PHP Class FluxBB\Models\Post

Inheritance: extends Base
ファイルを表示 Open project: fluxbb/core Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Property Type Description

Public Methods

Method Description
author ( )
isFirstPostOfTopic ( ) Check if the post if the first post of it's topic
message ( )
topic ( )
wasEdited ( )

Method Details

author() public method

public author ( )

isFirstPostOfTopic() public method

return boolean true if it is the first post of the topic, else false
public isFirstPostOfTopic ( )

message() public method

public message ( )

topic() public method

public topic ( )

wasEdited() public method

public wasEdited ( )

Property Details

$dates protected_oe property

protected $dates

$fillable protected_oe property

protected $fillable

$table protected_oe property

protected $table