PHP Class Eloquent\Phony\Mock\Method\WrappedTraitMethod

Inheritance: extends AbstractWrappedMethod
ファイルを表示 Open project: eloquent/phony

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( ReflectionMethod $callTraitMethod, string $traitName, ReflectionMethod $method, Eloquent\Phony\Mock\Handle\Handle $handle ) Construct a new wrapped trait method.
callTraitMethod ( ) : ReflectionMethod Get the _callTrait() method.
invokeWith ( Arguments | array $arguments = [] ) : mixed Invoke this object.
traitName ( ) : string Get the trait name.

Method Details

__construct() public method

Construct a new wrapped trait method.
public __construct ( ReflectionMethod $callTraitMethod, string $traitName, ReflectionMethod $method, Eloquent\Phony\Mock\Handle\Handle $handle )
$callTraitMethod ReflectionMethod The _callTrait() method.
$traitName string The trait name.
$method ReflectionMethod The method.
$handle Eloquent\Phony\Mock\Handle\Handle The handle.

callTraitMethod() public method

Get the _callTrait() method.
public callTraitMethod ( ) : ReflectionMethod
return ReflectionMethod The _callTrait() method.

invokeWith() public method

This method supports reference parameters.
public invokeWith ( Arguments | array $arguments = [] ) : mixed
$arguments Eloquent\Phony\Call\Arguments | array The arguments.
return mixed The result of invocation.

traitName() public method

Get the trait name.
public traitName ( ) : string
return string The trait name.