PHP Sulu\Bundle\WebsiteBundle\Sitemap Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
SitemapProviderInterface Interface for a single provider.
SitemapProviderPoolInterface Interface for sitemap-provider pool.
WebspaceSitemapInterface Interface WebspaceSitemapInterface Store Webspace Information for Sitemap generation.
XmlSitemapDumperInterface Interface for sitemap-dumper.
XmlSitemapRendererInterface Interface for sitemap-renderer.


Name Description
Sitemap Contains information for a complete sitemap.
SitemapAlternateLink Contains information for a alternate-link.
SitemapContentQueryBuilder Creates query for a minimum content pages (title and url).
SitemapGenerator Generates a sitemap structure for xml or html.
SitemapProviderPool Pool of all sitemap-providers.
SitemapUrl Contains information for a single sitemap entry.
WebspaceSitemap Class WebspaceSitemap Store Webspace Information and Sitemap.
XmlSitemapDumper This class provides functionality to dump sitemaps.
XmlSitemapRenderer Render sitemap in xml-format.