PHP 클래스 lithium\net\http\Router

Using Route objects, these two operations can be handled in a reciprocally consistent way. For example, if you wanted the /login URL to be routed to myapp\controllers\SessionsController::add(), you could set up a route like the following in config/routes.php: {{{ use lithium\net\http\Router; Router::connect('/login', array('controller' => 'Sessions', 'action' => 'add')); -- or -- Router::connect('/login', 'Sessions::add'); }}} Not only would that correctly route all requests for /login to SessionsController::add(), but any time the framework generated a route with matching parameters, Router would return the correct short URL. While most framework components that work with URLs (and utilize routing) handle calling the Router directly (i.e. controllers doing redirects, or helpers generating links), if you have a scenario where you need to call the Router directly, you can use the match() method. This allows you to keep your application's URL structure nicely decoupled from the underlying software design. For more information on parsing and generating URLs, see the parse() and match() methods.
상속: extends lithium\core\StaticObject
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: unionofrad/lithium 1 사용 예제들

보호된 프로퍼티들

프로퍼티 타입 설명
$_classes array Classes used by Router.
$_configurations array An array of loaded Route objects used to match Request objects against.
$_formatters array An array of named closures matching up to corresponding route parameter values. Used to format those values.
$_modifiers array Array of closures used to format route parameters when parsing URLs.
$_scope string If is set to true, the scope of the user's request will be used. saved
$_scopes Contain the configuration of scopes.
$_unicode Flag for generating Unicode-capable routes. Turn this off if you don't need it, or if you're using a broken OS distribution (i.e. CentOS).

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
attach ( $name, $config = null, array $vars = [] ) Attach a scope to a mount point.
attached ( $name = null, array $vars = [] ) : mixed Returns an attached mount point configuration.
config ( array $config = [] ) : array Modify Router configuration settings and dependencies.
connect ( string | object $template, array | string $params = [], array | callable $options = [] ) : array Connects a new route and returns the current routes array. This method creates a new Route object and registers it with the Router. The order in which routes are connected matters, since the order of precedence is taken into account in parsing and matching operations.
formatters ( array $formatters = [] ) : array Used to get or set an array of named formatter closures, which are used to format route parameters when generating URLs. For example, for controller/action parameters to be dashed instead of underscored or camelBacked, you could do the following:
get ( integer $route = null, string | boolean $scope = null ) : object | array | null Returns one or multiple connected routes.
match ( array | string $url = [], Request $context = null, array $options = [] ) : string Attempts to match an array of route parameters (i.e. 'controller', 'action', etc.) against a connected Route object. For example, given the following route:
modifiers ( array $modifiers = [] ) : array Used to get or set an array of named formatter closures, which are used to format route parameters when parsing URLs. For example, the following would match a posts/index url to a PostsController::indexAction() method.
parse ( object $request ) : array Accepts an instance of lithium\action\Request (or a subclass) and matches it against each route, in the order that the routes are connected.
process ( Request $request ) : Request Wrapper method which takes a Request object, parses it through all attached Route objects, assigns the resulting parameters to the Request object, and returns it.
reset ( ) Resets the Router to its default state, unloading all routes.
scope ( string $name = null, Closure $closure = null ) : mixed Scope getter/setter.

보호된 메소드들

메소드 설명
_compileScope ( array $config ) : array Compiles the scope into regular expression patterns for matching against request URLs
_compileStack ( $stack )
_formatError ( $url )
_initScopes ( ) Initialize static::$_scopes with a lithium\core\Configuration instance.
_matchOptions ( string | array &$url, Request $context, array $options ) : array Initialize options for Router::match().
_parseController ( array $params )
_parseScope ( string $name, string $request ) : mixed Return the unscoped url to route.
_parseString ( string $path, boolean $context, array $options = [] ) : array Helper function for taking a path string and parsing it into a controller and action array.
_persist ( array $url, Request $context ) : array Copies persistent parameters (parameters in the request which have been designated to persist) to the current URL, unless the parameter has been explicitly disabled from persisting by setting the value in the URL to null, or by assigning some other value.
_prefix ( string $path, object $context = null, array $options = [] ) : string Returns the prefix (scheme + hostname) for a URL based on the passed $options and the $context.
_prepareParams ( array | string $url, Request $context, array $options ) : array | string Prepares URL parameters for matching. Detects and Passes through un-routed URL strings, leaving them untouched.

메소드 상세

_compileScope() 보호된 정적인 메소드

Compiles the scope into regular expression patterns for matching against request URLs
protected static _compileScope ( array $config ) : array
$config array Array of settings.
리턴 array Returns the complied settings.

_compileStack() 보호된 정적인 메소드

protected static _compileStack ( $stack )

_formatError() 보호된 정적인 메소드

protected static _formatError ( $url )

_initScopes() 보호된 정적인 메소드

Initialize static::$_scopes with a lithium\core\Configuration instance.
protected static _initScopes ( )

_matchOptions() 보호된 정적인 메소드

Initialize options for Router::match().
protected static _matchOptions ( string | array &$url, Request $context, array $options ) : array
$url string | array Options to match to a URL. Optionally, this can be a string containing a manually generated URL.
$context lithium\action\Request
$options array Options for the generation of the matched URL.
리턴 array The initialized options.

_parseController() 보호된 정적인 메소드

protected static _parseController ( array $params )
$params array

_parseScope() 보호된 정적인 메소드

Return the unscoped url to route.
protected static _parseScope ( string $name, string $request ) : mixed
$name string Scope name.
$request string A `lithium\action\Request` instance .
리턴 mixed The url to route, or `false` if the request doesn't match the scope.

_parseString() 보호된 정적인 메소드

Helper function for taking a path string and parsing it into a controller and action array.
protected static _parseString ( string $path, boolean $context, array $options = [] ) : array
$path string Path string to parse i.e. `li3_bot.Logs::index` or `Posts::index`.
$context boolean
$options array
리턴 array

_persist() 보호된 정적인 메소드

For example: embed:lithium\tests\cases\net\http\RouterTest::testParameterPersistence(1-10)
또한 보기: lithium\action\Request::$persist
protected static _persist ( array $url, Request $context ) : array
$url array The parameters that define the URL to be matched.
$context lithium\action\Request A request object, which contains a `$persist` property, which is an array of keys to be persisted in URLs between requests.
리턴 array Returns the modified URL array.

_prefix() 보호된 정적인 메소드

Returns the prefix (scheme + hostname) for a URL based on the passed $options and the $context.
protected static _prefix ( string $path, object $context = null, array $options = [] ) : string
$path string The URL to be prefixed.
$context object The request context.
$options array Options for generating the proper prefix. Currently accepted values are: `'absolute' => true|false`, `'host' => string` and `'scheme' => string`.
리턴 string The prefixed URL, depending on the passed options.

_prepareParams() 보호된 정적인 메소드

Will not attempt to parse strings as shorthand parameters but instead interpret them as normal, non-routed URLs when they are prefixed with a known scheme.
protected static _prepareParams ( array | string $url, Request $context, array $options ) : array | string
$url array | string An array of parameters, shorthand parameter string or URL string.
$context lithium\action\Request
$options array
리턴 array | string Depending on the type of $url either a string or an array.

attach() 공개 정적인 메소드

Example 1: Router::attach('app', array( 'absolute' => true, 'host' => 'localhost', 'scheme' => 'http://', 'prefix' => 'web/tests' )); Example 2: Router::attach('app', array( 'absolute' => true, 'host' => '{:subdomain:[a-z]+}.{:hostname}.{:tld}', 'scheme' => '{:scheme:https://}', 'prefix' => '' )); Attach the variables to populate for the app scope. Router::attach('app', null, array( 'subdomain' => 'www', 'hostname' => 'li3', 'tld' => 'me' ));
public static attach ( $name, $config = null, array $vars = [] )
$vars array

attached() 공개 정적인 메소드

Example: Router::attach('app', array( 'absolute' => true, 'host' => '{:subdomain:[a-z]+}.{:hostname}.{:tld}', 'scheme' => '{:scheme:https://}', 'prefix' => '' )); $result = Router::attached('app', array( 'subdomain' => 'app', 'hostname' => 'blog', 'tld' => '' )); Will give the following array in $result: array( 'absolute' => true, 'host' => '', 'scheme' => 'http://', 'prefix' => '' ));
public static attached ( $name = null, array $vars = [] ) : mixed
$vars array
리턴 mixed The settings array of the scope or an array of settings array if `$name === null`.

config() 공개 정적인 메소드

Modify Router configuration settings and dependencies.
public static config ( array $config = [] ) : array
$config array Optional array to override configuration. Acceptable keys are `'classes'` and `'unicode'`.
리턴 array Returns the current configuration settings.

connect() 공개 정적인 메소드

A callable can be passed in place of $options. In this case the callable acts as a *route handler*. Route handlers should return an instance of lithium\net\http\Response and can be used to short-circuit the framework's lookup and invocation of controller actions: Router::connect('/photos/{:id:[0-9]+}.jpg', array(), function($request) { return new Response(array( 'headers' => array('Content-type' => 'image/jpeg'), 'body' => Photos::first($request->id)->bytes() )); });
또한 보기: lithium\net\http\Route
또한 보기: lithium\net\http\Route::$_handler
또한 보기: lithium\net\http\Router::parse()
또한 보기: lithium\net\http\Router::match()
또한 보기: lithium\net\http\Router::_parseString()
또한 보기: lithium\net\http\Response
public static connect ( string | object $template, array | string $params = [], array | callable $options = [] ) : array
$template string | object An empty string, a route string `/` or an instance of `lithium\net\http\Route`.
$params array | string An array describing the default or required elements of the route or alternatively a path string i.e. `Posts::index`.
$options array | callable Either an array of options (`'handler'`, `'formatters'`, `'modifiers'`, `'unicode'` as well as any options for `Route`) or a callable that will be used as a route handler.
리턴 array Array of routes

formatters() 공개 정적인 메소드

use lithium\util\Inflector; Router::formatters(array( 'controller' => function($value) { return Inflector::slug($value); }, 'action' => function($value) { return Inflector::slug($value); } )); _Note_: Because formatters are copied to Route objects on an individual basis, make sure you append custom formatters _before_ connecting new routes.
public static formatters ( array $formatters = [] ) : array
$formatters array An array of named formatter closures to append to (or overwrite) the existing list.
리턴 array Returns the formatters array.

get() 공개 정적인 메소드

A specific route can be retrived by providing its index. All connected routes inside all scopes may be retrieved by providing null instead of the route index. To retrieve all routes for the current scope only, pass true for the $scope parameter.
public static get ( integer $route = null, string | boolean $scope = null ) : object | array | null
$route integer Index of the route.
$scope string | boolean Name of the scope to get routes from. Uses default scope if `true`.
리턴 object | array | null If $route is an integer, returns the route object at given index or if that fails returns `null`. If $route is `null` returns an array of routes or scopes with their respective routes depending on the value of $scope.

match() 공개 정적인 메소드

Router::connect('/login', array('controller' => 'users', 'action' => 'login')); This will match: $url = Router::match(array('controller' => 'users', 'action' => 'login')); returns /login For URLs templates with no insert parameters (i.e. elements like {:id} that are replaced with a value), all parameters must match exactly as they appear in the route parameters. Alternatively to using a full array, you can specify routes using a more compact syntax. The above example can be written as: $url = Router::match('Users::login'); // still returns /login You can combine this with more complicated routes; for example: Router::connect('/posts/{:id:\d+}', array('controller' => 'posts', 'action' => 'view')); This will match: $url = Router::match(array('controller' => 'posts', 'action' => 'view', 'id' => '1138')); returns /posts/1138 Again, you can specify the same URL with a more compact syntax, as in the following: $url = Router::match(array('Posts::view', 'id' => '1138')); again, returns /posts/1138 You can use either syntax anywhere an URL is accepted, i.e. when redirecting or creating links using the Html helper.
또한 보기: lithium\action\Controller::redirect()
또한 보기: lithium\template\helper\Html::link()
public static match ( array | string $url = [], Request $context = null, array $options = [] ) : string
$url array | string An array of parameters to match, or paremeters in their shorthand form (i.e. `'Posts::view'`). Also takes non-routed, manually generated URL strings.
$context lithium\action\Request This supplies the context for any persistent parameters, as well as the base URL for the application.
$options array Options for the generation of the matched URL. Currently accepted values are: - `'absolute'` _boolean_: Indicates whether or not the returned URL should be an absolute path (i.e. including scheme and host name). - `'host'` _string_: If `'absolute'` is `true`, sets the host name to be used, or overrides the one provided in `$context`. - `'scheme'` _string_: If `'absolute'` is `true`, sets the URL scheme to be used, or overrides the one provided in `$context`. - `'scope'` _string_: Optionnal scope name.
리턴 string Returns a generated URL, based on the URL template of the matched route, and prefixed with the base URL of the application.

modifiers() 공개 정적인 메소드

use lithium\util\Inflector; Router::modifiers(array( 'controller' => function($value) { return Inflector::camelize($value); }, 'action' => function($value) { return Inflector::camelize($value) . 'Action'; } )); _Note_: Because modifiers are copied to Route objects on an individual basis, make sure you append your custom modifiers _before_ connecting new routes.
public static modifiers ( array $modifiers = [] ) : array
$modifiers array An array of named formatter closures to append to (or overwrite) the existing list.
리턴 array Returns the formatters array.

parse() 공개 정적인 메소드

If a route match the request, lithium\net\http\Router::_scope will be updated according the scope membership of the route
또한 보기: lithium\action\Request
또한 보기: lithium\net\http\Router::connect()
public static parse ( object $request ) : array
$request object A request object containing URL and environment data.
리턴 array Returns an array of parameters specifying how the given request should be routed. The keys returned depend on the `Route` object that was matched, but typically include `'controller'` and `'action'` keys.

process() 공개 정적인 메소드

Wrapper method which takes a Request object, parses it through all attached Route objects, assigns the resulting parameters to the Request object, and returns it.
public static process ( Request $request ) : Request
$request lithium\action\Request
리턴 lithium\action\Request Returns a copy of the request with parameters applied.

reset() 공개 정적인 메소드

Resets the Router to its default state, unloading all routes.
public static reset ( )

scope() 공개 정적인 메소드

Special use case: If $closure is not null executing the closure inside the specified scope.
public static scope ( string $name = null, Closure $closure = null ) : mixed
$name string Name of the scope to use.
$closure Closure A closure to execute inside the scope.
리턴 mixed Returns the previous scope if if `$name` is not null and `$closure` is null, returns the default used scope if `$name` is null, otherwise returns `null`.

프로퍼티 상세

$_classes 보호되어 있는 정적으로 프로퍼티

Classes used by Router.
protected static array $_classes
리턴 array

$_configurations 보호되어 있는 정적으로 프로퍼티

An array of loaded Route objects used to match Request objects against.
또한 보기: lithium\net\http\Route
protected static array $_configurations
리턴 array

$_formatters 보호되어 있는 정적으로 프로퍼티

An array of named closures matching up to corresponding route parameter values. Used to format those values.
또한 보기: lithium\net\http\Router::formatters()
protected static array $_formatters
리턴 array

$_modifiers 보호되어 있는 정적으로 프로퍼티

Array of closures used to format route parameters when parsing URLs.
또한 보기: lithium\net\http\Router::modifiers()
protected static array $_modifiers
리턴 array

$_scope 보호되어 있는 정적으로 프로퍼티

If is set to true, the scope of the user's request will be used. saved
또한 보기: lithium\net\http\Router::scope()
protected static string $_scope
리턴 string

$_scopes 보호되어 있는 정적으로 프로퍼티

Contain the configuration of scopes.
protected static $_scopes

$_unicode 보호되어 있는 정적으로 프로퍼티

Flag for generating Unicode-capable routes. Turn this off if you don't need it, or if you're using a broken OS distribution (i.e. CentOS).
protected static $_unicode