PHP Class Jarves\Configuration\Bundle

Inheritance: extends Model
ファイルを表示 Open project: jarves/jarves Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$adminAngularTemplates Asset[]
$adminAssets Asset[]
$adminPreloadTypescriptModules Asset[]
$bundleName string
$caches BundleCache[]
$contentTypes ContentType[]
$entryPoints EntryPoint[]
$events Event[]
$fieldTypes FieldType[]
$label string
$listeners Event[]
$objectAttributes Field[]
$objects Object[]
$plugins Plugin[]
$streams Stream[]
$themes Theme[]
$version string

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( string | Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Bundle\BundleInterface $bundleClass, null $jarves = null, DOMElement $bundleDoc = null )
__sleep ( ) : array
addObject ( Object $object )
boot ( Configs $configs ) All bundle configs have been loaded.
collectAssets ( array $assets = null ) : AssetInfo[]
exportFileBased ( string $property ) : string
getAdminAngularTemplates ( ) : Asset[] | Assets[]
getAdminAngularTemplatesInfo ( ) : AssetInfo[]
getAdminAssets ( string $filter = '', boolean $regex = false ) : Asset[] | Assets[]
getAdminAssetsInfo ( ) : AssetInfo[]
getAdminPreloadTypescriptModules ( ) : Asset[]
getAdminPreloadTypescriptModulesInfo ( ) : AssetInfo[]
getAllEntryPoints ( EntryPoint $entryPoint = null ) : EntryPoint[]
getBundleClass ( ) : Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Bundle\BundleInterface Returns the Bundle class object.
getBundleName ( ) : string Returns the bundle name with the 'Bundle' suffix.
getCaches ( ) : BundleCache[]
getComposer ( ) : array Returns the composer configuration as array.
getComposerPath ( ) : string Returns the path to the composer.json
getContentTypes ( ) : ContentType[]
getContentTypesArray ( ) : ContentType[]
getEntryPoint ( string $path ) : EntryPoint
getEntryPoints ( ) : EntryPoint[]
getEntryPointsArray ( ) : array
getEvents ( ) : Event[]
getFieldTypes ( ) : FieldType[]
getFieldTypesArray ( ) : FieldType[]
getLabel ( ) : string
getListeners ( ) : Event[]
getName ( ) : string Returns the bundle name without the 'Bundle' suffix, lowercased.
getNamespace ( ) : string
getObject ( string $id ) : Object | null
getObjectAttributes ( ) : Field[]
getObjectAttributesArray ( ) : array
getObjects ( ) : Object[]
getObjectsArray ( ) : array
getPath ( ) : string
getPlugin ( string $id ) : Plugin
getPlugins ( ) : Plugin[]
getPluginsArray ( ) : Plugin[]
getPropertyFilePath ( $property )
getStreams ( ) : Stream[]
getTheme ( string $id ) : Theme
getThemes ( ) : Theme[]
getThemesArray ( ) : Theme[]
getVersion ( ) : string
import ( DOMNode $node, string $file = null )
newObject ( string $id ) : Object Creates a new Object object and sets Object's Bundle to this instance.
saveConfig ( string $path, boolean $withDefaults = false ) : boolean
saveFileBased ( $property ) : boolean
setAdminAngularTemplates ( array $adminAngularTemplates = null )
setAdminAssets ( array $adminAssets = null )
setAdminPreloadTypescriptModules ( array $adminPreloadTypescriptModules = null )
setBundleClass ( Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Bundle\BundleInterface $class )
setBundleName ( string $bundleName )
setCaches ( array $caches = null )
setContentTypes ( array $contentTypes )
setEntryPoints ( array $entryPoints = null )
setEvents ( array $events = null )
setFieldTypes ( array $fieldTypes )
setLabel ( string $label )
setListeners ( array $listeners = null )
setObjectAttributes ( array $objectAttributes = null )
setObjects ( array $objects = null )
setPlugins ( array $plugins = null )
setStreams ( array $streams = null )
setThemes ( array $themes = null )
setVersion ( string $version )
toArray ( boolean $printDefaults = false ) : array

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( string | Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Bundle\BundleInterface $bundleClass, null $jarves = null, DOMElement $bundleDoc = null )
$bundleClass string | Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Bundle\BundleInterface
$jarves null
$bundleDoc DOMElement

__sleep() public method

public __sleep ( ) : array
return array

addObject() public method

public addObject ( Object $object )
$object Object

boot() public method

All bundle configs have been loaded.
public boot ( Configs $configs )
$configs Configs

collectAssets() public method

public collectAssets ( array $assets = null ) : AssetInfo[]
$assets array
return Jarves\AssetHandler\AssetInfo[]

exportFileBased() public method

public exportFileBased ( string $property ) : string
$property string
return string

getAdminAngularTemplates() public method

public getAdminAngularTemplates ( ) : Asset[] | Assets[]
return Asset[] | Assets[]

getAdminAngularTemplatesInfo() public method

public getAdminAngularTemplatesInfo ( ) : AssetInfo[]
return Jarves\AssetHandler\AssetInfo[]

getAdminAssets() public method

public getAdminAssets ( string $filter = '', boolean $regex = false ) : Asset[] | Assets[]
$filter string
$regex boolean
return Asset[] | Assets[]

getAdminAssetsInfo() public method

public getAdminAssetsInfo ( ) : AssetInfo[]
return Jarves\AssetHandler\AssetInfo[]

getAdminPreloadTypescriptModules() public method

public getAdminPreloadTypescriptModules ( ) : Asset[]
return Asset[]

getAdminPreloadTypescriptModulesInfo() public method

public getAdminPreloadTypescriptModulesInfo ( ) : AssetInfo[]
return Jarves\AssetHandler\AssetInfo[]

getAllEntryPoints() public method

public getAllEntryPoints ( EntryPoint $entryPoint = null ) : EntryPoint[]
$entryPoint EntryPoint
return EntryPoint[]

getBundleClass() public method

Returns the Bundle class object.
public getBundleClass ( ) : Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Bundle\BundleInterface
return Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Bundle\BundleInterface

getBundleName() public method

Example: JarvesBundle.
public getBundleName ( ) : string
return string

getCaches() public method

public getCaches ( ) : BundleCache[]
return BundleCache[]

getComposer() public method

Returns the composer configuration as array.
public getComposer ( ) : array
return array

getComposerPath() public method

Returns the path to the composer.json
public getComposerPath ( ) : string
return string

getContentTypes() public method

public getContentTypes ( ) : ContentType[]
return ContentType[]

getContentTypesArray() public method

public getContentTypesArray ( ) : ContentType[]
return ContentType[]

getEntryPoint() public method

public getEntryPoint ( string $path ) : EntryPoint
$path string Full path, delimited with `/`;
return EntryPoint

getEntryPoints() public method

public getEntryPoints ( ) : EntryPoint[]
return EntryPoint[]

getEntryPointsArray() public method

public getEntryPointsArray ( ) : array
return array

getEvents() public method

public getEvents ( ) : Event[]
return Event[]

getFieldTypes() public method

public getFieldTypes ( ) : FieldType[]
return FieldType[]

getFieldTypesArray() public method

public getFieldTypesArray ( ) : FieldType[]
return FieldType[]

getLabel() public method

public getLabel ( ) : string
return string

getListeners() public method

public getListeners ( ) : Event[]
return Event[]

getName() public method

Example: jarves, jarvesshop, `jarvespublication.
public getName ( ) : string
return string

getNamespace() public method

public getNamespace ( ) : string
return string

getObject() public method

public getObject ( string $id ) : Object | null
$id string
return Object | null

getObjectAttributes() public method

public getObjectAttributes ( ) : Field[]
return Field[]

getObjectAttributesArray() public method

public getObjectAttributesArray ( ) : array
return array

getObjects() public method

public getObjects ( ) : Object[]
return Object[]

getObjectsArray() public method

public getObjectsArray ( ) : array
return array

getPath() public method

public getPath ( ) : string
return string

getPlugin() public method

public getPlugin ( string $id ) : Plugin
$id string
return Plugin

getPlugins() public method

public getPlugins ( ) : Plugin[]
return Plugin[]

getPluginsArray() public method

public getPluginsArray ( ) : Plugin[]
return Plugin[]

getPropertyFilePath() public method

public getPropertyFilePath ( $property )

getStreams() public method

public getStreams ( ) : Stream[]
return Stream[]

getTheme() public method

public getTheme ( string $id ) : Theme
$id string
return Theme

getThemes() public method

public getThemes ( ) : Theme[]
return Theme[]

getThemesArray() public method

public getThemesArray ( ) : Theme[]
return Theme[]

getVersion() public method

public getVersion ( ) : string
return string

import() public method

public import ( DOMNode $node, string $file = null )
$node DOMNode
$file string

newObject() public method

Creates a new Object object and sets Object's Bundle to this instance.
public newObject ( string $id ) : Object
$id string
return Object

saveConfig() public method

public saveConfig ( string $path, boolean $withDefaults = false ) : boolean
$path string
$withDefaults boolean
return boolean

saveFileBased() public method

public saveFileBased ( $property ) : boolean
return boolean

setAdminAngularTemplates() public method

public setAdminAngularTemplates ( array $adminAngularTemplates = null )
$adminAngularTemplates array

setAdminAssets() public method

public setAdminAssets ( array $adminAssets = null )
$adminAssets array

setAdminPreloadTypescriptModules() public method

public setAdminPreloadTypescriptModules ( array $adminPreloadTypescriptModules = null )
$adminPreloadTypescriptModules array

setBundleClass() public method

public setBundleClass ( Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Bundle\BundleInterface $class )
$class Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Bundle\BundleInterface

setBundleName() public method

public setBundleName ( string $bundleName )
$bundleName string

setCaches() public method

public setCaches ( array $caches = null )
$caches array

setContentTypes() public method

public setContentTypes ( array $contentTypes )
$contentTypes array

setEntryPoints() public method

public setEntryPoints ( array $entryPoints = null )
$entryPoints array

setEvents() public method

public setEvents ( array $events = null )
$events array

setFieldTypes() public method

public setFieldTypes ( array $fieldTypes )
$fieldTypes array

setLabel() public method

public setLabel ( string $label )
$label string

setListeners() public method

public setListeners ( array $listeners = null )
$listeners array

setObjectAttributes() public method

public setObjectAttributes ( array $objectAttributes = null )
$objectAttributes array

setObjects() public method

public setObjects ( array $objects = null )
$objects array

setPlugins() public method

public setPlugins ( array $plugins = null )
$plugins array

setStreams() public method

public setStreams ( array $streams = null )
$streams array

setThemes() public method

public setThemes ( array $themes = null )
$themes array

setVersion() public method

public setVersion ( string $version )
$version string

toArray() public method

public toArray ( boolean $printDefaults = false ) : array
$printDefaults boolean
return array

Property Details

$_excludeFromExport protected_oe property

protected $_excludeFromExport

$adminAngularTemplates protected_oe property

protected Asset[],Jarves\Configuration $adminAngularTemplates
return Asset[]

$adminAssets protected_oe property

protected Asset[],Jarves\Configuration $adminAssets
return Asset[]

$adminPreloadTypescriptModules protected_oe property

protected Asset[],Jarves\Configuration $adminPreloadTypescriptModules
return Asset[]

$attributes protected_oe property

protected $attributes

$bundleName protected_oe property

protected string $bundleName
return string

$caches protected_oe property

protected BundleCache[],Jarves\Configuration $caches
return BundleCache[]

$contentTypes protected_oe property

protected ContentType[],Jarves\Configuration $contentTypes
return ContentType[]

$entryPoints protected_oe property

protected EntryPoint[],Jarves\Configuration $entryPoints
return EntryPoint[]

$events protected_oe property

protected Event[],Jarves\Configuration $events
return Event[]

$fieldTypes protected_oe property

protected FieldType[],Jarves\Configuration $fieldTypes
return FieldType[]

$id protected_oe property

protected $id

$label protected_oe property

protected string $label
return string

$listeners protected_oe property

protected Event[],Jarves\Configuration $listeners
return Event[]

$objectAttributes protected_oe property

protected Field[],Jarves\Configuration $objectAttributes
return Field[]

$objects protected_oe property

protected Object[],Jarves\Configuration $objects
return Object[]

$plugins protected_oe property

protected Plugin[],Jarves\Configuration $plugins
return Plugin[]

$propertyToFile public_oe static_oe property

public static $propertyToFile

$streams protected_oe property

protected Stream[],Jarves\Configuration $streams
return Stream[]

$themes protected_oe property

protected Theme[],Jarves\Configuration $themes
return Theme[]

$version protected_oe property

protected string $version
return string