PHP 클래스 Net_SSH2, TeamPass

저자: Jim Wigginton ([email protected])
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: nilsteampassnet/TeamPass 1 사용 예제들

공개 프로퍼티들

프로퍼티 타입 설명
$agent System_SSH_Agent A System_SSH_Agent for use in the SSH2 Agent Forwarding scenario
$banner_message string Quoting from the RFC, "in some jurisdictions, sending a warning message before authentication may be relevant for getting legal protection."
$bitmap integer The bits that are set represent functions that have been called already. This is used to determine if a requisite function has been successfully executed. If not, an error should be thrown.
$channel_buffers array If a client requests a packet from one channel but receives two packets from another those packets should be placed in a buffer
$channel_extended_data_type_codes array SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA's data_type_codes
$channel_open_failure_reasons array SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_FAILURE 'reason codes', defined in RFC4254
$channel_status array Contains the type of the last sent message
$compression_algorithms_client_to_server array | false Compression Algorithms: Client to Server
$compression_algorithms_server_to_client array | false Compression Algorithms: Server to Client
$crypto_engine integer Crypto Engine
$curTimeout Current Timeout
$decrypt object Server to Client Encryption Object
$decrypt_block_size integer Block Size for Client to Server Encryption
$disconnect_reasons array Disconnection Message 'reason codes' defined in RFC4253
$encrypt object Client to Server Encryption Object
$encrypt_block_size integer "Note that the length of the concatenation of 'packet_length', 'padding_length', 'payload', and 'random padding' MUST be a multiple of the cipher block size or 8, whichever is larger. This constraint MUST be enforced, even when using stream ciphers." --
$encryption_algorithms_client_to_server array | false Encryption Algorithms: Client to Server
$encryption_algorithms_server_to_client array | false Encryption Algorithms: Server to Client
$errors string Error information
$exchange_hash string The current exchange hash
$exit_status integer Exit status returned from ssh if any
$fsock object The Socket Object
$get_seq_no integer See 'Section 6.4. Data Integrity' of rfc4253 for more info.
$hmac_check object Server to Client HMAC Object
$hmac_create object Client to Server HMAC Object
$hmac_size integer We need to know how big the HMAC will be for the server to client direction so that we know how many bytes to read. For the client to server side, the HMAC object will make the HMAC as long as it needs to be. All we need to do is append it.
$host string Hostname
$identifier string The SSH identifier
$in_request_pty_exec boolean Flag set while exec() is running when using enablePTY()
$in_subsystem boolean Flag set after startSubsystem() is called
$interactiveBuffer array Interactive Buffer
$is_timeout boolean Did read() timeout or return normally?
$kex_algorithms array | false Key Exchange Algorithms
$kex_dh_group_size_max integer Maximum Diffie-Hellman Group Bit Size in RFC 4419 Key Exchange Methods
$kex_dh_group_size_min integer Minimum Diffie-Hellman Group Bit Size in RFC 4419 Key Exchange Methods
$kex_dh_group_size_preferred integer Preferred Diffie-Hellman Group Bit Size in RFC 4419 Key Exchange Methods
$keyboard_requests_responses array Keyboard Interactive Request / Responses
$languages_client_to_server array | false Languages: Client to Server
$languages_server_to_client array | false Languages: Server to Client
$last_interactive_response string The Last Interactive Response
$last_packet integer Time of first network activity
$log_boundary string Log Boundary
$log_long_width integer Log Long Width
$log_short_width integer Log Short Width
$log_size integer Should never exceed NET_SSH2_LOG_MAX_SIZE
$mac_algorithms_client_to_server array | false MAC Algorithms: Client to Server
$mac_algorithms_server_to_client array | false MAC Algorithms: Server to Client
$message_log array Message Log
$message_number_log array Message Number Log
$message_numbers array Message Numbers
$packet_size_client_to_server array Maximum packet size indexed by channel
$port integer Port Number
$quiet_mode Flag to suppress stderr from output
$realtime_log_file resource Real-time log file pointer
$realtime_log_size integer Real-time log file size
$realtime_log_wrap Real-time log file wrap boolean
$request_pty boolean Flag to request a PTY when using exec()
$send_seq_no integer See 'Section 6.4. Data Integrity' of rfc4253 for more info.
$server_channels array Maps client channels to server channels
$server_host_key_algorithms array | false Server Host Key Algorithms
$server_identifier array | false Server Identifier
$server_public_host_key string Server Public Host Key
$session_id string "The exchange hash H from the first key exchange is additionally used as the session identifier, which is a unique identifier for this connection." --
$signature string Verified against $this->session_id
$signature_format string ssh-rsa or ssh-dss.
$signature_validated boolean Has the signature been validated?
$stdErrorLog string Contents of stdError
$terminal_modes array Terminal Modes
$timeout Timeout
$windowColumns integer Number of columns for terminal window size
$windowRows integer Number of columns for terminal window size
$window_size integer Bytes the other party can send before it must wait for the window to be adjusted (0x7FFFFFFF = 2GB)
$window_size_client_to_server array Window size indexed by channel
$window_size_server_to_client array Window size indexed by channel

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
Net_SSH2 ( mixed $host, integer $port = 22, integer $timeout = 10 ) : Net_SSH2 Default Constructor.
__destruct ( ) Destructor.
_append_log ( $message_number, $message ) Logs data packets
_array_intersect_first ( array $array1, array $array2 ) : mixed Returns the first value of the intersection of two arrays or false if the intersection is empty. The order is defined by the first parameter.
_close_channel ( integer $client_channel, boolean $want_reply = false ) : boolean Closes and flushes a channel
_connect ( ) : boolean Connect to an SSHv2 server
_define_array ( ) Define Array
_disconnect ( integer $reason ) : boolean Disconnect
_encryption_algorithm_to_key_size ( string $algorithm ) : integer | null Maps an encryption algorithm name to the number of key bytes.
_filter ( $payload ) : string Filter Binary Packets
_format_log ( array $message_log, array $message_number_log ) : string Formats a log for printing
_format_log_helper ( array $matches ) : string Helper function for _format_log
_generate_identifier ( ) : string Generates the SSH identifier
_get_binary_packet ( ) : string Gets Binary Packets
_get_channel_packet ( $client_channel, $skip_extended = false ) : mixed Gets channel data
_get_interactive_channel ( ) : integer Return the channel to be used with read() / write()
_get_open_channel ( ) : integer Return an available open channel
_initShell ( ) : boolean Creates an interactive shell
_key_exchange ( string $kexinit_payload_server ) Key Exchange
_keyboard_interactive_login ( string $username, string $password ) : boolean Login via keyboard-interactive authentication
_keyboard_interactive_process ( ) : boolean Handle the keyboard-interactive requests / responses.
_login ( string $username ) : boolean Login Helper
_login_helper ( string $username, string $password = null ) : boolean Login Helper
_on_channel_open ( ) Helper function for agent->_on_channel_open()
_privatekey_login ( string $username, $privatekey ) : boolean Login with an RSA private key
_send_binary_packet ( string $data, string $logged = null ) : boolean Sends Binary Packets
_send_channel_packet ( integer $client_channel, string $data ) : boolean Sends channel data
_ssh_agent_login ( string $username, System_SSH_Agent $agent ) : boolean Login with an ssh-agent provided key
_string_shift ( string &$string, integer $index = 1 ) : string String Shift
disablePTY ( ) Disable request-pty when using exec()
disableQuietMode ( ) Disable Quiet Mode
disconnect ( ) Disconnect
enablePTY ( ) Enable request-pty when using exec()
enableQuietMode ( ) Enable Quiet Mode
exec ( string $command, Callback $callback = null ) : string Execute Command
getBannerMessage ( ) : string Returns the banner message.
getCompressionAlgorithmsClient2Server ( ) : array Return a list of the compression algorithms the server supports, when receiving stuff from the client.
getCompressionAlgorithmsServer2Client ( ) : array Return a list of the compression algorithms the server supports, when sending stuff to the client.
getEncryptionAlgorithmsClient2Server ( ) : array Return a list of the (symmetric key) encryption algorithms the server supports, when receiving stuff from the client.
getEncryptionAlgorithmsServer2Client ( ) : array Return a list of the (symmetric key) encryption algorithms the server supports, when sending stuff to the client.
getErrors ( ) : string Returns all errors
getExitStatus ( ) : false | integer Returns the exit status of an SSH command or false.
getKexAlgorithms ( ) : array Return a list of the key exchange algorithms the server supports.
getLanguagesClient2Server ( ) : array Return a list of the languages the server supports, when receiving stuff from the client.
getLanguagesServer2Client ( ) : array Return a list of the languages the server supports, when sending stuff to the client.
getLastError ( ) : string Returns the last error
getLog ( ) : array | false | string Returns a log of the packets that have been sent and received.
getMACAlgorithmsClient2Server ( ) : array Return a list of the MAC algorithms the server supports, when receiving stuff from the client.
getMACAlgorithmsServer2Client ( ) : array Return a list of the MAC algorithms the server supports, when sending stuff to the client.
getServerHostKeyAlgorithms ( ) : array Return a list of the host key (public key) algorithms the server supports.
getServerIdentification ( ) : string Return the server identification.
getServerPublicHostKey ( ) : mixed Returns the server public host key.
getStdError ( ) Get the output from stdError
getWindowColumns ( ) : integer Returns the number of columns for the terminal window size.
getWindowRows ( ) : integer Returns the number of rows for the terminal window size.
isAuthenticated ( ) : boolean Have you successfully been logged in?
isConnected ( ) : boolean Is the connection still active?
isPTYEnabled ( ) : boolean Returns whether request-pty is enabled or not
isQuietModeEnabled ( ) : boolean Returns whether Quiet Mode is enabled or not
isTimeout ( ) Is timeout?
login ( string $username ) : boolean Login
read ( string $expect = '', integer $mode = NET_SSH2_READ_SIMPLE ) : string Returns the output of an interactive shell
reset ( ) Closes a channel
setCryptoEngine ( integer $engine ) Set Crypto Engine Mode
setTimeout ( mixed $timeout ) Set Timeout
setWindowColumns ( integer $value ) Sets the number of columns for the terminal window size.
setWindowRows ( integer $value ) Sets the number of rows for the terminal window size.
setWindowSize ( integer $columns = 80, integer $rows = 24 ) Sets the number of columns and rows for the terminal window size.
startSubsystem ( string $subsystem ) : boolean Start a subsystem.
stopSubsystem ( ) : boolean Stops a subsystem.
write ( string $cmd ) : boolean Inputs a command into an interactive shell.

메소드 상세

Net_SSH2() 공개 메소드

$host can either be a string, representing the host, or a stream resource.
또한 보기: self::login()
public Net_SSH2 ( mixed $host, integer $port = 22, integer $timeout = 10 ) : Net_SSH2
$host mixed
$port integer
$timeout integer
리턴 Net_SSH2

__destruct() 공개 메소드

Will be called, automatically, if you're supporting just PHP5. If you're supporting PHP4, you'll need to call disconnect().
public __destruct ( )

_append_log() 공개 메소드

Makes sure that only the last 1MB worth of packets will be logged
public _append_log ( $message_number, $message )

_array_intersect_first() 공개 메소드

Returns the first value of the intersection of two arrays or false if the intersection is empty. The order is defined by the first parameter.
public _array_intersect_first ( array $array1, array $array2 ) : mixed
$array1 array
$array2 array
리턴 mixed False if intersection is empty, else intersected value.

_close_channel() 공개 메소드

Net_SSH2 doesn't properly close most channels. For exec() channels are normally closed by the server and for SFTP channels are presumably closed when the client disconnects. This functions is intended for SCP more than anything.
public _close_channel ( integer $client_channel, boolean $want_reply = false ) : boolean
$client_channel integer
$want_reply boolean
리턴 boolean

_connect() 공개 메소드

Connect to an SSHv2 server
public _connect ( ) : boolean
리턴 boolean

_define_array() 공개 메소드

Takes any number of arrays whose indices are integers and whose values are strings and defines a bunch of named constants from it, using the value as the name of the constant and the index as the value of the constant. If any of the constants that would be defined already exists, none of the constants will be defined.
public _define_array ( )

_disconnect() 공개 메소드

public _disconnect ( integer $reason ) : boolean
$reason integer
리턴 boolean

_encryption_algorithm_to_key_size() 공개 메소드

Maps an encryption algorithm name to the number of key bytes.
public _encryption_algorithm_to_key_size ( string $algorithm ) : integer | null
$algorithm string Name of the encryption algorithm
리턴 integer | null Number of bytes as an integer or null for unknown

_filter() 공개 메소드

Because some binary packets need to be ignored...
또한 보기: self::_get_binary_packet()
public _filter ( $payload ) : string
리턴 string

_format_log() 공개 메소드

Formats a log for printing
public _format_log ( array $message_log, array $message_number_log ) : string
$message_log array
$message_number_log array
리턴 string

_format_log_helper() 공개 메소드

For use with preg_replace_callback()
public _format_log_helper ( array $matches ) : string
$matches array
리턴 string

_generate_identifier() 공개 메소드

You should overwrite this method in your own class if you want to use another identifier
public _generate_identifier ( ) : string
리턴 string

_get_binary_packet() 공개 메소드

See '6. Binary Packet Protocol' of rfc4253 for more info.
또한 보기: self::_send_binary_packet()
public _get_binary_packet ( ) : string
리턴 string

_get_channel_packet() 공개 메소드

Returns the data as a string if it's available and false if not.
public _get_channel_packet ( $client_channel, $skip_extended = false ) : mixed
리턴 mixed

_get_interactive_channel() 공개 메소드

Return the channel to be used with read() / write()
또한 보기: self::read()
또한 보기: self::write()

_get_open_channel() 공개 메소드

Return an available open channel
public _get_open_channel ( ) : integer
리턴 integer

_initShell() 공개 메소드

Creates an interactive shell
또한 보기: self::read()
또한 보기: self::write()
public _initShell ( ) : boolean
리턴 boolean

_key_exchange() 공개 메소드

Key Exchange
public _key_exchange ( string $kexinit_payload_server )
$kexinit_payload_server string

_keyboard_interactive_login() 공개 메소드

See {@link RFC4256} for details. This is not a full-featured keyboard-interactive authenticator.
public _keyboard_interactive_login ( string $username, string $password ) : boolean
$username string
$password string
리턴 boolean

_keyboard_interactive_process() 공개 메소드

Handle the keyboard-interactive requests / responses.

_login() 공개 메소드

Login Helper
또한 보기: self::_login_helper()
public _login ( string $username ) : boolean
$username string
리턴 boolean

_login_helper() 공개 메소드

Login Helper
public _login_helper ( string $username, string $password = null ) : boolean
$username string
$password string
리턴 boolean

_on_channel_open() 공개 메소드

Used when channels are created to inform agent of said channel opening. Must be called after channel open confirmation received
public _on_channel_open ( )

_privatekey_login() 공개 메소드

Login with an RSA private key
public _privatekey_login ( string $username, $privatekey ) : boolean
$username string
리턴 boolean

_send_binary_packet() 공개 메소드

See '6. Binary Packet Protocol' of rfc4253 for more info.
또한 보기: self::_get_binary_packet()
public _send_binary_packet ( string $data, string $logged = null ) : boolean
$data string
$logged string
리턴 boolean

_send_channel_packet() 공개 메소드

Spans multiple SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATAs if appropriate
public _send_channel_packet ( integer $client_channel, string $data ) : boolean
$client_channel integer
$data string
리턴 boolean

_ssh_agent_login() 공개 메소드

Login with an ssh-agent provided key
public _ssh_agent_login ( string $username, System_SSH_Agent $agent ) : boolean
$username string
$agent System_SSH_Agent
리턴 boolean

_string_shift() 공개 메소드

Inspired by array_shift
public _string_shift ( string &$string, integer $index = 1 ) : string
$string string
$index integer
리턴 string

disablePTY() 공개 메소드

Disable request-pty when using exec()
public disablePTY ( )

disableQuietMode() 공개 메소드

Show stderr in output
public disableQuietMode ( )

disconnect() 공개 메소드

public disconnect ( )

enablePTY() 공개 메소드

Enable request-pty when using exec()
public enablePTY ( )

enableQuietMode() 공개 메소드

Suppress stderr from output
public enableQuietMode ( )

exec() 공개 메소드

If $callback is set to false then Net_SSH2::_get_channel_packet(NET_SSH2_CHANNEL_EXEC) will need to be called manually. In all likelihood, this is not a feature you want to be taking advantage of.
public exec ( string $command, Callback $callback = null ) : string
$command string
$callback Callback
리턴 string

getBannerMessage() 공개 메소드

Quoting from the RFC, "in some jurisdictions, sending a warning message before authentication may be relevant for getting legal protection."
public getBannerMessage ( ) : string
리턴 string

getCompressionAlgorithmsClient2Server() 공개 메소드

Return a list of the compression algorithms the server supports, when receiving stuff from the client.

getCompressionAlgorithmsServer2Client() 공개 메소드

Return a list of the compression algorithms the server supports, when sending stuff to the client.

getEncryptionAlgorithmsClient2Server() 공개 메소드

Return a list of the (symmetric key) encryption algorithms the server supports, when receiving stuff from the client.

getEncryptionAlgorithmsServer2Client() 공개 메소드

Return a list of the (symmetric key) encryption algorithms the server supports, when sending stuff to the client.

getErrors() 공개 메소드

Returns all errors
public getErrors ( ) : string
리턴 string

getExitStatus() 공개 메소드

Returns the exit status of an SSH command or false.
public getExitStatus ( ) : false | integer
리턴 false | integer

getKexAlgorithms() 공개 메소드

Return a list of the key exchange algorithms the server supports.
public getKexAlgorithms ( ) : array
리턴 array

getLanguagesClient2Server() 공개 메소드

Return a list of the languages the server supports, when receiving stuff from the client.
public getLanguagesClient2Server ( ) : array
리턴 array

getLanguagesServer2Client() 공개 메소드

Return a list of the languages the server supports, when sending stuff to the client.
public getLanguagesServer2Client ( ) : array
리턴 array

getLastError() 공개 메소드

Returns the last error
public getLastError ( ) : string
리턴 string

getLog() 공개 메소드

Returns a string if NET_SSH2_LOGGING == NET_SSH2_LOG_COMPLEX, an array if NET_SSH2_LOGGING == NET_SSH2_LOG_SIMPLE and false if !defined('NET_SSH2_LOGGING')
public getLog ( ) : array | false | string
리턴 array | false | string

getMACAlgorithmsClient2Server() 공개 메소드

Return a list of the MAC algorithms the server supports, when receiving stuff from the client.

getMACAlgorithmsServer2Client() 공개 메소드

Return a list of the MAC algorithms the server supports, when sending stuff to the client.

getServerHostKeyAlgorithms() 공개 메소드

Return a list of the host key (public key) algorithms the server supports.
public getServerHostKeyAlgorithms ( ) : array
리턴 array

getServerIdentification() 공개 메소드

Return the server identification.
public getServerIdentification ( ) : string
리턴 string

getServerPublicHostKey() 공개 메소드

Caching this the first time you connect to a server and checking the result on subsequent connections is recommended. Returns false if the server signature is not signed correctly with the public host key.
public getServerPublicHostKey ( ) : mixed
리턴 mixed

getStdError() 공개 메소드

Get the output from stdError
public getStdError ( )

getWindowColumns() 공개 메소드

Returns the number of columns for the terminal window size.
public getWindowColumns ( ) : integer
리턴 integer

getWindowRows() 공개 메소드

Returns the number of rows for the terminal window size.
public getWindowRows ( ) : integer
리턴 integer

isAuthenticated() 공개 메소드

Have you successfully been logged in?
public isAuthenticated ( ) : boolean
리턴 boolean

isConnected() 공개 메소드

Is the connection still active?
public isConnected ( ) : boolean
리턴 boolean

isPTYEnabled() 공개 메소드

Returns whether request-pty is enabled or not
또한 보기: self::enablePTY()
또한 보기: self::disablePTY()
public isPTYEnabled ( ) : boolean
리턴 boolean

isQuietModeEnabled() 공개 메소드

Returns whether Quiet Mode is enabled or not
또한 보기: self::enableQuietMode()
또한 보기: self::disableQuietMode()
public isQuietModeEnabled ( ) : boolean
리턴 boolean

isTimeout() 공개 메소드

Did exec() or read() return because they timed out or because they encountered the end?
public isTimeout ( )

login() 공개 메소드

The $password parameter can be a plaintext password, a Crypt_RSA object or an array
또한 보기: self::_login()
public login ( string $username ) : boolean
$username string
리턴 boolean

read() 공개 메소드

Returns when there's a match for $expect, which can take the form of a string literal or, if $mode == NET_SSH2_READ_REGEX, a regular expression.
또한 보기: self::write()
public read ( string $expect = '', integer $mode = NET_SSH2_READ_SIMPLE ) : string
$expect string
$mode integer
리턴 string

reset() 공개 메소드

If read() timed out you might want to just close the channel and have it auto-restart on the next read() call
public reset ( )

setCryptoEngine() 공개 메소드

public setCryptoEngine ( integer $engine )
$engine integer

setTimeout() 공개 메소드

$ssh->exec('ping'); on a Linux host will never return and will run indefinitely. setTimeout() makes it so it'll timeout. Setting $timeout to false or 0 will mean there is no timeout.
public setTimeout ( mixed $timeout )
$timeout mixed

setWindowColumns() 공개 메소드

Sets the number of columns for the terminal window size.
public setWindowColumns ( integer $value )
$value integer

setWindowRows() 공개 메소드

Sets the number of rows for the terminal window size.
public setWindowRows ( integer $value )
$value integer

setWindowSize() 공개 메소드

Sets the number of columns and rows for the terminal window size.
public setWindowSize ( integer $columns = 80, integer $rows = 24 )
$columns integer
$rows integer

startSubsystem() 공개 메소드

Right now only one subsystem at a time is supported. To support multiple subsystem's stopSubsystem() could accept a string that contained the name of the subsystem, but at that point, only one subsystem of each type could be opened. To support multiple subsystem's of the same name maybe it'd be best if startSubsystem() generated a new channel id and returns that and then that that was passed into stopSubsystem() but that'll be saved for a future date and implemented if there's sufficient demand for such a feature.
또한 보기: self::stopSubsystem()
public startSubsystem ( string $subsystem ) : boolean
$subsystem string
리턴 boolean

stopSubsystem() 공개 메소드

Stops a subsystem.
또한 보기: self::startSubsystem()
public stopSubsystem ( ) : boolean
리턴 boolean

write() 공개 메소드

Inputs a command into an interactive shell.
또한 보기: self::read()
public write ( string $cmd ) : boolean
$cmd string
리턴 boolean

프로퍼티 상세

$agent 공개적으로 프로퍼티

A System_SSH_Agent for use in the SSH2 Agent Forwarding scenario
public System_SSH_Agent $agent
리턴 System_SSH_Agent

$banner_message 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Quoting from the RFC, "in some jurisdictions, sending a warning message before authentication may be relevant for getting legal protection."
또한 보기: self::_filter()
또한 보기: self::getBannerMessage()
public string $banner_message
리턴 string

$bitmap 공개적으로 프로퍼티

The bits that are set represent functions that have been called already. This is used to determine if a requisite function has been successfully executed. If not, an error should be thrown.
public int $bitmap
리턴 integer

$channel_buffers 공개적으로 프로퍼티

If a client requests a packet from one channel but receives two packets from another those packets should be placed in a buffer
또한 보기: self::_get_channel_packet()
또한 보기: self::exec()
public array $channel_buffers
리턴 array

$channel_extended_data_type_codes 공개적으로 프로퍼티

또한 보기: self::Net_SSH2()
public array $channel_extended_data_type_codes
리턴 array

$channel_open_failure_reasons 공개적으로 프로퍼티

SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_FAILURE 'reason codes', defined in RFC4254
또한 보기: self::Net_SSH2()
public array $channel_open_failure_reasons
리턴 array

$channel_status 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Contains the type of the last sent message
또한 보기: self::_get_channel_packet()
public array $channel_status
리턴 array

$compression_algorithms_client_to_server 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Compression Algorithms: Client to Server
또한 보기: self::getCompressionAlgorithmsClient2Server()
public array|false $compression_algorithms_client_to_server
리턴 array | false

$compression_algorithms_server_to_client 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Compression Algorithms: Server to Client
또한 보기: self::getCompressionAlgorithmsServer2Client()
public array|false $compression_algorithms_server_to_client
리턴 array | false

$crypto_engine 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Crypto Engine
또한 보기: self::setCryptoEngine()
또한 보기: self::_key_exchange()
public int $crypto_engine
리턴 integer

$curTimeout 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Current Timeout
또한 보기: self::_get_channel_packet()
public $curTimeout

$decrypt 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Server to Client Encryption Object
또한 보기: self::_get_binary_packet()
public object $decrypt
리턴 object

$decrypt_block_size 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Block Size for Client to Server Encryption
또한 보기: self::Net_SSH2()
또한 보기: self::_get_binary_packet()
public int $decrypt_block_size
리턴 integer

$disconnect_reasons 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Disconnection Message 'reason codes' defined in RFC4253
또한 보기: self::Net_SSH2()
public array $disconnect_reasons
리턴 array

$encrypt 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Client to Server Encryption Object
또한 보기: self::_send_binary_packet()
public object $encrypt
리턴 object

$encrypt_block_size 공개적으로 프로퍼티

"Note that the length of the concatenation of 'packet_length', 'padding_length', 'payload', and 'random padding' MUST be a multiple of the cipher block size or 8, whichever is larger. This constraint MUST be enforced, even when using stream ciphers." --
또한 보기: self::Net_SSH2()
또한 보기: self::_send_binary_packet()
public int $encrypt_block_size
리턴 integer

$encryption_algorithms_client_to_server 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Encryption Algorithms: Client to Server
또한 보기: self::getEncryptionAlgorithmsClient2Server()
public array|false $encryption_algorithms_client_to_server
리턴 array | false

$encryption_algorithms_server_to_client 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Encryption Algorithms: Server to Client
또한 보기: self::getEncryptionAlgorithmsServer2Client()
public array|false $encryption_algorithms_server_to_client
리턴 array | false

$errors 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Error information
또한 보기: self::getErrors()
또한 보기: self::getLastError()
public string $errors
리턴 string

$exchange_hash 공개적으로 프로퍼티

The current exchange hash
또한 보기: self::_key_exchange()
public string $exchange_hash
리턴 string

$exit_status 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Exit status returned from ssh if any
public int $exit_status
리턴 integer

$fsock 공개적으로 프로퍼티

The Socket Object
public object $fsock
리턴 object

$get_seq_no 공개적으로 프로퍼티

See 'Section 6.4. Data Integrity' of rfc4253 for more info.
또한 보기: self::_get_binary_packet()
public int $get_seq_no
리턴 integer

$hmac_check 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Server to Client HMAC Object
또한 보기: self::_get_binary_packet()
public object $hmac_check
리턴 object

$hmac_create 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Client to Server HMAC Object
또한 보기: self::_send_binary_packet()
public object $hmac_create
리턴 object

$hmac_size 공개적으로 프로퍼티

We need to know how big the HMAC will be for the server to client direction so that we know how many bytes to read. For the client to server side, the HMAC object will make the HMAC as long as it needs to be. All we need to do is append it.
또한 보기: self::_get_binary_packet()
public int $hmac_size
리턴 integer

$host 공개적으로 프로퍼티

또한 보기: self::Net_SSH2()
또한 보기: self::_connect()
public string $host
리턴 string

$identifier 공개적으로 프로퍼티

The SSH identifier
public string $identifier
리턴 string

$in_request_pty_exec 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Flag set while exec() is running when using enablePTY()
public bool $in_request_pty_exec
리턴 boolean

$in_subsystem 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Flag set after startSubsystem() is called
public bool $in_subsystem
리턴 boolean

$interactiveBuffer 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Interactive Buffer
또한 보기: self::read()
public array $interactiveBuffer
리턴 array

$is_timeout 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Did read() timeout or return normally?
또한 보기: self::isTimeout()
public bool $is_timeout
리턴 boolean

$kex_algorithms 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Key Exchange Algorithms
또한 보기: self::getKexAlgorithims()
public array|false $kex_algorithms
리턴 array | false

$kex_dh_group_size_max 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Maximum Diffie-Hellman Group Bit Size in RFC 4419 Key Exchange Methods
또한 보기: self::_key_exchange()
public int $kex_dh_group_size_max
리턴 integer

$kex_dh_group_size_min 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Minimum Diffie-Hellman Group Bit Size in RFC 4419 Key Exchange Methods
또한 보기: self::_key_exchange()
public int $kex_dh_group_size_min
리턴 integer

$kex_dh_group_size_preferred 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Preferred Diffie-Hellman Group Bit Size in RFC 4419 Key Exchange Methods
또한 보기: self::_key_exchange()
public int $kex_dh_group_size_preferred
리턴 integer

$keyboard_requests_responses 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Keyboard Interactive Request / Responses
또한 보기: self::_keyboard_interactive_process()
public array $keyboard_requests_responses
리턴 array

$languages_client_to_server 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Languages: Client to Server
또한 보기: self::getLanguagesClient2Server()
public array|false $languages_client_to_server
리턴 array | false

$languages_server_to_client 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Languages: Server to Client
또한 보기: self::getLanguagesServer2Client()
public array|false $languages_server_to_client
리턴 array | false

$last_interactive_response 공개적으로 프로퍼티

The Last Interactive Response
또한 보기: self::_keyboard_interactive_process()
public string $last_interactive_response
리턴 string

$last_packet 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Time of first network activity
public int $last_packet
리턴 integer

$log_boundary 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Log Boundary
또한 보기: self::_format_log()
public string $log_boundary
리턴 string

$log_long_width 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Log Long Width
또한 보기: self::_format_log()
public int $log_long_width
리턴 integer

$log_short_width 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Log Short Width
또한 보기: self::_format_log()
public int $log_short_width
리턴 integer

$log_size 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Should never exceed NET_SSH2_LOG_MAX_SIZE
또한 보기: self::_send_binary_packet()
또한 보기: self::_get_binary_packet()
public int $log_size
리턴 integer

$mac_algorithms_client_to_server 공개적으로 프로퍼티

MAC Algorithms: Client to Server
또한 보기: self::getMACAlgorithmsClient2Server()
public array|false $mac_algorithms_client_to_server
리턴 array | false

$mac_algorithms_server_to_client 공개적으로 프로퍼티

MAC Algorithms: Server to Client
또한 보기: self::getMACAlgorithmsServer2Client()
public array|false $mac_algorithms_server_to_client
리턴 array | false

$message_log 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Message Log
또한 보기: self::getLog()
public array $message_log
리턴 array

$message_number_log 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Message Number Log
또한 보기: self::getLog()
public array $message_number_log
리턴 array

$message_numbers 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Message Numbers
또한 보기: self::Net_SSH2()
public array $message_numbers
리턴 array

$packet_size_client_to_server 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Maximum packet size indexed by channel
또한 보기: self::_send_channel_packet()
public array $packet_size_client_to_server
리턴 array

$port 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Port Number
또한 보기: self::Net_SSH2()
또한 보기: self::_connect()
public int $port
리턴 integer

$quiet_mode 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Flag to suppress stderr from output
또한 보기: self::enableQuietMode()
public $quiet_mode

$realtime_log_file 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Real-time log file pointer
또한 보기: self::_append_log()
public resource $realtime_log_file
리턴 resource

$realtime_log_size 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Real-time log file size
또한 보기: self::_append_log()
public int $realtime_log_size
리턴 integer

$realtime_log_wrap 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Real-time log file wrap boolean
또한 보기: self::_append_log()
public $realtime_log_wrap

$request_pty 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Flag to request a PTY when using exec()
또한 보기: self::enablePTY()
public bool $request_pty
리턴 boolean

$send_seq_no 공개적으로 프로퍼티

See 'Section 6.4. Data Integrity' of rfc4253 for more info.
또한 보기: self::_send_binary_packet()
public int $send_seq_no
리턴 integer

$server_channels 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Maps client channels to server channels
또한 보기: self::_get_channel_packet()
또한 보기: self::exec()
public array $server_channels
리턴 array

$server_host_key_algorithms 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Server Host Key Algorithms
또한 보기: self::getServerHostKeyAlgorithms()
public array|false $server_host_key_algorithms
리턴 array | false

$server_identifier 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Server Identifier
또한 보기: self::getServerIdentification()
public array|false $server_identifier
리턴 array | false

$server_public_host_key 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Server Public Host Key
또한 보기: self::getServerPublicHostKey()
public string $server_public_host_key
리턴 string

$session_id 공개적으로 프로퍼티

"The exchange hash H from the first key exchange is additionally used as the session identifier, which is a unique identifier for this connection." --
또한 보기: self::_key_exchange()
public string $session_id
리턴 string

$signature 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Verified against $this->session_id
또한 보기: self::getServerPublicHostKey()
public string $signature
리턴 string

$signature_format 공개적으로 프로퍼티

ssh-rsa or ssh-dss.
또한 보기: self::getServerPublicHostKey()
public string $signature_format
리턴 string

$signature_validated 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Has the signature been validated?
또한 보기: self::getServerPublicHostKey()
public bool $signature_validated
리턴 boolean

$stdErrorLog 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Contents of stdError
public string $stdErrorLog
리턴 string

$terminal_modes 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Terminal Modes
또한 보기: self::Net_SSH2()
public array $terminal_modes
리턴 array

$timeout 공개적으로 프로퍼티

또한 보기: self::setTimeout()
public $timeout

$windowColumns 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Number of columns for terminal window size
또한 보기: self::getWindowColumns()
또한 보기: self::setWindowColumns()
또한 보기: self::setWindowSize()
public int $windowColumns
리턴 integer

$windowRows 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Number of columns for terminal window size
또한 보기: self::getWindowRows()
또한 보기: self::setWindowRows()
또한 보기: self::setWindowSize()
public int $windowRows
리턴 integer

$window_size 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Bytes the other party can send before it must wait for the window to be adjusted (0x7FFFFFFF = 2GB)
또한 보기: self::_send_channel_packet()
또한 보기: self::exec()
public int $window_size
리턴 integer

$window_size_client_to_server 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Window size indexed by channel
또한 보기: self::_get_channel_packet()
public array $window_size_client_to_server
리턴 array

$window_size_server_to_client 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Window size indexed by channel
또한 보기: self::_send_channel_packet()
public array $window_size_server_to_client
리턴 array