PHP Class pocketmine\utils\UUID

ファイルを表示 Open project: ClearSkyTeam/ClearSky Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( $part1, $part2, $part3, $part4, $version = null )
__toString ( )
equals ( UUID $uuid )
fromBinary ( string $uuid, integer $version = null ) : UUID Creates an UUID from a binary representation
fromData ( $data ) : UUID Creates an UUIDv3 from binary data or list of binary data
fromRandom ( )
fromString ( string $uuid, integer $version = null ) : UUID Creates an UUID from an hexadecimal representation
getVersion ( )
toBinary ( )
toString ( )

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( $part1, $part2, $part3, $part4, $version = null )

__toString() public method

public __toString ( )

equals() public method

public equals ( UUID $uuid )
$uuid UUID

fromBinary() public static method

Creates an UUID from a binary representation
public static fromBinary ( string $uuid, integer $version = null ) : UUID
$uuid string
$version integer
return UUID

fromData() public static method

Creates an UUIDv3 from binary data or list of binary data
public static fromData ( $data ) : UUID
return UUID

fromRandom() public static method

public static fromRandom ( )

fromString() public static method

Creates an UUID from an hexadecimal representation
public static fromString ( string $uuid, integer $version = null ) : UUID
$uuid string
$version integer
return UUID

getVersion() public method

public getVersion ( )

toBinary() public method

public toBinary ( )

toString() public method

public toString ( )