PHP 클래스 Horde_Kolab_FreeBusy, horde

Copyright 2009-2016 Horde LLC ( See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (LGPL). If you did not receive this file, see
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: horde/horde 1 사용 예제들

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
__construct ( string $type, string $backend, array $params = [] ) Constructor.
bindings ( ) : null Setup the basic injector bindings.
dispatch ( ) : null Handle the current request.
get ( string $interface ) : mixed Get an element.
getBackend ( ) : string Return the backend the application uses for the export.
getExportType ( ) : string Return the export type.
set ( string $interface, mixed $instance ) : null Set an element to the given value.

메소드 상세

__construct() 공개 메소드

public __construct ( string $type, string $backend, array $params = [] )
$type string The export type.
$backend string The chosen backend.
$params array The parameters required to initialize the application.
'script'  - (string) Script name in relation to the document root.

'config'  - (array)  Indicates where to find configuration options.

    'dir'      - (string) Configuration files can be found in this

'request' - (array)  Options for the request object. [optional]

    'class'    - (string) The class of request object to use (should
                          obviously match the request type).
    'params'   - (array)  Additional parameters to use on request
                          object construction.

'mapper'  - (array)  Options for the mapper object. [optional]

    'params'   - (array)  Additional parameters to use on mapper
                          object construction.

'request_config'- (array)  Options for the request configuration. [optional]

    'prefix' - (string) The class prefix to use for controllers.

'logger'  - (array)  The keys of the array are log handler class names
                     (e.g. Horde_Log_Handler_Stream) while the
                     corresponding values are arrays. Each such array
                     may contain a key 'params' that holds parameters
                     passed to the constructor of the log handler. It
                     may also hold a second key 'options' with options
                     passed to the instantiated log handler. [optional]
'writer'  - (array)  Options for the response writer object. [optional]

    'class'    - (string) The name of the response writer class.

'owner'  - (array)  Options for the data owner. [optional]

    'domain'   - (string) The domain that will be assumed for
                          domainless owners.

'provider'     - (array)  Options for the data provider. [optional]

    'server'   - (string) The URL that will be considered to be
                          provided locally rather than redirecting
                          to a remote server.
    'redirect' - (boolean) Should non-local requests be redirected
                           to the remote server or should the data
                           be fetched and passed through?
'injector' - (Horde_Injector) An outside injector that allows to
                              inject arbitrary instance replacements.

bindings() 공개 메소드

Setup the basic injector bindings.
public bindings ( ) : null
리턴 null

dispatch() 공개 메소드

Handle the current request.
public dispatch ( ) : null
리턴 null

get() 공개 메소드

Get an element.
public get ( string $interface ) : mixed
$interface string The element to retrieve.
리턴 mixed The element.

getBackend() 공개 메소드

Return the backend the application uses for the export.
public getBackend ( ) : string
리턴 string The backend used for the export.

getExportType() 공개 메소드

Return the export type.
public getExportType ( ) : string
리턴 string The export type.

set() 공개 메소드

Set an element to the given value.
public set ( string $interface, mixed $instance ) : null
$interface string The element to set.
$instance mixed The value to set the element to.
리턴 null