PHP Class Grido\Components\Button

Author: Petr Bugyík
Inheritance: extends Grido\Components\Component
ファイルを表示 Open project: o5/grido

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$arguments second param for method $presenter->link()
$destination first param for method $presenter->link()
$elementPrototype html tag
$options array

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( Grid $grid, string $name, string $label = NULL, string $destination = NULL, array $arguments = [] )
getArguments ( ) : array
getDestination ( ) : string
getElement ( ) : Nette\Utils\Html
getElementPrototype ( ) : Nette\Utils\Html Returns element prototype ( html tag).
getOption ( string $key, mixed $default = NULL ) : mixed Returns user-specific option.
getOptions ( ) : array Returns user-specific options.
render ( ) : void
setElementPrototype ( Nette\Utils\Html $elementPrototype ) : Button Sets html element.
setIcon ( string $name ) : Action Sets name of icon.
setOption ( string $key, mixed $value ) : Action Sets user-specific option.

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( Grid $grid, string $name, string $label = NULL, string $destination = NULL, array $arguments = [] )
$grid Grido\Grid
$name string
$label string
$destination string - first param for method $presenter->link()
$arguments array - second param for method $presenter->link()

getArguments() public method

public getArguments ( ) : array
return array

getDestination() public method

public getDestination ( ) : string
return string

getElement() public method

public getElement ( ) : Nette\Utils\Html
return Nette\Utils\Html
Returns user-specific option.
public getOption ( string $key, mixed $default = NULL ) : mixed
$key string
$default mixed
return mixed

getOptions() public method

Returns user-specific options.
public getOptions ( ) : array
return array

render() public method

public render ( ) : void
return void

setElementPrototype() public method

Sets html element.
public setElementPrototype ( Nette\Utils\Html $elementPrototype ) : Button
$elementPrototype Nette\Utils\Html
return Button

setIcon() public method

Sets name of icon.
public setIcon ( string $name ) : Action
$name string
return Action

setOption() public method

Sets user-specific option.
public setOption ( string $key, mixed $value ) : Action
$key string
$value mixed
return Action

Property Details

$arguments protected_oe property

second param for method $presenter->link()
protected $arguments

$destination protected_oe property

first param for method $presenter->link()
protected $destination

$elementPrototype protected_oe property

protected $elementPrototype
protected array $options
return array