PHP Class Microweber\Providers\ShopManager

ファイルを表示 Open project: microweber/microweber

Public Properties

Property Type Description

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( $app = null )
after_checkout ( $order_id, $suppress_output = true )
cart_sum ( boolean $return_amount = true ) : array | false | float | integer | mixed
cart_total ( )
checkout ( $data )
checkout_confirm_email_test ( $params )
checkout_ipn ( $data )
checkout_url ( )
confirm_email_send ( $order_id, $to = false, $no_cache = false, $skip_enabled_check = false )
currency_convert_rate ( $from, $to )
currency_format ( $amount, $curr = false )
currency_get ( )
currency_get_for_paypal ( )
currency_symbol ( $curr = false, $key = 3 )
delete_client ( $data )
delete_order ( $data )
empty_cart ( )
get_cart ( $params = false )
get_order_by_id ( $id = false )
get_orders ( $params = false )
order_items ( $order_id = false )
payment_options ( $option_key = false )
place_order ( $place_order )
remove_cart_item ( $data )
set_table_names ( $tables = false )
update_cart ( $data )
update_cart_item_qty ( $data )
update_order ( $params = false )
update_quantities ( boolean | string $order_id = false ) : boolean Remove quantity from product.

Private Methods

Method Description
domain_name ( $domainb )
esip ( $ip_addr )
get_domain_from_str ( $address )

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( $app = null )

after_checkout() public method

public after_checkout ( $order_id, $suppress_output = true )

cart_sum() public method

public cart_sum ( boolean $return_amount = true ) : array | false | float | integer | mixed
$return_amount boolean
return array | false | float | integer | mixed

cart_total() public method

public cart_total ( )

checkout() public method

public checkout ( $data )

checkout_confirm_email_test() public method

public checkout_confirm_email_test ( $params )

checkout_ipn() public method

public checkout_ipn ( $data )

checkout_url() public method

public checkout_url ( )

confirm_email_send() public method

public confirm_email_send ( $order_id, $to = false, $no_cache = false, $skip_enabled_check = false )

currency_convert_rate() public method

public currency_convert_rate ( $from, $to )

currency_format() public method

public currency_format ( $amount, $curr = false )

currency_get() public method

public currency_get ( )

currency_get_for_paypal() public method

currency_symbol() public method

public currency_symbol ( $curr = false, $key = 3 )

delete_client() public method

public delete_client ( $data )

delete_order() public method

public delete_order ( $data )

empty_cart() public method

public empty_cart ( )

get_cart() public method

public get_cart ( $params = false )

get_order_by_id() public method

public get_order_by_id ( $id = false )

get_orders() public method

public get_orders ( $params = false )

order_items() public method

public order_items ( $order_id = false )

payment_options() public method

public payment_options ( $option_key = false )

place_order() public method

public place_order ( $place_order )

remove_cart_item() public method

public remove_cart_item ( $data )

set_table_names() public method

public set_table_names ( $tables = false )

update_cart() public method

public update_cart ( $data )

update_cart_item_qty() public method

public update_cart_item_qty ( $data )

update_order() public method

public update_order ( $params = false )

update_quantities() public method

On completed order this function deducts the product quantities.
public update_quantities ( boolean | string $order_id = false ) : boolean
$order_id boolean | string The id of the order that is completed
return boolean True if quantity is updated

Property Details

$app public_oe property

public $app

$no_cache public_oe property

public $no_cache

$table_prefix public_oe property

public $table_prefix

$tables public_oe property

public $tables