Method |
Description |
__construct ( array $sequences = [] ) |
Create the object and assign sequences if provided. They
can be added later of course. |
accept ( PhpCss\Ast\Visitor $visitor ) : null | void |
Accept visitors, because this element has children, enter and leave are called. |
count ( ) : integer |
Return the sequence list count. |
getIterator ( ) : Traversable |
Return an iterator for the sequences |
offsetExists ( integer $offset ) : boolean |
Check if a sequence at the given position is available in the list. |
offsetGet ( integer $offset ) : Sequence |
Return the sequence at the given position. |
offsetSet ( integer | null $offset, Sequence $sequence ) |
Set/Add and sequence at the given position or top the end |
offsetUnset ( integer $offset ) |
Remove the sequence at the given position |