PHP Class PayPal\Test\Api\PaymentCardTest

Inheritance: extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
ファイルを表示 Open project: paypal/rest-api-sdk-php Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
getJson ( ) : string Gets Json String of Object PaymentCard
getObject ( ) : PaymentCard Gets Object Instance with Json data filled in
testGetters ( PaymentCard $obj )
testSerializationDeserialization ( ) : PaymentCard Tests for Serialization and Deserialization Issues

Method Details

getJson() public static method

Gets Json String of Object PaymentCard
public static getJson ( ) : string
return string

getObject() public static method

Gets Object Instance with Json data filled in
public static getObject ( ) : PaymentCard
return PayPal\Api\PaymentCard

testGetters() public method

public testGetters ( PaymentCard $obj )
$obj PayPal\Api\PaymentCard

testSerializationDeserialization() public method

Tests for Serialization and Deserialization Issues
public testSerializationDeserialization ( ) : PaymentCard
return PayPal\Api\PaymentCard