PHP Dcrypt Namespace


Name Description
Aes Symmetric AES-256-CBC encryption functions powered by OpenSSL.
AesCtr Symmetric AES-256-CTR encryption functions powered by OpenSSL.
Cryptobase Provides functionality common to Dcrypt's block ciphers.
Hash An opaque 512 bit iterative hash function.
Mcrypt Symmetric Mcrypt wrapper functions.
Otp A simple one time pad encryption class designed to provide moderate security and high performance with low memory usage. Uses simple XOR operations to encrypt data with a key. The Otp::crypt() function is safer to run on pseuro-random input that needs to be obscured.
Pkcs7 Provides PKCS #7 padding functionality.
Random Fail-safe wrapper for mcrypt_create_iv (preferably) and openssl_random_pseudo_bytes (fallback).
Rc4 An implementation of RC4 symmetric encryption.
Spritz An implementation of Spritz symmetric encryption.
Str Provides time-safe string comparison facilities, and safe string operations on systems that have mb_* function overloading enabled.
Support Provides numeric data conversion helper functions.