

Method Details

execute() public static method

Copies files that Elgg expects to be in the root directory.
public static execute ( Composer\Script\Event $event ) : void
$event Composer\Script\Event The Composer event (install/upgrade)
return void