PHP Class Transport\Entity\Schedule\Section

ファイルを表示 Open project: opendatach/transport Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
$arrival Stop The arrival checkpoint of the connection.
$departure Stop The departure checkpoint of the connection.
$journey Journey A journey, the transportation used by this section, can be null.
$walk Walk Information about walking distance, if available, can be null.

Public Methods

Method Description
createFromXml ( SimpleXMLElement $xml, DateTime $date, Section $obj = null )

Method Details

createFromXml() public static method

public static createFromXml ( SimpleXMLElement $xml, DateTime $date, Section $obj = null )
$xml SimpleXMLElement
$date DateTime
$obj Section

Property Details

$arrival public_oe property

The arrival checkpoint of the connection.
public Stop,Transport\Entity\Schedule $arrival
return Stop

$departure public_oe property

The departure checkpoint of the connection.
public Stop,Transport\Entity\Schedule $departure
return Stop

$journey public_oe property

A journey, the transportation used by this section, can be null.
public Journey,Transport\Entity\Schedule $journey
return Journey

$walk public_oe property

Information about walking distance, if available, can be null.
public Walk,Transport\Entity\Schedule $walk
return Walk