PHP Class Pimcore\Model\Document\DocType

Inheritance: extends Pimcore\Model\AbstractModel
ファイルを表示 Open project: pimcore/pimcore Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
$action string The specified action
$controller string The specified controller
$creationDate integer
$id integer ID of the document-type
$modificationDate integer
$module string
$name string Name of the document-type
$priority integer
$template string The specified template
$type string Type, must be one of the following: page,snippet,email

Public Methods

Method Description
create ( ) : DocType Shortcut to quickly create a new instance
getAction ( ) : string
getById ( integer $id ) : DocType Static helper to retrieve an instance of Document\DocType by the given ID
getController ( ) : string
getCreationDate ( ) : integer
getId ( ) : integer
getModificationDate ( ) : integer
getModule ( ) : string
getName ( ) : string
getPriority ( ) : integer
getTemplate ( ) : string
getType ( ) : string
setAction ( string $action )
setController ( string $controller )
setCreationDate ( $creationDate )
setId ( integer $id ) : void
setModificationDate ( $modificationDate )
setModule ( $module )
setName ( string $name ) : void
setPriority ( integer $priority ) : void
setTemplate ( string $template ) : void
setType ( string $type ) : void

Method Details

create() public static method

Shortcut to quickly create a new instance
public static create ( ) : DocType
return DocType

getAction() public method

public getAction ( ) : string
return string

getById() public static method

Static helper to retrieve an instance of Document\DocType by the given ID
public static getById ( integer $id ) : DocType
$id integer
return DocType

getController() public method

public getController ( ) : string
return string

getCreationDate() public method

public getCreationDate ( ) : integer
return integer

getId() public method

public getId ( ) : integer
return integer

getModificationDate() public method

public getModificationDate ( ) : integer
return integer

getModule() public method

public getModule ( ) : string
return string

getName() public method

public getName ( ) : string
return string

getPriority() public method

public getPriority ( ) : integer
return integer

getTemplate() public method

public getTemplate ( ) : string
return string

getType() public method

public getType ( ) : string
return string

setAction() public method

public setAction ( string $action )
$action string

setController() public method

public setController ( string $controller )
$controller string

setCreationDate() public method

public setCreationDate ( $creationDate )

setId() public method

public setId ( integer $id ) : void
$id integer
return void

setModificationDate() public method

public setModificationDate ( $modificationDate )

setModule() public method

public setModule ( $module )

setName() public method

public setName ( string $name ) : void
$name string
return void

setPriority() public method

public setPriority ( integer $priority ) : void
$priority integer
return void

setTemplate() public method

public setTemplate ( string $template ) : void
$template string
return void

setType() public method

public setType ( string $type ) : void
$type string
return void

Property Details

$action public_oe property

The specified action
public string $action
return string

$controller public_oe property

The specified controller
public string $controller
return string

$creationDate public_oe property

public int $creationDate
return integer

$id public_oe property

ID of the document-type
public int $id
return integer

$modificationDate public_oe property

public int $modificationDate
return integer

$module public_oe property

public string $module
return string

$name public_oe property

Name of the document-type
public string $name
return string

$priority public_oe property

public int $priority
return integer

$template public_oe property

The specified template
public string $template
return string

$type public_oe property

Type, must be one of the following: page,snippet,email
public string $type
return string