PHP Class eZ\Publish\Core\MVC\Symfony\Matcher\Tests\ContentBased\Matcher\UrlAliasTest

ファイルを表示 Open project: ezsystems/ezpublish-kernel

Public Methods

Method Description
matchLocationProvider ( )
setMatchingConfigProvider ( )
testMatchContentInfo ( )
testMatchLocation ( string | string[] $matchingConfig, eZ\Publish\API\Repository\Repository $repository, boolean $expectedResult )
testSetMatchingConfig ( string $matchingConfig, string[] $expectedValues )

Protected Methods

Method Description
setUp ( )

Private Methods

Method Description
generateRepositoryMockForUrlAlias ( string $path ) : PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject Returns a Repository mock configured to return the appropriate Section object with given section identifier.

Method Details

matchLocationProvider() public method

setMatchingConfigProvider() public method

setUp() protected method

protected setUp ( )

testMatchContentInfo() public method

testMatchLocation() public method

public testMatchLocation ( string | string[] $matchingConfig, eZ\Publish\API\Repository\Repository $repository, boolean $expectedResult )
$matchingConfig string | string[]
$repository eZ\Publish\API\Repository\Repository
$expectedResult boolean

testSetMatchingConfig() public method

public testSetMatchingConfig ( string $matchingConfig, string[] $expectedValues )
$matchingConfig string
$expectedValues string[]