PHP Class Neos\ContentRepository\Migration\Configuration\Configuration

Inheritance: implements Neos\ContentRepository\Migration\Configuration\ConfigurationInterface
ファイルを表示 Open project: neos/neos-development-collection

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$availableVersions array
$loadedVersions array

Public Methods

Method Description
getAvailableVersions ( ) : array Returns an array with all available versions.
getMigrationVersion ( string $version ) : array Returns the configuration of the given version, if available.
isVersionAvailable ( string $version ) : boolean If the given version is available, TRUE is returned.

Protected Methods

Method Description
isVersionLoaded ( string $version ) : boolean Check if the given version has been loaded already.
loadConfiguration ( string $version ) : array Loads a specific version into an array.
registerAvailableVersions ( ) : array Loads a list of available versions into an array.

Method Details

getAvailableVersions() public method

Returns an array with all available versions.
public getAvailableVersions ( ) : array
return array

getMigrationVersion() public method

Returns the configuration of the given version, if available.
public getMigrationVersion ( string $version ) : array
$version string
return array

isVersionAvailable() public method

If the given version is available, TRUE is returned.
public isVersionAvailable ( string $version ) : boolean
$version string
return boolean

isVersionLoaded() protected method

Check if the given version has been loaded already.
protected isVersionLoaded ( string $version ) : boolean
$version string
return boolean

loadConfiguration() abstract protected method

Loads a specific version into an array.
abstract protected loadConfiguration ( string $version ) : array
$version string
return array

registerAvailableVersions() abstract protected method

Loads a list of available versions into an array.
abstract protected registerAvailableVersions ( ) : array
return array

Property Details

$availableVersions protected_oe property

protected array $availableVersions
return array

$loadedVersions protected_oe property

protected array $loadedVersions
return array