PHP 클래스 Sesha, horde

Copyright 2004-2007 Andrew Coleman Copyright 2007-2016 Horde LLC ( See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (GPL). If you did not receive this file, see
저자: Andrew Coleman ([email protected])
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: horde/horde 1 사용 예제들

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
getStringlistArray ( string $string ) : array Returns a Hord_Form_Type_stringlist value split to an array.
isAdmin ( $permLevel = Horde_Perms::DELETE )
listCategories ( ) : mixed This function will return the list of available categories.

보호된 메소드들

메소드 설명
_rsortByName ( array $a, array $b ) : integer Comparison function for reverse sorting stock by name.
_rsortByNote ( array $a, array $b ) : integer Comparison function for reverse sorting stock by note.
_rsortByProperty ( array $a, array $b ) : integer Comparison function for reverse sorting stock by a property.
_rsortByStockID ( array $a, array $b ) : integer Comparison function for reverse sorting stock by id.
_sortByName ( array $a, array $b ) : integer Comparison function for sorting inventory stock by name.
_sortByNote ( array $a, array $b ) : integer Comparison function for sorting inventory stock by note.
_sortByProperty ( array $a, array $b ) : integer Comparison function for sorting inventory stock by a property.
_sortByStockID ( array $a, array $b ) : integer Comparison function for sorting inventory stock by id.

메소드 상세

_rsortByName() 보호된 메소드

Comparison function for reverse sorting stock by name.
protected _rsortByName ( array $a, array $b ) : integer
$a array Item one.
$b array Item two.
리턴 integer -1 if item one is greater, 1 if item two is greater; 0 if they are equal.

_rsortByNote() 보호된 메소드

Comparison function for reverse sorting stock by note.
protected _rsortByNote ( array $a, array $b ) : integer
$a array Item one.
$b array Item two.
리턴 integer -1 if item one is greater, 1 if item two is greater; 0 if they are equal.

_rsortByProperty() 보호된 메소드

Comparison function for reverse sorting stock by a property.
protected _rsortByProperty ( array $a, array $b ) : integer
$a array Item one.
$b array Item two.
리턴 integer -1 if item one is greater, 1 if item two is greater; 0 if they are equal.

_rsortByStockID() 보호된 메소드

Comparison function for reverse sorting stock by id.
protected _rsortByStockID ( array $a, array $b ) : integer
$a array Item one.
$b array Item two.
리턴 integer -1 if item one is greater, 1 if item two is greater; 0 if they are equal.

_sortByName() 보호된 메소드

Comparison function for sorting inventory stock by name.
protected _sortByName ( array $a, array $b ) : integer
$a array Item one.
$b array Item two.
리턴 integer 1 if item one is greater, -1 if item two is greater; 0 if they are equal.

_sortByNote() 보호된 메소드

Comparison function for sorting inventory stock by note.
protected _sortByNote ( array $a, array $b ) : integer
$a array Item one.
$b array Item two.
리턴 integer 1 if item one is greater, -1 if item two is greater; 0 if they are equal.

_sortByProperty() 보호된 메소드

Comparison function for sorting inventory stock by a property.
protected _sortByProperty ( array $a, array $b ) : integer
$a array Item one.
$b array Item two.
리턴 integer 1 if item one is greater, -1 if item two is greater; 0 if they are equal.

_sortByStockID() 보호된 메소드

Comparison function for sorting inventory stock by id.
protected _sortByStockID ( array $a, array $b ) : integer
$a array Item one.
$b array Item two.
리턴 integer 1 if item one is greater, -1 if item two is greater; 0 if they are equal.

getStringlistArray() 공개 메소드

Returns a Hord_Form_Type_stringlist value split to an array.
public getStringlistArray ( string $string ) : array
$string string A comma separated string list.
리턴 array The string list as an array.

isAdmin() 공개 정적인 메소드

public static isAdmin ( $permLevel = Horde_Perms::DELETE )

listCategories() 공개 메소드

This function will return the list of available categories.
public listCategories ( ) : mixed
리턴 mixed Array of categories on success; PEAR_Error on failure.