PHP Class PHPDaemon\Servers\IRCBouncer\Connection

Author: Vasily Zorin ([email protected])
Inheritance: extends PHPDaemon\Network\Connection
ファイルを表示 Open project: kakserpom/phpdaemon

Public Properties

Property Type Description
$EOL string
$attachedServer object
$lastPingTS integer
$latency integer
$protologging boolean
$timeout integer
$usermask string

Public Methods

Method Description
attachTo ( )
command ( string $from, string $cmd )
commandArr ( string $from, string $cmd, array $args )
detach ( )
exportChannel ( object $chan )
msgFromBNC ( string $msg )
onCommand ( string $cmd, array $args )
onFinish ( )
onRead ( ) : void Called when new data received
onReady ( ) : void Called when the connection is handshaked (at low-level), and peer is ready to recv. data
ping ( )

Method Details

attachTo() public method

public attachTo ( )

command() public method

public command ( string $from, string $cmd )
$from string From
$cmd string Command

commandArr() public method

public commandArr ( string $from, string $cmd, array $args )
$from string From
$cmd string Command
$args array Arguments

detach() public method

public detach ( )

exportChannel() public method

public exportChannel ( object $chan )
$chan object

msgFromBNC() public method

public msgFromBNC ( string $msg )
$msg string

onCommand() public method

public onCommand ( string $cmd, array $args )
$cmd string Command
$args array Arguments

onFinish() public method

public onFinish ( )

onRead() public method

Called when new data received
public onRead ( ) : void
return void

onReady() public method

Called when the connection is handshaked (at low-level), and peer is ready to recv. data
public onReady ( ) : void
return void

ping() public method

public ping ( )

Property Details

$EOL public_oe property

public string $EOL
return string

$attachedServer public_oe property

public object $attachedServer
return object

$lastPingTS public_oe property

public int $lastPingTS
return integer

$latency public_oe property

public int $latency
return integer

$protologging public_oe property

public bool $protologging
return boolean

$timeout public_oe property

public int $timeout
return integer

$usermask public_oe property

public string $usermask
return string