PHP Class skeeks\cms\relatedProperties\PropertyType

Inheritance: extends yii\base\Model, implements skeeks\cms\base\ConfigFormInterface
ファイルを表示 Open project: skeeks-cms/cms Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
$activeForm yii\widgets\ActiveForm Object form which will be completed item
$code TODO: It may be deprecated @version > 3.0.2
$id string
$name string The name of the handler
$property skeeks\cms\relatedProperties\models\RelatedPropertyModel Object properties is bound to the current handler

Public Methods

Method Description
addRules ( ) Adding validation rules to the object RelatedPropertiesModel
beforeDeleteValue ( ) Fires before the removal of the property value of the element base
beforeSaveValue ( mixed $value ) : mixed Converting the property value before saving to database
getDefaultValue ( ) : null The default value for this property
getIsMultiple ( ) : boolean From the result of this function will depend on how the property values are stored in the database
getMultiple ( ) : string TODO: is deprecated @version > 3.0.2
getStringValue ( ) : string
initValue ( mixed $valueFromDb ) : mixed Conversion property value received from the database
renderConfigForm ( ActiveForm $form ) The configuration form for the current state of the component settings
renderForActiveForm ( ) : ActiveField Drawing form element

Method Details

addRules() public method

Adding validation rules to the object RelatedPropertiesModel
public addRules ( )

beforeDeleteValue() public method

Fires before the removal of the property value of the element base
public beforeDeleteValue ( )

beforeSaveValue() public method

Converting the property value before saving to database
public beforeSaveValue ( mixed $value ) : mixed
$value mixed
return mixed

getDefaultValue() public method

The default value for this property
public getDefaultValue ( ) : null
return null

getIsMultiple() public method

From the result of this function will depend on how the property values are stored in the database
public getIsMultiple ( ) : boolean
return boolean

getMultiple() public method

TODO: is deprecated @version > 3.0.2
public getMultiple ( ) : string
return string

getStringValue() public method

public getStringValue ( ) : string
return string

initValue() public method

Conversion property value received from the database
public initValue ( mixed $valueFromDb ) : mixed
$valueFromDb mixed
return mixed

renderConfigForm() public method

The configuration form for the current state of the component settings
public renderConfigForm ( ActiveForm $form )
$form yii\widgets\ActiveForm

renderForActiveForm() public method

Drawing form element
public renderForActiveForm ( ) : ActiveField
return yii\widgets\ActiveField

Property Details

$activeForm public_oe property

Object form which will be completed item
public ActiveForm,yii\widgets $activeForm
return yii\widgets\ActiveForm

$code public_oe property

TODO: It may be deprecated @version > 3.0.2
public $code

$id public_oe property

public string $id
return string

$name public_oe property

The name of the handler
public string $name
return string

$property public_oe property

Object properties is bound to the current handler
public RelatedPropertyModel,skeeks\cms\relatedProperties\models $property
return skeeks\cms\relatedProperties\models\RelatedPropertyModel