PHP Class FluidTYPO3\Vhs\ViewHelpers\Form\SelectViewHelper

Inheritance: extends TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\ViewHelpers\Form\AbstractFormFieldViewHelper
ファイルを表示 Open project: fluidtypo3/vhs

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$selectedValue mixed
$tagName string

Public Methods

Method Description
initializeArguments ( ) : void Initialize arguments.
render ( ) : string Render the tag.

Protected Methods

Method Description
getOptions ( ) : array Render the option tags.
getSelectedValue ( ) : mixed Retrieves the selected value(s)
isSelected ( mixed $value ) : boolean Render the option tags.
renderOptionTag ( string $value, string $label, boolean $isSelected ) : string Render one option tag
renderOptionTags ( array $options ) : string Render the option tags.

Method Details

getOptions() protected method

Render the option tags.
protected getOptions ( ) : array
return array

getSelectedValue() protected method

Retrieves the selected value(s)
protected getSelectedValue ( ) : mixed
return mixed value string or an array of strings

initializeArguments() public method

Initialize arguments.
public initializeArguments ( ) : void
return void

isSelected() protected method

Render the option tags.
protected isSelected ( mixed $value ) : boolean
$value mixed Value to check for
return boolean TRUE if the value should be marked a s selected; FALSE otherwise

render() public method

Render the tag.
public render ( ) : string
return string rendered tag.

renderOptionTag() protected method

Render one option tag
protected renderOptionTag ( string $value, string $label, boolean $isSelected ) : string
$value string value attribute of the option tag (will be escaped)
$label string content of the option tag (will be escaped)
$isSelected boolean specifies wheter or not to add selected attribute
return string the rendered option tag

renderOptionTags() protected method

Render the option tags.
protected renderOptionTags ( array $options ) : string
$options array the options for the form.
return string rendered tags.

Property Details

$selectedValue protected_oe property

protected mixed $selectedValue
return mixed

$tagName protected_oe property

protected string $tagName
return string