PHP Class Scientist\Journals\StandardJournal

Inheritance: implements Scientist\Journals\Journal
ファイルを表示 Open project: daylerees/scientist

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$experiment Scientist\Experiment The executed experiment.
$report Scientist\Report The experiment report.

Public Methods

Method Description
getExperiment ( ) : Experiment Get the experiment.
getReport ( ) : Report Get the experiment report.
report ( Experiment $experiment, Report $report ) : mixed Dispatch a report to storage.

Method Details

getExperiment() public method

Get the experiment.
public getExperiment ( ) : Experiment
return Scientist\Experiment

getReport() public method

Get the experiment report.
public getReport ( ) : Report
return Scientist\Report

report() public method

Dispatch a report to storage.
public report ( Experiment $experiment, Report $report ) : mixed
$experiment Scientist\Experiment
$report Scientist\Report
return mixed

Property Details

$experiment protected_oe property

The executed experiment.
protected Experiment,Scientist $experiment
return Scientist\Experiment

$report protected_oe property

The experiment report.
protected Report,Scientist $report
return Scientist\Report