PHP Class Trismegiste\Mondrian\Visitor\Vertex\ObjectLevelHelper

Inheritance: extends Trismegiste\Mondrian\Visitor\State\AbstractObjectLevel
ファイルを表示 Open project: trismegiste/mondrian

Public Methods

Method Description
enter ( PhpParser\Node $node )

Protected Methods

Method Description
enterPublicMethod ( $fqcn, ClassMethod $node )
pushImplementation ( ClassMethod $node, $index ) Adding a new vertex if the implementation is not already indexed
pushMethod ( ClassMethod $node, $index ) Adding a new vertex if the method is not already indexed Since it is a method, I'm also adding the parameters
pushParameter ( string $methodName, integer $order ) Add a parameter vertex. I must point out that I store the order of the parameter, not its name. Why ? Because, name can change accross inheritance tree. Therefore, it could fail the refactoring of the source from the digraph.

Method Details

enter() final public method

final public enter ( PhpParser\Node $node )
$node PhpParser\Node

enterPublicMethod() abstract protected method

abstract protected enterPublicMethod ( $fqcn, ClassMethod $node )
$node PhpParser\Node\Stmt\ClassMethod

pushImplementation() protected method

Adding a new vertex if the implementation is not already indexed
protected pushImplementation ( ClassMethod $node, $index )
$node PhpParser\Node\Stmt\ClassMethod

pushMethod() protected method

Adding a new vertex if the method is not already indexed Since it is a method, I'm also adding the parameters
protected pushMethod ( ClassMethod $node, $index )
$node PhpParser\Node\Stmt\ClassMethod

pushParameter() protected method

Add a parameter vertex. I must point out that I store the order of the parameter, not its name. Why ? Because, name can change accross inheritance tree. Therefore, it could fail the refactoring of the source from the digraph.
protected pushParameter ( string $methodName, integer $order )
$methodName string like 'FQCN::method'
$order integer