PHP Class Kahlan\Plugin\Pointcut

ファイルを表示 Open project: crysalead/kahlan Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$_classes array Class dependencies.

Public Methods

Method Description
before ( $method, $self, &$args ) : boolean Point cut called before method execution.

Protected Methods

Method Description
_stubbedMethod ( string $lsb, object | string $self, string $class, string $name, string $args ) : boolean Checks if the called method has been stubbed.

Method Details

_stubbedMethod() protected static method

Checks if the called method has been stubbed.
protected static _stubbedMethod ( string $lsb, object | string $self, string $class, string $name, string $args ) : boolean
$lsb string Late state binding class name.
$self object | string The object instance or a fully-namespaces class name.
$class string The class name.
$name string The method name.
$args string The passed arguments.
return boolean Returns `true` if the method has been stubbed.

before() public static method

Point cut called before method execution.
public static before ( $method, $self, &$args ) : boolean
return boolean If `true` is returned, the normal execution of the method is aborted.

Property Details

$_classes protected_oe static_oe property

Class dependencies.
protected static array $_classes
return array