PHP Class Nwidart\Modules\Commands\UpdateCommand

Inheritance: extends Illuminate\Console\Command, use trait Nwidart\Modules\Traits\ModuleCommandTrait
ファイルを表示 Open project: nwidart/laravel-modules

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$description string The console command description.
$name string The console command name.

Public Methods

Method Description
fire ( ) : mixed Execute the console command.

Protected Methods

Method Description
getArguments ( ) : array Get the console command arguments.

Method Details

fire() public method

Execute the console command.
public fire ( ) : mixed
return mixed

getArguments() protected method

Get the console command arguments.
protected getArguments ( ) : array
return array

Property Details

$description protected_oe property

The console command description.
protected string $description
return string

$name protected_oe property

The console command name.
protected string $name
return string