PHP Class PhpBench\Model\Suite

This is the base of the object graph created by the Runner.
Inheritance: implements IteratorAggregate
ファイルを表示 Open project: dantleech/phpbench Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( string $contextName, DateTime $date, string $configPath = null, array $benchmarks = [], array $envInformations = [], $uuid = null ) __construct.
addEnvInformation ( Information $information )
createBenchmark ( string $class ) : Benchmark Create and add a benchmark.
generateUuid ( ) Generate a universally unique identifier.
getBenchmarks ( )
getConfigPath ( )
getContextName ( )
getDate ( )
getEnvInformations ( ) : Information[]
getErrorStacks ( )
getIterations ( )
getIterator ( )
getSubjects ( )
getSummary ( )
getUuid ( ) : mixed The uuid uniquely identifies this suite.
getVariants ( )
setEnvInformations ( array $envInformations )

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( string $contextName, DateTime $date, string $configPath = null, array $benchmarks = [], array $envInformations = [], $uuid = null )
$contextName string
$date DateTime
$configPath string
$benchmarks array
$envInformations array

addEnvInformation() public method

public addEnvInformation ( Information $information )
$information PhpBench\Environment\Information

createBenchmark() public method

Create and add a benchmark.
public createBenchmark ( string $class ) : Benchmark
$class string
return Benchmark

generateUuid() public method

The first 7 characters are the year month and in hex, the rest is a truncated sha1 string encoding the environmental information, the microtime and the configuration path.
public generateUuid ( )

getBenchmarks() public method

public getBenchmarks ( )

getConfigPath() public method

public getConfigPath ( )

getContextName() public method

public getContextName ( )

getDate() public method

public getDate ( )

getEnvInformations() public method

public getEnvInformations ( ) : Information[]
return PhpBench\Environment\Information[]

getErrorStacks() public method

public getErrorStacks ( )

getIterations() public method

public getIterations ( )

getIterator() public method

public getIterator ( )

getSubjects() public method

public getSubjects ( )

getSummary() public method

public getSummary ( )

getUuid() public method

The uuid is determined by the storage driver, and may be empty only when dynamically generating reports on-the-fly.
public getUuid ( ) : mixed
return mixed

getVariants() public method

public getVariants ( )

setEnvInformations() public method

public setEnvInformations ( array $envInformations )
$envInformations array