PHP Interface Pimcore\Document\Newsletter\AddressSourceAdapterInterface

ファイルを表示 Open project: pimcore/pimcore Interface Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( $params ) AddressSourceAdapterInterface constructor.
getMailAddressesForBatchSending ( ) : SendingParamContainer[] returns array of email addresses for batch sending
getParamsForSingleSending ( $limit, $offset ) : SendingParamContainer[] returns array of params to be set on mail for single sending
getParamsForTestSending ( string $emailAddress ) : SendingParamContainer returns params to be set on mail for test sending
getTotalRecordCount ( ) : integer returns total number of newsletter recipients

Method Details

__construct() public method

AddressSourceAdapterInterface constructor.
public __construct ( $params )

getMailAddressesForBatchSending() public method

returns array of email addresses for batch sending
public getMailAddressesForBatchSending ( ) : SendingParamContainer[]
return SendingParamContainer[]

getParamsForSingleSending() public method

returns array of params to be set on mail for single sending
public getParamsForSingleSending ( $limit, $offset ) : SendingParamContainer[]
return SendingParamContainer[]

getParamsForTestSending() public method

returns params to be set on mail for test sending
public getParamsForTestSending ( string $emailAddress ) : SendingParamContainer
$emailAddress string
return SendingParamContainer

getTotalRecordCount() public method

returns total number of newsletter recipients
public getTotalRecordCount ( ) : integer
return integer