PHP 클래스 eZ\Publish\Core\FieldType\ISBN\Type

This field type represents a simple string.
상속: extends eZ\Publish\Core\FieldType\FieldType
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: ezsystems/ezpublish-kernel 1 사용 예제들

보호된 프로퍼티들

프로퍼티 타입 설명

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
fromHash ( mixed $hash ) : eZ\Publish\Core\FieldType\ISBN\Value Converts an $hash to the Value defined by the field type.
getEmptyValue ( ) : eZ\Publish\Core\FieldType\ISBN\Value Returns the fallback default value of field type when no such default value is provided in the field definition in content types.
getFieldTypeIdentifier ( ) : string Returns the field type identifier for this field type.
getName ( eZ\Publish\SPI\FieldType\Value $value ) : string Returns the name of the given field value.
isEmptyValue ( eZ\Publish\SPI\FieldType\Value $value ) : boolean Returns if the given $value is considered empty by the field type.
isSearchable ( ) : boolean Returns whether the field type is searchable.
toHash ( eZ\Publish\SPI\FieldType\Value $value ) : mixed Converts a $Value to a hash.
validate ( eZ\Publish\API\Repository\Values\ContentType\FieldDefinition $fieldDefinition, eZ\Publish\SPI\FieldType\Value $fieldValue ) : eZ\Publish\SPI\FieldType\ValidationError[] Validates a field based on the validators in the field definition.
validateFieldSettings ( mixed $fieldSettings ) : eZ\Publish\SPI\FieldType\ValidationError[] Validates the fieldSettings of a FieldDefinitionCreateStruct or FieldDefinitionUpdateStruct.

보호된 메소드들

메소드 설명
checkValueStructure ( Value $value ) Throws an exception if value structure is not of expected format.
createValueFromInput ( string | eZ\Publish\Core\FieldType\ISBN\Value $inputValue ) : eZ\Publish\Core\FieldType\ISBN\Value Inspects given $inputValue and potentially converts it into a dedicated value object.
getSortInfo ( Value $value ) : array Returns information for FieldValue->$sortKey relevant to the field type.

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
validateISBN13Checksum ( string $isbnNr, string &$error ) : boolean Validates the ISBN-13 number.
validateISBNChecksum ( string $isbnNr ) : boolean Validates the ISBN number.

메소드 상세

checkValueStructure() 보호된 메소드

Throws an exception if value structure is not of expected format.
protected checkValueStructure ( Value $value )
$value eZ\Publish\Core\FieldType\Value

createValueFromInput() 보호된 메소드

Inspects given $inputValue and potentially converts it into a dedicated value object.
protected createValueFromInput ( string | eZ\Publish\Core\FieldType\ISBN\Value $inputValue ) : eZ\Publish\Core\FieldType\ISBN\Value
$inputValue string | eZ\Publish\Core\FieldType\ISBN\Value
리턴 eZ\Publish\Core\FieldType\ISBN\Value The potentially converted and structurally plausible value.

fromHash() 공개 메소드

Converts an $hash to the Value defined by the field type.
public fromHash ( mixed $hash ) : eZ\Publish\Core\FieldType\ISBN\Value
$hash mixed
리턴 eZ\Publish\Core\FieldType\ISBN\Value $value

getEmptyValue() 공개 메소드

Returns the fallback default value of field type when no such default value is provided in the field definition in content types.
public getEmptyValue ( ) : eZ\Publish\Core\FieldType\ISBN\Value
리턴 eZ\Publish\Core\FieldType\ISBN\Value

getFieldTypeIdentifier() 공개 메소드

Returns the field type identifier for this field type.
public getFieldTypeIdentifier ( ) : string
리턴 string

getName() 공개 메소드

It will be used to generate content name and url alias if current field is designated to be used in the content name/urlAlias pattern.
public getName ( eZ\Publish\SPI\FieldType\Value $value ) : string
$value eZ\Publish\SPI\FieldType\Value
리턴 string

getSortInfo() 보호된 메소드

Returns information for FieldValue->$sortKey relevant to the field type.
protected getSortInfo ( Value $value ) : array
$value eZ\Publish\Core\FieldType\Value
리턴 array

isEmptyValue() 공개 메소드

Returns if the given $value is considered empty by the field type.
public isEmptyValue ( eZ\Publish\SPI\FieldType\Value $value ) : boolean
$value eZ\Publish\SPI\FieldType\Value
리턴 boolean

isSearchable() 공개 메소드

Returns whether the field type is searchable.
public isSearchable ( ) : boolean
리턴 boolean

toHash() 공개 메소드

Converts a $Value to a hash.
public toHash ( eZ\Publish\SPI\FieldType\Value $value ) : mixed
$value eZ\Publish\SPI\FieldType\Value
리턴 mixed

validate() 공개 메소드

Does not use validators.
public validate ( eZ\Publish\API\Repository\Values\ContentType\FieldDefinition $fieldDefinition, eZ\Publish\SPI\FieldType\Value $fieldValue ) : eZ\Publish\SPI\FieldType\ValidationError[]
$fieldDefinition eZ\Publish\API\Repository\Values\ContentType\FieldDefinition The field definition of the field
$fieldValue eZ\Publish\SPI\FieldType\Value The field value for which an action is performed
리턴 eZ\Publish\SPI\FieldType\ValidationError[]

validateFieldSettings() 공개 메소드

Validates the fieldSettings of a FieldDefinitionCreateStruct or FieldDefinitionUpdateStruct.
public validateFieldSettings ( mixed $fieldSettings ) : eZ\Publish\SPI\FieldType\ValidationError[]
$fieldSettings mixed
리턴 eZ\Publish\SPI\FieldType\ValidationError[]

프로퍼티 상세

$settingsSchema 보호되어 있는 프로퍼티

protected $settingsSchema