PHP 클래스 QueryCampaignCriterionBidLandscape, googleads-php-lib
Returns a list of {@link CriterionBidLandscape}s for the campaign criteria that match the
query. In the result, the returned {@link LandscapePoint}s are grouped into
{@link CriterionBidLandscape}s by their campaign id and criterion id, and numberResults
of paging limits the total number of {@link LandscapePoint}s instead of number of
{@link CriterionBidLandscape}s.
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프로젝트 열기: googleads/googleads-php-lib
공개 프로퍼티들
공개 메소드들
메소드 상세
Gets the namesapce of this class
Gets the xsi:type name of this class
프로퍼티 상세
public string $query |
리턴 |
string |