PHP 클래스 SimpleSAML_Metadata_MetaDataStorageHandler, simplesamlphp

파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: simplesamlphp/simplesamlphp 1 사용 예제들

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
getGenerated ( string $property, string $set ) : string This function is used to generate some metadata elements automatically.
getList ( string $set = 'saml20-idp-remote' ) : array This function lists all known metadata in the given set. It is returned as an associative array where the key is the entity id.
getMetaData ( string $index, string $set ) : array This function looks up the metadata for the given entity id in the given set. It will throw an exception if it is unable to locate the metadata.
getMetaDataConfig ( string $entityId, string $set ) : SimpleSAML_Configuration Retrieve the metadata as a configuration object.
getMetaDataConfigForSha1 ( string $sha1, string $set ) : null | SimpleSAML_Configuration Search for an entity's metadata, given the SHA1 digest of its entity ID.
getMetaDataCurrent ( string $set ) : array This function retrieves metadata for the current entity based on the hostname/path the request was directed to. It will throw an exception if it is unable to locate the metadata.
getMetaDataCurrentEntityID ( string $set, string $type = 'entityid' ) : string This function locates the current entity id based on the hostname/path combination the user accessed.
getMetadataHandler ( ) : SimpleSAML_Metadata_MetaDataStorageHandler This function retrieves the current instance of the metadata handler.
getPreferredEntityIdFromCIDRhint ( string $set, string $ip ) : string This method will call getPreferredEntityIdFromCIDRhint() on all of the sources.

보호된 메소드들

메소드 설명
__construct ( ) This constructor initializes this metadata storage handler. It will load and parse the configuration, and initialize the metadata source list.

메소드 상세

__construct() 보호된 메소드

This constructor initializes this metadata storage handler. It will load and parse the configuration, and initialize the metadata source list.
protected __construct ( )

getGenerated() 공개 메소드

This function is used to generate some metadata elements automatically.
public getGenerated ( string $property, string $set ) : string
$property string The metadata property which should be auto-generated.
$set string The set we the property comes from.
리턴 string The auto-generated metadata property.

getList() 공개 메소드

This function lists all known metadata in the given set. It is returned as an associative array where the key is the entity id.
public getList ( string $set = 'saml20-idp-remote' ) : array
$set string The set we want to list metadata from.
리턴 array An associative array with the metadata from from the given set.

getMetaData() 공개 메소드

This function looks up the metadata for the given entity id in the given set. It will throw an exception if it is unable to locate the metadata.
public getMetaData ( string $index, string $set ) : array
$index string The entity id we are looking up. This parameter may be NULL, in which case we look up the current entity id based on the current hostname/path.
$set string The set of metadata we are looking up the entity id in.
리턴 array The metadata array describing the specified entity.

getMetaDataConfig() 공개 메소드

This function will throw an exception if it is unable to locate the metadata.
public getMetaDataConfig ( string $entityId, string $set ) : SimpleSAML_Configuration
$entityId string The entity ID we are looking up.
$set string The metadata set we are searching.
리턴 SimpleSAML_Configuration The configuration object representing the metadata.

getMetaDataConfigForSha1() 공개 메소드

Search for an entity's metadata, given the SHA1 digest of its entity ID.
public getMetaDataConfigForSha1 ( string $sha1, string $set ) : null | SimpleSAML_Configuration
$sha1 string The SHA1 digest of the entity ID.
$set string The metadata set we are searching.
리턴 null | SimpleSAML_Configuration The metadata corresponding to the entity, or null if the entity cannot be found.

getMetaDataCurrent() 공개 메소드

This function retrieves metadata for the current entity based on the hostname/path the request was directed to. It will throw an exception if it is unable to locate the metadata.
public getMetaDataCurrent ( string $set ) : array
$set string The set we want metadata from.
리턴 array An associative array with the metadata.

getMetaDataCurrentEntityID() 공개 메소드

It will throw an exception if it is unable to locate the entity id.
public getMetaDataCurrentEntityID ( string $set, string $type = 'entityid' ) : string
$set string The set we look for the entity id in.
$type string Do you want to return the metaindex or the entityID. [entityid|metaindex]
리턴 string The entity id which is associated with the current hostname/path combination.

getMetadataHandler() 공개 정적인 메소드

The metadata handler will be instantiated if this is the first call to this function.
public static getMetadataHandler ( ) : SimpleSAML_Metadata_MetaDataStorageHandler
리턴 SimpleSAML_Metadata_MetaDataStorageHandler The current metadata handler instance.

getPreferredEntityIdFromCIDRhint() 공개 메소드

This method will call getPreferredEntityIdFromCIDRhint() on all of the sources.
public getPreferredEntityIdFromCIDRhint ( string $set, string $ip ) : string
$set string Which set of metadata we are looking it up in.
$ip string IP address
리턴 string The entity id of a entity which have a CIDR hint where the provided IP address match.