PHP 클래스 Joli\JoliCi\Vacuum

파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: jolicode/jolici

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
__construct ( Docker\Docker $docker, Joli\JoliCi\Naming $naming, Joli\JoliCi\BuildStrategy\BuildStrategyInterface $strategy, Joli\JoliCi\Filesystem\Filesystem $filesystem, string $buildPath )
clean ( string $projectPath, integer $keep = 1, boolean $force = false ) Clean containers, images and directory from a project
cleanContainers ( Joli\JoliCi\Job[] $jobs = [] ) Clean images for given builds
cleanDirectories ( Joli\JoliCi\Job[] $jobs = [] ) Clean directories for given builds
cleanImages ( Joli\JoliCi\Job[] $jobs = [], boolean $force = false ) Clean images for given builds
getJobsToRemove ( string $projectPath, integer $keep = 1 ) : Joli\JoliCi\Job[] Get all jobs to remove given a project and how many versions to keep

보호된 메소드들

메소드 설명
getJobFromImage ( Docker\API\Model\ImageItem $image, $imageName, string $strategy, string $project ) : Joli\JoliCi\Job Create a job from a docker image
getJobs ( string $projectPath ) : Joli\JoliCi\Job[] Get all jobs related to a project

메소드 상세

__construct() 공개 메소드

public __construct ( Docker\Docker $docker, Joli\JoliCi\Naming $naming, Joli\JoliCi\BuildStrategy\BuildStrategyInterface $strategy, Joli\JoliCi\Filesystem\Filesystem $filesystem, string $buildPath )
$docker Docker\Docker Docker API Client
$naming Joli\JoliCi\Naming Naming service
$strategy Joli\JoliCi\BuildStrategy\BuildStrategyInterface Strategy used to create builds
$filesystem Joli\JoliCi\Filesystem\Filesystem Filesystem service
$buildPath string Directory where builds are created

clean() 공개 메소드

Clean containers, images and directory from a project
public clean ( string $projectPath, integer $keep = 1, boolean $force = false )
$projectPath string Location of the project
$keep integer How many versions does we need to keep (1 is the default in order to have cache for each test)
$force boolean Force removal for images

cleanContainers() 공개 메소드

Clean images for given builds
public cleanContainers ( Joli\JoliCi\Job[] $jobs = [] )
$jobs Joli\JoliCi\Job[] A list of jobs to remove images from

cleanDirectories() 공개 메소드

Clean directories for given builds
public cleanDirectories ( Joli\JoliCi\Job[] $jobs = [] )
$jobs Joli\JoliCi\Job[] A list of jobs to remove images from

cleanImages() 공개 메소드

Clean images for given builds
public cleanImages ( Joli\JoliCi\Job[] $jobs = [], boolean $force = false )
$jobs Joli\JoliCi\Job[] A list of jobs to remove images from
$force boolean Force removal for images

getJobFromImage() 보호된 메소드

Create a job from a docker image
protected getJobFromImage ( Docker\API\Model\ImageItem $image, $imageName, string $strategy, string $project ) : Joli\JoliCi\Job
$image Docker\API\Model\ImageItem
$strategy string
$project string
리턴 Joli\JoliCi\Job

getJobs() 보호된 메소드

Get all jobs related to a project
protected getJobs ( string $projectPath ) : Joli\JoliCi\Job[]
$projectPath string Directory where the project is
리턴 Joli\JoliCi\Job[]

getJobsToRemove() 공개 메소드

Get all jobs to remove given a project and how many versions to keep
public getJobsToRemove ( string $projectPath, integer $keep = 1 ) : Joli\JoliCi\Job[]
$projectPath string The project path
$keep integer Number of project to keep
리턴 Joli\JoliCi\Job[] A list of jobs to remove