PHP 클래스 Taxonomy_Command, wp-cli

## EXAMPLES # List all taxonomies with 'post' object type. $ wp taxonomy list --object_type=post --fields=name,public +-------------+--------+ | name | public | +-------------+--------+ | category | 1 | | post_tag | 1 | | post_format | 1 | +-------------+--------+ # Get capabilities of 'post_tag' taxonomy. $ wp taxonomy get post_tag --field=cap {"manage_terms":"manage_categories","edit_terms":"manage_categories","delete_terms":"manage_categories","assign_terms":"edit_posts"}
상속: extends WP_CLI_Command
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: wp-cli/wp-cli

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
__construct ( )
get ( $args, $assoc_args ) Get details about a registered taxonomy.
list_ ( $args, $assoc_args ) List registered taxonomies.

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
get_formatter ( &$assoc_args )

메소드 상세

__construct() 공개 메소드

public __construct ( )

get() 공개 메소드

## OPTIONS : Taxonomy slug. [--field=] : Instead of returning the whole taxonomy, returns the value of a single field. [--fields=] : Limit the output to specific fields. Defaults to all fields. [--format=] : Render output in a particular format. --- default: table options: - table - csv - json - yaml --- ## EXAMPLES # Get details of category taxonomy. $ wp taxonomy get category --fields=name,label,object_type +-------------+------------+ | Field | Value | +-------------+------------+ | name | category | | label | Categories | | object_type | ["post"] | +-------------+------------+ # Get capabilities of 'post_tag' taxonomy. $ wp taxonomy get post_tag --field=cap {"manage_terms":"manage_categories","edit_terms":"manage_categories","delete_terms":"manage_categories","assign_terms":"edit_posts"}
public get ( $args, $assoc_args )

list_() 공개 메소드

## OPTIONS [--=] : Filter by one or more fields (see get_taxonomies() first parameter for a list of available fields). [--field=] : Prints the value of a single field for each taxonomy. [--fields=] : Limit the output to specific taxonomy fields. [--format=] : Render output in a particular format. --- default: table options: - table - csv - json - count - yaml --- ## AVAILABLE FIELDS These fields will be displayed by default for each term: * name * label * description * public * hierarchical There are no optionally available fields. ## EXAMPLES # List all taxonomies. $ wp taxonomy list --format=csv name,label,description,object_type,show_tagcloud,hierarchical,public category,Categories,,post,1,1,1 post_tag,Tags,,post,1,,1 nav_menu,"Navigation Menus",,nav_menu_item,,, link_category,"Link Categories",,link,1,, post_format,Format,,post,,,1 # List all taxonomies with 'post' object type. $ wp taxonomy list --object_type=post --fields=name,public +-------------+--------+ | name | public | +-------------+--------+ | category | 1 | | post_tag | 1 | | post_format | 1 | +-------------+--------+
public list_ ( $args, $assoc_args )